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“I do well enough.” She lifted her gaze to his. “Where are you from, Jed?”


“And what brings you here to start a business?”

“I like the beach and the ocean.”

“There’s a beach and ocean in Texas.”

He glanced outside, where the clear blue sky met the impossibly cerulean ocean. “Not with water this color and weather like this year round. It’s amazing.”

“It is, isn’t it? That’s why I wanted my shop here instead of in town. I wanted to spend my days being able to look over the water. I live above the shop, too, so I take whatever breaks I can and go sit on the balcony and watch the waves. It’s the most calming thing.”

“Better than any tranquilizer, I imagine.”

“Ocean waves are tranquilizing. They bring a peace you can’t find anywhere else. And after work I can run along the sand, or play in the water.” She realized she’d been staring out at the ocean so she dragged herself back to his face—he’d been watching her. “Sorry. Obviously the ocean and I have a love affair going.”

His lips lifted. “No, I understand. And I’ll take the mermaid.”

“Good choice. And welcome to the beach, Jed.”

“Can you have it delivered? Obviously I can’t strap her to the back of my bike.”

“Of course. Just give me your address and I’ll have her sent to you at your convenience.”

They did the paperwork and Elena arranged to have the art sent to Jed’s condo the next day.

She hadn’t realized how much time they’d spent together until shadows began to fall over the water and the crowds began to thin. She’d tuned everything and everyone out but him.

“How about dinner tonight?”

She lifted her head up from the credit card slip she’d shoved into the cash register.

“Excuse me?”

“You close soon, right?”


“Have dinner

with me.”

“Oh, I don’t think—”

“Are you married?”


“Seeing someone?”


“Then have dinner with me. I’d like to get to know you. I liked talking to you, and I don’t really know anyone here. You can tell me all about your city.”

She had no reason to say no, and every reason to say no. But she didn’t really want to. “All right.”

“I’ll pick you up at eight. You like to ride?”

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