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She’d never felt more idiotic in her life.

She never trusted strangers, wasn’t easy around people she didn’t know. She wasn’t her mother, didn’t give blind faith to everyone like her mom did. But she’d sure as hell acted like her by giving her body and her trust over to Jed.

And look where it had gotten her.

They finally broke through the jungle. A thick stone wall surrounded them.

The compound. She swallowed, some part of her knowing once she walked through those gates, she wouldn’t be able to get out.

Grange pulled a remote out of his pocket, pressed the button, and oversized double gates slowly opened. She walked through, then stopped to stare at the sheer size of the building they were heading toward. “Compound” seemed appropriate, though for some reason she had expected to see an austere, prison-like building, when instead it was a mansion.

They must have landed on the back side of the island, because she hadn’t seen this when they arrived.

Lush greenery, beautiful walkways, an amazing pool that wound its way through the property and a waterfall at the edge of the pool. The house—if one could call it a house—was magnificent. Tall white archways, marble entrances and flooring, winding staircases, it was like a castle, with a mix of modern. She walked through with awe at the classic cherry wood dining table, then was struck dumb at the ultraexpensive marble layered throughout the expansive kitchen.

“I’m sure you’re thirsty,” Grange said as he leaned against the kitchen counter. “Coffee, something cool to drink?”

“Coffee, please.”

She waited for a bevy of servants to come running, but Grange made the coffee himself.

“Is this your place?” she asked.

“No. It belongs to a friend. He’s on a conference call right now. He’ll be joining us shortly.”

“So he lives here. By himself?”

Grange handed her the coffee. “Cream? Sugar?”

“Just cream.”

He opened the refrigerator, grabbed a carton of cream, and handed it to her. Very understated for a place so elegant. She poured some and put it back in the refrigerator.

“Take a seat. We’ll wait for Pete.”

She sipped the coffee and nearly died. Whatever kind it was, it was heavenly to her sleep-starved and stressed-out body, so she focused on it instead of Grange and Jed, who huddled together just out of earshot for a few minutes before coming back in to sit across from her, staring at her as if she were some lab animal they intended to dissect after breakfast.

“Hungry?” Grange asked.

She shook her head.

“Sorry I’m late. Overseas call and I have to be on their time zone.”

She looked up as a man entered the room. Dressed in khaki shorts and a flowered, button-down shirt, he was tanned, with a shock of white hair. Mid-fifties would be her guess.

“Elena Madison, this is Pete Northram, a friend of mine.”

Elena nodded. Pete came over to shake her hand. “Miss Madison. So happy to have you as my guest.”

So this was his place. “Guest, or prisoner?”

Pete frowned and looked at Grange. “She doesn’t know why she’s here.”

He turned his attention back to her. “I assure you, Miss Madison. You are not a prisoner here. You’re welcome to roam the house and the grounds. Make yourself at home.”

She leaned back in the chair and wrapped her hands around the mug of coffee. “I kind of liked my house.”

“You weren’t safe there,” Jed interjected. “Or maybe you forgot about the guy who broke in last night. The one with the gun.”

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