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Lights out.

“Oh my God,” she whispered, staring down at Raeg, then at Falcon’s incredulous expression. “Oh my God … Daddy?” She turned to her father in disbelief. “What have you done?”

He snorted at the question as she gripped his arm desperately.

“Taught him a manner or two I hope,” he informed her, satisfaction filling his expression as well as his voice. “He’ll live.” He grinned down at her. “Your momma surely has breakfast on the table by now, sweetheart,” he declared jovially. “Ya’ll come in. He’ll rest just fine there for a minute.” He gave Falcon a firm look. “Come on, son, don’t baby him now, you’ll undo all my fine work here if you do. Get in the house with Summer.” He urged her toward the door. “Go on now. Get.”

And in she went, she assured herself, simply because she was in shock. But that didn’t explain why Falcon gave his brother a long, thoughtful look before following her.

This was not going to be good.

Still in shock, she looked up at Falcon, met his laughing gaze, and knew it was going to be bad. Really, really bad.

“He’ll leave

,” she whispered.

Falcon bent his head to hers. “I’ll call Lucien Connor if he leaves. That will bring him back quickly, I promise.”

She could only shake her head and let him lead her to the table where her family as well as Caleb’s foreman and several ranch hands waited patiently, amusement filling all their faces. Bowe and Brody were choking on their laughter.

This was so horrible. It was simply horrible.

Her momma waited in her seat opposite her daddy’s, her expression serene, as Summer stared back at her desperately.

This just wasn’t good at all …

* * *

He’d be damned if he was going to let that old bastard run him off. And he damned sure wasn’t going to be shamed from Summer’s side.

Thankfully though, he didn’t come to in time for breakfast. Hell, he still hadn’t figured out what half of what he was eating, actually was. Or how to eat it.

Sitting on the porch steps, Raeg worked his jaw gingerly. The bastard damned sure packed a punch. Then again, the former Delta Force commander had been known for his punches.

Still battling the gremlins playing bury-the-axe in his brain, Raeg tensed further at the sound of the front door opening.

The subtle spice of her scent was like a balm to his senses. The coffee she placed next to him almost brought a groan from his chest.

“Thanks,” he muttered, picking up the cup and lifting it to his lips.

He swore the first sip was ambrosia.

“You’re welcome.” Lowering herself to sit on the step below him, she turned sideways and smoothed the tea-length skirt of her sundress over her knees.

Four-inch heels graced her small feet, making them look even tinier while making her legs look a mile long.

“Ready to go home?” he asked, feeling the coffee sinking inside his senses.

He might be able to walk now.

“Everyone’s still on the back porch discussin’ politics or somethin’. Falcon said he’d be out in a bit though.”

She clasped her hands together and propped them on her knees. Violet eyes stared back at him, those thick, black lashes making her eyes appear more mysterious and exotic when combined with the shadowed emotions he could glimpse behind them.

The long, thick waves and curls of her hair flowed down her back, almost to her waist. She’d pulled it back from the front of her face and secured it with a jeweled clip at the crown of her head.

Damn her.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic