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“Get breakfast, woman,” he chided her with a hint of amusement. “Summer and I are just gonna chat a minute.”

Her momma shook her finger at him warningly before turning and walking back into the house.

Summer remained still and silent, only moving when her father handed her a mug.

“Thank you, Daddy,” she murmured. She sat the coffee carefully on the table next to her and returned to her previous position.

Her daddy watched her for long moments before shaking his head. She couldn’t figure out what he was trying to do though. It wasn’t disappointment in his face, and he wasn’t curious. It was like he wanted something and she had no idea what he could want that would require him ordering her to sit and talk as he had when she was a child.

“You’re a grown woman, Summer Dawn…”

“Yes, Daddy, I am.” She met his gaze squarely, remaining respectful but in no way admitting to anything. She wasn’t eight anymore, and there were things her daddy simply couldn’t demand of her any longer.

“Girl, you’re home now,” he reminded her, his voice and his expression remaining stern. “This ain’t DC and it ain’t Moscow or wherever else you’ve been. This is where people know you best, and I won’t have gossip about you. Your brothers can stay in that house with you, those young men can come here and stay, or they can stay at Caleb’s—”

“No, Daddy,” she said firmly. She so did not like the way this conversation was going.

“Then you can—”

“No, Daddy,” she repeated in the same tone, determined to remain firm now.

His deep blue eyes narrowed on her warningly. “Summer, this arrangement is unacceptable.” For all its softness, his tone was a stern, unyielding demand. “You should know better than this.”

Yes, she should.

Come to think of it, she did.

“Very well.” She nodded abruptly, narrowing her eyes back at her father. “When this is over and I have the option of le

aving, I’ll give the house to Caleb and find a place closer to Atlanta,” she informed him. “But, until this is finished and I know ya’ll are safe, then things will remain as they are.”

She’d actually expected this the day after their arrival. It wouldn’t have hurt near as bad then.

“Summer, girl, think of what you’re doin’,” he demanded though his voice was gentle. “I’m not sayin’ they’re not good men. Davis Allen assures me they are, even that Raeg. But I know now the things my old friend refused to mention—”

She tried to stop him. “Daddy—”

“Men that allow other men, especially their brothers, the liberties of touchin’ their women can’t love themselves or their woman.”

Liberties? Oh. My. God. He was going to try to discuss her sex life?

She was going to lose her ever-lovin’ mind. She could not handle this.

Summer jumped to her feet.

Outrage and sheer disbelief vied with the ultimate embarrassment. This was not a discussion she could have with him, not even in a million and one years.

“I am so not discussin’ this with you,” she burst out, horrified.

Her daddy hadn’t even mentioned the birds and the bees back when she’d started dating. Daddy did not mention such things in front of his daughters.

“Girl, you sit back down there,” he demanded, his expression fierce as he pointed to the chair. “Right now.”

No way in hell. She absolutely could not sit back down there and listen to this. She’d burn alive with mortification.

“Daddy, I love you and I respect you tremendously…” She wrung her hands, certain she was going to burn in hell now that her daddy had to attempt such a conversation with her.

“Then act like it,” he barked, glowering back at her. “And listen to me. Certain liberties, proper young ladies don’t allow—”

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic