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This time they would get him. Mac wiped his hands down his face before rising to his feet and shucking his jeans. The rest of the night would be quiet, he could feel it. He was exhausted and Jethro was awake now.

“Give me two hours,” he told his partner as he crawled into the bed and dragged Keiley into his arms.

She muttered sleepily but cuddled against his chest like a sleepy little kitten and drifted off once again.

“I’ll sleep in the morning,” Jethro told him quietly as he moved from the bed. “Go ahead and rest, man. You’re the one who’s been out of the game for three years. Not me. ”

There was an edge of amusement to Jethro’s voice that had a grin tugging at Mac’s lips. Yes, he had been out of the game, but he wasn’t nearly as rusty as Jethro was accusing him of being.

“I can still kick your ass,” Mac assured him.

Jethro stretched lazily. “Expect to back up that claim, my friend, because this week we’ll be sparring. ”

Mac grinned as he settled deeper into the pillows, his arms holding, sheltering Keiley as he drifted off to sleep. He trusted Jethro to watch his back. But even more, he was starting to realize that he trusted Jethro to watch his wife’s back, which was infinitely more important.


The next morning, towel wrapped around her and fresh from the shower, Keiley left Jethro’s bathroom with every intention of going to her own before dressing.

Her essentials were in her bathroom, her lotions and scents and the light makeup she wore through the day. But the minute she walked out of the bathroom, she knew she wasn’t going anywhere for a while.

She faced the two men who had broken through barriers she hadn’t known she had last night. Men who had touched her with a passion and hunger she hadn’t expected, then protected her through the night with a dedication that had left her shaken.

She stared at her husband as he slowly pulled the dark t-shirt from his body, revealing the finely sculpted muscles of his chest with the light scattering of black hair across it.

On the other side of the bed, Jethro followed suit. He wasn’t as heavily muscled as Mac, but the mat of hair was a little thicker, his hard body leanly muscled and compact.

A scar she hadn’t noticed the night before ran from his chest to his abs. The wicked mark against the darkly tanned flesh reminded her of the dangerous career he and Mac had chosen.

Flicking her gaze between them, her hands knotted on the towel covering her as she cleared her throat with a hint of hesitation.

“I’m a little sore,” she said breathlessly, her rear clenching at the slight ache that had been left from last night’s excess.

“There are other ways. ” Mac’s voice was low, but nothing could disguise the hunger in it. It lent a rough edge to his tone, a dominant strength that had a tremor racing down her spine.

Her gaze moved to Jethro. He had held her as she slept, she knew. She remembered drifting awake several times to feel his arms around her, to smell his scent enveloping her.

“This sort of relationship is all about trust, Kei,” Jethro said then, moving closer, his blue eyes heavy-lidded. “There are no recriminations and there never will be. No guilt. No pressure. If you want to call a halt, then all you have to do is say the word. ”

“And if I say the word?” she asked curiously.

“Then I back off. ” He shrugged as he moved slowly around her, stopping as he stood at her back. “It’s that simple. And when you’re ready again, all you have to do is say so. ”

She stared back at her husband. Jethro might back off, but she could see the flames burning in Mac’s eyes. She was finding that when it came to this particular hunger, he was resolute.

She could see the pleasure in his eyes as Jethro’s hands touched her shoulders. They were calloused, but not as roughly as Mac’s. Still, though, they rasped over her

flesh as he smoothed them over her shoulders and down her arms to her elbows. There he pulled her arms back, forcing her to release the towel and to curl them around his neck instead.

“Damn, you’re beautiful,” Mac growled, watching. Watching as Jethro slowly pulled the towel from her body.

Keiley gasped as the cool air in the room and the heated sensation caused by Mac’s gaze on her suddenly tightened nipples sent a wave of helpless pleasure racing through her.

Mac didn’t move from where he stood, but the lithe flex and rippled of muscle as he shed his sweatpants and revealed the steel-hard erection beneath them was too arousing. His fingers curled around the base, his biceps flexing as he tightened his hand on his cock.

“I want to watch you, Keiley. You and Jethro. I want to watch the pleasure suffuse your face, your body. I want to see what I’m always too dazed by pleasure to watch when I’m taking you. ”

Her eyes widened as Jethro’s hands slid to her waist before flattening on her stomach. Her arms started to fall from his neck.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic