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She grimaced, her lips pursing in defiance.

“Keiley. Don’t push me right now. ”

Her jaw clenched. “Fine. But you better hurry. ”

“Mac, the dog is right by the door,” Jethro informed him. “I’m going to let him in long enough to check him out. ”

Mac turned, watching as Jethro opened the door and clicked to the dog to enter.

Hesitant, watching the room warily, the shepherd mix crouched and slunk into the kitchen. Closing the door, Jethro ran his hands carefully over the dog’s large body, checking for wounds or any sign of pain.

“He’s fine. ” Jethro opened the door.

Pappy had no intentions of leaving as easily as he had entered, though. Whining, he crouched again and pushed himself further into the room.

“Let him stay,” Keiley ordered them both. Her voice wasn’t pleading and she wasn’t asking. It was a demand.

Mac stared at the

animal. Sure as hell if he let it stay in the house tonight he would never get it back out of the house.


“Forget it, Mac. I’m not leaving Pappy out there for some crazy idiot to take potshots at. He’s staying in the house. ”

The dog disappeared under the table, his head showing up on Keiley’s lap as he whined again, his brown eyes adoring.

“Hell. ”

“Live with it,” she whispered. “I won’t let him get hurt. ”

“All right, he stays in the house. ”

He glanced at Jethro wryly as Keiley opened the pizza box and slipped the dog a slice of pepperoni, mushroom, and double cheese.

“And stays, and stays, and stays. ” Jethro grinned as he locked the door and dragged a chair from the table before pulling another slice of the pizza free and pushed it to Keiley. “Now you eat. And don’t argue. ” He held his finger up as she started to do just that. “Eat or I’ll personally escort that mutt into the garage and lock him up there. Unlike Mac, it doesn’t break my heart when you don’t get your way. ”

Her eyes narrowed. “I am not spoiled. ”

“Of course you are, sugar. ” He grinned, causing Mac to stifle his laughter. “He has you spoiled worse than a Christmas puppy, and that’s how he loves you best. But not me. ” He leaned back in his chair lazily. “I’m a hardass. I can take the heat. Fight with me all you want, I know how to spank you and make you like it. ”

Mac tensed, but not in anger as he should have. The thought of watching Jethro deliver one of his erotic spankings to Keiley’s rounded little rear was enough to arouse him despite the threat they had just avoided.

“Are you going to let him talk to me like that?” she asked Mac incredulously, turning to stare back at him with narrowed eyes.

Mac couldn’t help but grin. “He can make you come when he spanks you. What do you think?”

“I think you’re both perverts,” she snapped back.

Mac arched his brow in surprise as he pulled a chair from the table and took his own seat. “Are you just figuring that out, sweetheart?”

She stared back at him intently before her gaze shifted to Jethro. Mac saw the thoughtful look in her eyes, the way she focused, as though she were seeing deeper than any of them knew.

“No,” she finally answered, turning back to meet his gaze with a mysterious little smile. “I already knew. ”

And that was a scary thought.

Hours later, Mac sat in the recliner across from the queen-size bed where Jethro held Keiley. There was something oddly intimate about the way his friend had wrapped his body around Keiley after Mac left the bed. Something Mac hadn’t noticed before with the other women they had spent the night with.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic