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He washed her thoroughly, even going so far as to ignore the blush that seemed to blaze across her enter body when he nudged the sponge between her thighs.

As he cleaned her, Jethro watched the languorous pleasure that suffused her, the drowsy sensuality that began to bloom on her cheeks once again.

After rinsing her, he stepped back, glancing at Mac as he leaned against the doorframe, staring at her with a gentle quirk of a smile and an expression that Jethro had never seen him use with anyone but Keiley.

“Come on, princess. ” Mac grabbed the towel before Jethro could reach it and moved for the tub. “Let’s get you dressed before that pizza arrives. ”

Jethro moved back, watching as Mac drew his wife from the tub and wrapped the towel around her body. He dried her slowly, peppering kisses over her shoulders as she leaned into him, clearly luxuriating in her husband’s touch.

Her husband. She belonged to another man, and he couldn’t forget that. He didn’t want to change that, but he had to consciously force himself to remember it.

Her soft laughter as Mac lifted her into his arms and carried her out of the bathroom stroked over his senses. It melted something hard and tight inside his heart and chipped away at the shield that guarded his soul.

“Come on, Jethro, pizza will be here soon,” Mac called out. “I’d prefer we be dressed and at least pretending to be decent when they arrive. ”

Hell. Small-town life. Mac should have kept his ass in Virginia. Now Jethro was going to have to get up close and personal with the demented and country-loving inhabitants of this small town to find out where the rumors against Keiley were originating. And he would find out.

Something dark and vengeful flared within him then. He’d be damned if he would let some petty, jealous witch strike out at her in this way. Delia Staten wanted Mac; he had learned that much earlier in the day. Even now, fifteen years later, lust and hatred drove her.

Mac had told him about her and various other members of this fine community. How they had stood aside and kept silent whenever old man McCoy had beat the shit out of his son and publicly humiliated his wife. How they had gossiped and made Mac’s mother’s life more of a hell than it already was.

How Mac had found it within him to return here, to be sociable and polite to these damned people, amazed him.

Shaking his head, he moved from the bathroom and through the bedroom. From the corner of his eye he could see Mac dressing Keiley. Drawing another pair of those loose pants over her legs, kissing her stomach as he pulled the elastic band just over her hip bones.

The intimacy that connected the two had his teeth gritting in a hunger that had nothing to do with lust and everything to do with a threat to his soul.

Naked, aroused, he moved through the hallway to his own room, coming to a hard, abrupt stop at a whisper of sound from below.

Jethro eased back into the shadows of the hall, staring down the stairs with narrowed eyes. There it was again, almost not there, like the slide of displaced air over a sinister whisper.

He eased back the way he had come, moving quickly back to the bedroom and giving Mac a hard, warning glance as his friend’s gaze jerked suddenly to him.

Mac clamped his hand over Keiley’s lips as she began to utter a surprised question. Jethro was jerking a pair of pants from Mac’s closet, dragging them over his legs even as he gave Mac a quick hand motion for a weapon.

“Stay silent!” Mac mouthed to Keiley, pointing to the corner of the room that would hide her from the doorway.

She eased back, her eyes widening with fear as a tremor shook her frame. They had discussed this, how if trouble ever came, she would make certain Mac wasn’t hindered by her inexperience.

Silently, he jerked a dresser drawer open as Jethro zipped up the jeans and pulled two Glocks free along with the extra clips. The third, a smaller version, he loaded quickly, and strode to where Keiley was hugging the wall. He pressed the weapon in her hand, pointed to the safety, then pointed to the floor. She flattened herself to the carpet.

Rounding back, Mac caught Jethro’s attention and pointed to the door. They moved from the room quickly, weapons at their shoulders, bodies prepared.

It had been three years since he had been with the Bureau, but Mac hadn’t forgotten the chill of danger that he felt racing up his spine.

Following Jethro’s hand signals, they moved to the stairs, Mac covering him as he started down the stairs. He couldn’t hear whatever Jethro had heard, but he could feel it. Someone had invaded his home.

Jethro held up a hand, a finger flicking to the living room where they had just given Keiley the pleasure he had dreamed of giving her.

Mac listened carefully, but all he heard was the ticking of the clock just inside the room and the silence of the dim house.

Jethro was tense, listening as he flattened himself against the wall. His finger curled toward the room, indicating he would go in low and fast. Bracing himself, Mac moved into place on the opposite side of the steps and nodded at Jethro’s quick glance.

Jethro moved fast, throwing himself into the living room before Mac ducked and rolled into the opposite side of the doorway. His weapon came up, his senses alive with the silence that filled the room.

There was nothing but silence. His gaze swept over the dimly lit room. At first, nothing seemed out of place until his gaze speared to the cushioned stool and chair where Keiley had lain.

It had been moved. Her clothes were inches from where they had been, and her panties were missing. White lace that had been wet with her sexy juices.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic