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“Mac. ” She tried to arch in his arms as another scream came out as a whimpering sound of demented pleasure. “He’s—” She tried to swallow. “He’s inside me. ”

“He’s inside you, baby,” he crooned gutturally. “Tight inside you. ”

“Mac. I don’t know—,” she whimpered as she felt both their cocks jerk inside her. “I don’t know if I can survive—”

Her eyes drifted closed as a surge of lust tore through her. She needed them to move. To do something. To ease the burning, gnawing ache for release.

“Look at me, Keiley. ” His voice was strained, growling. “Open your eyes, damn it. Let me see them. ”

She forced her eyes open, tightening, writhing beneath the combined penetrations as she whimpered his name again.

“God, yes,” he muttered savagely “The pleasure in your face, Kei. It’s gorgeous. So damned gorgeous. ”

She could feel his cock throbbing inside her as her rear stretched further, sending hard, agonizing bursts of sensation through her nerve endings.

“Help me,” she gasped, aware that she was clawing his shoulders but unable to pull back. “Please. Please, Mac. ”

His eyes were nearly black, his corded muscles like steel beneath her. She suddenly jerked, shuddered, and felt every inch of Jethro’s cock impaling her.

Keiley wasn’t certain at that point if she could maintain consciousness. Keeping her eyes opened and locked on Mac’s took superhuman effort. Nothing could control the frantic writhing of her body, the internal contractions around the thick intrusions filling her, or the kaleidoscope of sensations racing through her body.

“I love you,” Mac whispered then, his hips flexing, drawing his cock back slowly, then filling her as Jethro retreated slightly from her anus.

Coordinated. Wickedly practiced. The gentle, slow strokes were more destructive for the very fact that they were so well timed, one with the other.

Keiley could do nothing but take the rapturous pleasure exploding through her body now. Each stroke, each thrust, each muttered male groan tore through her with the force of a hard, electrical jolt. She was pinned between them, held, caressed.

Jethro’s lips smoothed over her neck, his teeth raked. Mac’s lips nipped and possessed hers, his tongue licking and penetrating as he forced her to keep her eyes open.

“Don’t close your eyes,” he demanded as they began to drift shut. “Watch me, Keiley. I want to see your eyes. They’re green now, baby. So green I could drown in them. Like the seas. Like emeralds that live and breathe. ”

They were moving harder now, taking her, fucking her with driving thrusts and powerful strokes as they strained beneath and behind her.

“Let go!” Mac suddenly snarled. “By God, you will let go!”

Let go? What was she holding besides her sanity?

But a second later, even that was gone. One hand moved from her hips, cupped her breast, his fingers and thumb gripping her nipple as his lips covered hers and his tongue plunged home.

The heated grip on her nipple speared to her womb. His kiss electrified her as Jethro’s teeth bit into her shoulder, and she exploded. She died in their arms. She hurled through a vast, star-studded sky of racing colors and sensations that tore her free of her body as she felt the hard, fierce thrusts inside her body stroking her faster, flinging her higher into an orgasm she knew she would never recover from.

Her muscles tightened to breaking point, her pussy began to convulse as she tightened on the erection thrusting into her rear and felt the tension in her womb begin to melt with a shattering force.

“Fuck!” Mac’s cry was savage. A second later he tensed beneath her, thrusting harder, the strokes tighter before she exploded again amid the heavy, fierce spurts of liquid fire he began pumping inside her.

Behind her, Jethro growled her name, then he, too, fueled the secondary explosions with his own release. She could feel his cock throbbing fiercely inside the tight channel of her anus, but unlike Mac’s release, the fiery drenching was absent.

It didn’t hamper the final explosion of pleasure that raced through her, or the satiation that began to weave through her. She collapsed in her husband’s arms, boneless, drenched in their combined sweat, and quite happy to leave the effort of peeling her from where she rested in their hands.

Hands that were smoothing her body now, gentling the tremors that still ran through her. Hands that joined, gentle male lips that kissed her face, her shoulders, and her back. Hands that soothed and warmed and eased her into a dreamlike state that Keiley realized she never wanted to leave.


He was fucked. Jethro realized the curious melting sensation inside his chest for what it was as he lifted Keiley’s boneless body into his arms and stepped back from the chair-stool combination they had used.

The rules were always clear. They always had been. He could share in the tender emotions Mac’s women had for him, but he couldn’t possess them. He couldn’t claim a part of their hearts as his own.

Until Keiley, he hadn’t wanted to.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic