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“Is there a point to this line of questioning, Kei?”

She crossed her legs and leaned forward, another of those damned strappy too-snug shirts stretching across her breasts.

“I don’t know, Mac, would I be asking if there weren’t?” she asked dryly, her eyes widened with teasing laughter.

Mac inhaled quickly, drawing in the scent of her, the herbal shampoo, the light fragrance she wore. It was nearly too much for a hungry man to endure.

He leaned forward himself, his gaze narrowing on her.

“Keep it up, and you’re going to get more than you’re bargaining for,” he told her softly. “Is that what you want?”

She settled back with a huff, a flicker of irritation crossing her expression as he lifted his coffee cup to his lips.

“How do you know what I’m bargaining for anyway?” she asked as he sipped the coffee, causing him to nearly burn blisters on his tongue as he took too much of the liquid.

“Because you’re determined to torment the hell out of me,” he growled, setting the coffee down as he glowered over at her. “I’m warning you to stop pushing me like this, Keiley. ”

“What am I doing?” Her voice was filled with offended pride, her gaze narrowing on him with a flare of irritation.

“Tempting me. ” And doing a damned good job of it.

“Tempting you? Me?” Innocent offense shaped her expression now. And it would have been believable if those hazel eyes weren’t gleaming with satisfaction. “I’m your wife, Mac. It’s not like you’re some priest that I’m tempting with my wicked lusts, you know. How am I tempting you?”


being you, damn it,” he growled. “I was restless last night. I got up, smoked a cigarette, and enjoyed the peace for a while. Why should I have to excuse it?”

“Did I ask you to excuse it?”

“That’s exactly what you’re doing. ”

“So why were you out there smoking when you could have been cuddling and having hot, sweaty sex with me? And why is sex in our bed suddenly so abhorrent to you, anyway?”

He knew it. He knew that was what she had in that sharp little mind of hers.

Mac sat back in his chair and regarded her silently for long moments, considering how far he wanted to let this conversation go right now.

“I don’t consider having sex in our bed abhorrent,” he finally answered her. “I thought you were upset over the incident in the barnyard the other day. I thought you needed time to get over it. ”

“To get over having sex with my husband in our barnyard?”

Okay, when put like that, it sounded ridiculous, but he knew what he had seen in her eyes after the passion had receded.

“Deny the fact that you were upset when you realized you were naked in the barnyard and had just finished screaming out your orgasm to the sky,” he accused her. “Deny that you were suddenly terrified that we were seen. That someone would gossip about it. ”

Her eyes flickered with guilt. “It’s not like we have neighbors. ” She tried to blow off the accusation. “No one could have seen us. ”

“And if they had?” He wasn’t willing to let her off the hook now. She was pushing him, daring him too often.

She shrugged. “They didn’t. ”

“No, Keiley, that wasn’t what I asked you. I asked you, what if we had been seen? What if someone was watching?”

He had asked her that as he fucked her. He remembered the arousal that burned hotter inside her, the response that had nearly burned him alive as she climaxed in his arms.

“Well. ” She cleared her throat. “It’s not like we were cheating or something. ”

“And if our neighbors had seen? What would Becky and Bruce Halloway do? Becky would call her sister, who would call her sister-in-law—”

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic