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“Sometimes it’s best to let sleeping animals lie,” he whispered, almost regretting what he knew she was seeing in his face for the first time. “Can you take it, Kei?”

It was a challenge. Challenging was never a good idea, because more often than not she would take the dare and run with it.

Her expression flickered before a smile tugged at her lips.

“Do your worst,” she dared him in return.

Sweet heaven, she had no idea what she was daring him to do. Did she think the dare would end here? In this barnyard?

He pressed against silken lips once again, feeling them enclosed around his flesh as he watched. Drawing back, thrusting in, his erection glistening from the moisture in her mouth. He could feel his muscles tightening from the effort to hold back. Felt the sweat running down his back as he fucked her mouth, slid in and out, feeling her tongue tighten on him, feeling her grow wilder as she realized he had no intention of giving her his release in this way.

He wanted her wild. He wanted her flying. So desperate she was tearing at him. Refusing to obey the simple command to keep her hands on thighs.

And within minutes she was there. The sweet sounds of her suckling mouth were driving him crazy as he felt her trembling fingers snake between his thighs.

He pulled back again, sliding free of her mouth before she followed. His hands tightened in her hair, pulling her back as the other hand caught her wrists and held them tight above her head.

Then he gave her more. Thrusting past her lips until he knew that one more stroke into the liquid heat there would shatter his control.

“Enough. ” His voice was a hard growl, despite his efforts to temper it.

Pulling her to her feet, he caught her as she stumbled, wrapped his arm around her hips, and lifted her to him.

Her legs wrapped around his waist instantly, and his cock found the shelter it was dying for. If he thought her mouth had been hot, then her pussy was pure lava. He couldn’t stop the harsh cry that fell from his lips as the crest of his erection tucked into the honey-slick folds and pressed forward.

Damn, she was tight. Tight and sweet, the tender tissue inside her sex flexed and rippled around him as he began to work his flesh inside her. Stretching to accommodate him, growing hotter, wetter with each stroke until he was seated fully inside.

His balls drew up tight at the feel of her pussy rippling over his cock. The need to thrust heavily inside her was making him crazy. But this, this was so good.

“You’re tight, Keiley. ” He tightened his hold on her as he turned until he could

press her against the side of the tractor, holding her firm as his cock jerked inside her. “Tighter than ever. ”

Her head fell back as her eyes drifted open. Her eyes were wild. Nearly as wild as the desperate attempts to move against him as he held her still.

“Mac, please—” Her voice was raw and thick with excited arousal now.

He rarely held her release back. He had sensed the wildness in her from the beginning, the deep-seated core of a sensualist that would one day meet his darkest desires head-on.

This was what he had waited on for more than three years. The hunger he saw in her eyes now, felt in her pussy. The needs rising to the surface, challenged by his restraint, his refusal to satisfy them enough to keep them banked. This was the woman he had known she could be.

He moved, drawing back before sinking inside the fist-tight channel once more, glorying in her cry of pleasure and the flex of her pussy.

“This what you want, sweetness?” He moved again, harder, pressing deeper as her head thrashed and perspiration ran down her face.

Oh yes, this was what she wanted. She was panting, throttled cries falling from her lips as she fought against his hold.

“Look at where you are, Kei,” he told her then. “Out in the open. Anyone can see. Should we stop now?”

She shook her head, her hips flexing as her thighs tightened on him.

“Do you know what they would see?” He growled, leaning down to nip at her lips. “They would see perfection. The sweetest honey in the world coating my balls. ”

He could feel it, like a wash of creamy, liquid silk tightening his balls further.

“Mac. ” Erotic hesitation filled her voice even as her juices became thicker, silkier. As though the thought of being watched filled her with both trepidation and excitement.

He flexed inside her again, stroking the back of her pussy, feeling her clench around him as her nails bit into his shoulders, digging in with sensual pain as he felt his control slip.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic