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“Oh God! Mac. What are you doing?” She heard the shock in her voice when his tongue found the small opening and began to rim it with lightning strokes of his tongue a second before it plunged inside her.

She tried to jerk away. She drove her hips forward, pushing her clit straight into Jethro’s waiting lips.

“Suck my dick, Kei. ” His voice was strained. “Do it now. ”

Her head shook, her eyes opening, dazed, nearly unfocused as she felt the broad head of his cock touch her lips, press forward.

She opened on another cry as two fingers stroked inside her pussy and drove the last fragments of thought from her mind.

They were fucking her. Tongues, fingers, suckling lips at her clit. They were destroying her. Minutes later she felt thickly lubricated fingers easing into the damp entrance behind. Mac’s teeth were scraping over the curves of her rear as her body opened for him, taking the penetration of first one finger, then two.

Jethro was licking, sucking her clit. His fingers were impaling her vagina, sliding deep, curling and stroking until she wondered if she would ever be able to live without both of them. Both of her men touching her. Both of them stroking her.

Her mouth was filled with Jethro’s erection, but her senses were so scattered that tormenting him was out of the question. She could barely breathe. Barely cry out her pleasure.

“Fuck! I’m going to come like this. ” Jethro jerked his cock back, his fingers sliding from her as Mac’s slid into her rear, hard and deep.

“No!” She needed Jethro back. Needing his fingers pumping into her. She was so close. Sensation gathering upon sensation and threatening to explode through her.

She was being moved. Lifted. Her legs spread as a hard cock pressed against the opening of her pussy. A second later, it drove deep and hard inside her as hard hands on her hips slammed her down.

“Tight. So frickin tight. ” Jethro was beneath her. His cock filled her.

Keiley forced her eyes opened as hands, Mac’s, Jethro’s, she wasn’t certain, pressed her against his chest.

“Jethro. ” She stared up at him, fighting for breath as his hand smoothed her hair back from her face and behind her, Mac worked more of the cool lubrication into her rear.

“We have you, sweetheart,” he groaned.

“Jethro. ”

“Yes, baby. ”

Behind her, she felt Mac move closer, felt the thick crest of his cock press against the entrance to her rear.

“I need more,” she moaned desperately, tightening on the cock spearing her pussy as she felt Mac opening her behind.

She needed that touch of pain. Needed it with a sudden hunger that raged inside her and sent her senses careening.

“Easy, Kei. ” Mac’s voice was hard as she tried to press back, tried to take more than he was giving her.

He was too slow. Too easy.

“Now. ” The strangled demand was more of a cry. “Now, Mac. ”

She couldn’t wait. The need was tearing her apart, hunger and lust and forbidden pleasure whipping through her like a conflagration racing toward the fiery explosion.

The head of his cock stretched her, burned her. Hard hands held her, controlled her.

“Fuck! She’s tight,” Jethro groaned beneath her as Mac eased in further.

Panting, Keiley forced herself to still beneath them, waiting. Waiting. Seconds later their hold eased. Behind her, Mac whispered her name as she felt Jethro ease back. Just enough. His cock retreated just enough to allow her to move.

Before they could stop her, before their restraining hands could hold her still, she bore back, her hips jerking onto the two invading erections with a force that slammed Jethro fully inside her pussy and forced Mac’s cock more than halfway inside.

“Oh God!” she screamed out at the sensations. Fire and pleasure rained inside her, exploded, and echoed with a force she didn’t think she could survive.

Male voices cursed. Hands gripped her. She used her muscles to tighten on them, to draw Mac deeper, to hold Jethro inside her, and her mind shattered.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic