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“Look how pretty. ” Jethro’s croon was a shadowed sound of hunger as he watched her, the fingers of one hand curling around the thick shaft of his cock.

She stepped back again, watching their gazes flare, watching the dominance in their expressions notch higher.

Mac’s lips tipped in a knowing smile as her breathing grew harder.

“Come here. ” Narrowed and intense, his gray eyes looked black in the dim shadows of the room.

“Not on your life. If you want it, take it. ”

Take it. It was the ultimate dare and she knew it. A challenge neither man would reject. She watched the muscles flex over their bodies as she moved further away from them, smiling back at them with a mixture of temptation and anticipation.

“Mac,” Jethro growled as though in warning.

Mac’s smile was confident. “She likes to fight it sometimes,” he murmured. “Don’t you, sweetheart?”

“Maybe she needs to learn the error of her ways, then. ” Jethro smiled and they moved.

They caught her easily, and she did try to duck around them. There was a chance she could have slid around them if she had maneuvered it just right.

But Mac had played this game with her before, and he was ready for her. And she had forgotten how easily he and Jethro seemed to work together.

Mac’s arms wrapped around her from behind, holding her firmly while Jethro began unbuttoning the dress. And he took his time with it.

Keiley shuddered as Mac’s teeth scraped over the back of her neck, laying in heated kisses that seared her nerve endings as Jethro laved each inch of newly revealed flesh with his wicked tongue.

Her arms were restrained behind her back, pressing her breasts forward as the material fell away from them. The bra was disposed of with a quick little flick of Jethro’s fingers, the cups peeled back and his lips covering one hard, heated tip.

Fire lanced between her thighs, tightened around her clit, and slammed into her vagina as the violent pleasure drew her body tight. He didn’t suckle the tip easily, he ate at it. Drew it into his mouth, rasped the sensitized nipple with his tongue, and sucked at it with firm pressure as Mac dragged the dress and bra from her arms.

She stood before Jethro clad in nothing but black lace panties already damp from the juices spilling between her thighs. She was hot. Achy. Burning for touch, yet no one touch was enough.

The wildness she had always tried to keep trapped inside her was winging free. It was arching her breasts closer as Mac held her wrists in one hand while moving before her. He cupped the other mound, his gaze meeting hers before opening his lips over the neglected nipple.

Shock resounded through her. She couldn’t tell which arm was which behind her back, holding her to her feet, keeping her upright as she stared down at the two men tormenting, torturing her stiff nipples.

At once.

Two pairs of lips, two tongues, two hot mouths, sucking and licking, nipping and devouring the peaks. She didn’t expect the crashing orgasm that ripped through her womb. Her body bowed, her fingers curling into fists as she felt the ripping explosions of sensation tearing through her with exquisite force.

“Mac!” She screamed his name. “Oh God. Jethro!”

They didn’t stop. As the pleasure peaked they drew on the hardened tips further, lashing and laving with their tongues as she tried to writhe, fought to buck against their hold, to get closer. She needed to be closer.

“Easy, sweetheart. ” Mac’s head lifted, his lips running up her neck as Jethro’s lips began to lower.

“Not like this,” she cried out, struggling against Mac’s hold. “I can’t stand it like this. ”

It was too much pleasure. Mac nipped at her neck, Jethro licking down her side.

“You don’t have to stand it, Kei,” Mac whispered at her ear, nipping it erotically. “We’ll hold you up. Just let it have you. Let us have you. ”

Keiley shook her head desperately, feeling the perspiration gathering on her forehead and along her neck as she tried to breathe. She couldn’t breathe. Pleasure was whipping around her, snapping along her nerve endings with fiery heat and violent pleasure.

She lost the strength in her legs when she felt Jethro’s teeth nip at her hip bone and his hands pulling the lace panties over her thighs.

“Mac. ” She could barely whisper his name, could find nothing to hold onto with her wrists still in his grip.

“We have you, darlin’. ”

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic