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“It was his fault. ” Keiley was breathing hard, her hazel eyes glittering with green, her cheeks flushed with need. “I don’t want to go dancing after all. I want to go home. ”

“Take her home, Mac,” Jethro snarled. “We’ll go dancing tomorrow night if she still wants to. ”

Mac heard the silent message. She was angry now, hurt, and anything she did in public tonight could haunt her later. And Mac knew that well.

He pushed the truck into gear, pulled back onto the road, and headed home.

Dark was falling, casting the mountains in shadows and the interior of the truck into an intimate oasis of darkness. As Mac drove, his free hand moved along Keiley’s thigh, inching higher, beneath her dress, until his fingers brushed another hand searching for the same secrets he was intent upon.


Keiley’s laughter filled his head before it turned to a gasp, the sound assuring him that Jethro had found paradise first.

Desperate, he clamped both hands on the steering wheel and glared at the road ahead.

He couldn’t watch, but he could listen. He could feel her leaning against him as Jethro turned her, arranging her legs until one foot rested in the floor and the other on the seat behind his back.

Keiley was arching, her strangled moans destroying him as he lifted his arm, allowing her head to fall against his chest, giving him a clear view down her body.

“Fuck you, Jethro,” he bit out.

Jethro’s fingers pumped inside her in a long, powerful stroke that had her crying out. The dress lay around her waist, her panties were pulled aside, and the sight of her juices gleaming on Jethro’s fingers as he pulled back nearly had Mac coming in his jeans.

“She’s so tight. ” Jethro’s voice was reverent, filled with hunger. “I’m just using two fingers, Mac. ”

He knew exactly how tight she was, how hot and sweet. How her pussy gripped around his fingers or his cock and squeezed until pleasure became rapture. He knew how wet she got, how the silken heat became slicker, creamier as her arousal was pushed higher.

“Mac,” she moaned his name as she shifted against his chest, her arms twining around his neck as he held her against him with one arm and drove with the other.

“Hot, baby?” he groaned.

“Wicked hot,” she purred against his neck, her tongue peeking out to lick over his skin like a living flame.

“Oh God!” She tightened in his arms.

“What’s he doing, Keiley?” He had to blink the sweat from hi

s eyes to concentrate on the road. “Tell me what he’s doing to you, sweetheart. ”

She jerked, whimpered.

“Tell me, Kei. ” He was dying. He had to know, needed to know.

“Oh God, his fingers, Mac. ”

“Are they in your pussy, darlin’? Stroking that softest flesh?”

“Yes. Yes. ”

“And you’re clenching on him? Burning him because you need more?”

“Oh God, Mac, I need more,” she whimpered, her breathing jerky against his neck as her hips arched again and a cry slipped past her lips.

“Tell me, Kei,” he snarled. “Tell me what he’s doing. ”

“I’m so full,” she cried out, her head falling back to his shoulder as she fought to breathe. “He’s in me everywhere, Mac. Everywhere. ”

“Your sweet pussy?”

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic