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“There will be no third, Khalid. ”

The announcement had the other man’s expression going blank in shock.

“No third?” He shook his head, his shaggy black hair rippling about his shoulders. “I don’t understand, Ian. ” He stared back at Ian as though he feared he were having problems with his more than excellent grasp of English.

“You understand perfectly. ” He throttled the anger building in his gut. “There will be no third. Courtney will tire of this game soon and realize it’s no more than infatuation, curiosity. When she does…” He swallowed back his bitterness. “When she does, there will be nothing for her to regret. ”

Khalid’s eyes narrowed, suspicion flaring.

“Ahh, I see,” he intoned softly, regret flashing in his eyes as he rose to his feet then. “Should you change your mind, my friend, I hope you would consider my request that I be your third. ”

“I won’t be changing my mind. ”

Khalid’s lips quirked at the announcement, as though amused by the statement.

“Very well. I will not keep you then. ” He nodded respectfully. “I wish you a very productive day, Ian. Should you need me, you know I am at your disposal. ”

“You as well, Khalid. ” Ian stood to his feet, watching as the other man left the room, closing the door gently behind him.

“Fuck!” He cursed fiercely as he threw himself back in his chair, wiping his hands over his face as he stared up at the ceiling.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t the white ceiling he saw. It was Courtney, her head thrown back in pleasure, her lips opened in a scream of release as he and Khalid pushed her past the boundaries of any pleasure she could have conceived.

He could feel the need for it, s

earing his senses, fueling his frustration, his hunger. He could only pray he could manage to hold onto his control until she came to her senses.

Unfortunately, he had a feeling that coming to his senses was going to be his greatest hurdle.

Khalid stepped into the back of his limo, barely giving the chauffeur-bodyguard a chance to close the door before he hit the speed dial on his cell phone.

“Yes, darling. ” Tally’s smooth, amused voice came through with questioning emphasis.

She was a lively one, he had to give her that. She had yet to focus one of her torturous matchmaking schemes his way, but he was enjoying being part of the conspiracy. It was much less nerve-racking than being the one conspired against.

“He says he has no intention of taking a third,” he relayed the information, keeping his voice free of the amusement that curled his lips. “I do believe the shadows of Melissa haunt this little scheme of yours, sweetheart. ”

She was silent, obviously weighing his analysis.

No one ever spoke of Ian’s past, but most of The Club’s members were well aware of it. The membership was a close support network, many of them had known each other since young adulthood, gravitating to The Club with the advice of their fathers, several of whom were members as well at that time.

Melissa Gaines had, quite honestly, been a nutcase. Ian had adored her though, the zealous infatuation of young manhood transferring to the woman he believed was his perfect match.

“Suggestions?” Not that Tally needed any, but he knew she was thinking. He wished he was there to watch the process. The few times he had watched her plot, it had been a masterpiece of skillful, dark design. She would have made an excellent ruler.

Khalid grinned as he thought of Courtney then. She was younger than Tally, but rapidly gaining her own ground in the feminine arts.

“I am but a man,” he sighed morosely, mockingly. “Who am I, my dear, to opinionate on the grand designs of such feminine works?”

Besides, it was so much fun to watch these women as they plotted and planned. The sight of it was amusing as well as vastly educational.

“In other words, you’re keeping your ass out of the fire. ” Tally snorted. “Fine. See if I show any mercy when I find your weak spot. ”

“But Tally, sweetest, I am such a simple man. My weak spots lay bare to your gaze. Go gently with me. ” He leaned back in the butter-soft leather of the seat and let satisfaction fill him.

Of course, they both knew the game. He had no intention of allowing her to find his weak spots. Such folly could break a man.

“Yeah, you know I will,” she drawled. He expected nothing less than complete mercilessness where she was concerned. “Thanks for the information, Khalid. I’m certain we can find a way to use it. ”

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic