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“I’m going to head out of here, Sax,” Daniel announced then. “I still have to stop at the sheriff’s office and take care of some more paperwork. I’ll call you later. ”

“Thanks again, Daniel. ” Sax moved across her line of vision, his powerful legs moving slowly across the floor.

“I can see myself out,” Daniel said. “Take care of your woman. The night has been hard on her. ”

Marey shuddered.

Seconds later, the front door closed, leaving her alone with Sax.

Silence filled the house.

Emotions rose within her with a force that had her shaking in their grip.

“Marey. ” Sax knelt before her, his broad hand lifting her chin as he stared back at her somberly.

Oh God. He shouldn’t look at her like that, she thought. His expression so tender, loving. She had fought so hard not to believe in happily-every-afters, in warmth and love. How was she supposed to protect her heart?

But she knew, had known for days that such protection was a long time past.

She felt a tear slip down her cheek.

“Everyone I really love leaves me,” she said. “I didn’t love Vince, and I knew it. I barely cared, but I was so damned tired of being alone. ” Her breath hitched in her throat as he continued to watch her, his dark face intent, his expression filled with love. “When I met you,” she continued. “I couldn’t believe. If I believed, I would have had to face how I’ve hidden for so long. The coward I’ve been. ” She pulled away from him as a sob shook her.

“Marey, don’t do this to yourself,” he whispered. “We can talk about this later. After you’ve rested. ”

“I won’t have the courage then,” she cried painfully, moving away from him as she rose to her feet, tightening her arms around her chest as she turned her back on him. “You don’t understand. You were right. All along. Vince was a crutch. An excuse to keep you away. ” She turned back to him, staring back at him, refusing to hide any longer. “I had to keep you away, Sax. ”

“Why?” He pushed his hands into the pockets of his slacks as he stared back at her, his brown eyes wary.

“Because you could hurt me,” she whispered. “And I knew it. You could rip the heart from my chest, and you terrified me because of it. Because Sax, in a matter of months, as you tried to make me laugh, to talk me into your bed and your life, I fell in love with you. And I didn’t know what to do with that love. Or how to handle it if you ever walked away from me… Or if you were taken from me…”

She thought of her father, his patient resolve, his gentleness and the hole his and her mother’s deaths left in her life. She had spent her own life caring for them, putting it on hold, forgetting her dreams, her needs in the face of theirs.

“I can’t promise I won’t die, Marey,” he whispered, and in the rough tone, what she heard, she heard with her heart, not her ears. Hopes, dreams… “All I can promise you is that while I live, as long as I draw breath, I’ll love you. And I’ll pleasure you with everything I have. ”

His arms wrapped around her then, his hands smoothing up her back as she clutched at him, tears flowing freely from her eyes, sobs tearing at her chest.

“I love you,” she cried out, her hands clutching at his shoulders as he lifted her, moving until he was sprawled into the chair Daniel had vacated, drawing her over him, her thighs clasping his while his hands tore at her robe.

“Feel me, Marey,” he groaned, throwing the robe to the floor before he shifted, his hands tearing at his pants as hers ripped at the buttons that held his shirt together.

Naked. She needed him as naked as she was, bodies, hearts and souls bare to one another. Embracing each other.

When he surged into her, her head fell to his shoulder, her arms wrapping around his neck as his circled her back. He moved into her powerfully, thrusting hard and deep as she undulated against him, driving him deeper, gasping, crying out as he whispered his love, his lips moving over her shoulder, her neck, his tongue stroking trails of moist flames as his arms tightened around her, holding her still as he began to drive inside her harder.

Waves of pleasure suffused her, overtook her. Perspiration built along her body as she fought to breathe, to reach the peak of rapture that she knew she could find only in Sax’s arms.

The closer she came, the more she could feel opening inside her soul. She cried into his shoulder, gasping her love, her need, her regret that she had waited so long to accept what she had known was in his heart.

“Hold me, Marey,” he growled at her ear. “Just hold me, baby. ”

He was moving stronger now, his cock pushing to the very depths of her, burying to the hilt over and over again, impaling sensitive nerve-ridden tissue as his love had impaled her soul.

She was held, just as she held. Her pussy clenched around his erection, tightening as the bands of pleasure began to explode. Her arms held him to her, his held her as well.

Her strangled cries echoed around them as her orgasm finally erupted. Unlike any other, it swept her reality, sizzled through her body, and left her shuddering in his arms as his hoarse shout filled her ears and she felt his release explode inside her.

Embracing. Embraced. And for the first time in her life, free.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic