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“Sax, damn you,” she cried out, twisting, thrashing in their grip as lips, tongues and fingers drove her on a spiraling ride she wasn’t certain she could survive.

The lash of his tongue on her clit had her straining, begging for her orgasm. The firm, suckling pressure at her nipple sent arcs of near violent sensation shooting to her womb as the finger filling her pussy worked in and out, stroking her ever closer to what she knew would be a destructive climax.

Then just as quickly, both were gone.

She screeched hoarsely, reaching for them, only to have Sax return her to her previous position as he once again filled her mouth with his cock.

Daniel knelt behind her, his lips smoothing over the curves of her ass as his fingers moved to the cleft, gripping the base of the plug and turning it slowly.

She cried out around the erection filling her mouth, sucking it firmly, her tongue lashing at it as Daniel began to torment the filled tunnel of her ass. She ached. She whimpered with the pain, her hips moving, backing against him as he drew the flared end back then impaled her slowly with it again.

Sax moved until he stood at the arm of the couch, forcing her to brace her upper body over the thick cushion to maintain the deep penetration of her mouth. His cock stretched her lips, his hands burrowed in her hair, holding her still as he thrust in and out easily.

Behind her, Daniel slowly removed the plug as Marey screamed at the sensations the action invoked. She was going to come. Oh God, she was going to come from no more than the erotic pain of the thick bulb blistering the small ring of muscles it passed. Almost, she was almost there.


er nails bit into the cushion of the couch as the impending release slowly drifted away, leaving her to growl furiously. She needed that release, desperately.

“Damn, Sax, she’s wet. ” His fingers slid through the drenched folds of her pussy.

“Wet and wild,” Sax whispered, staring down at her as she raised her eyes to his, her mouth filled with his cock as she moaned in excitement.

She worked her mouth on him as much as the hands in her hair allowed, but as she felt the cooling sensation of lubrication gel being applied to the stretched entrance to her ass, she stilled.

She watched Sax, seeing his expression tighten as he watched Daniel slowly stretch and lubricate her ass. His face was twisted with arousal, but something more. Something undefined as Daniel moved and the head of his cock nudged against her.

His eyes came to hers again, the dark color flaring with emotion, pleasure. Pride. Then she couldn’t see, couldn’t hear anything but her own strangled screams as she felt the thick cock easing inside her.

Sax eased back, pulling his cock from her mouth, though he continued to hold her head up, to watch her as Daniel slowly worked his cock up her ass.

“Sax. Sax…Oh God…it burns…” Hard hands held her hips as she bucked against the penetration, desperate to force more of the hard flesh inside her. “Make it stop…”

She was screaming, arching, her pussy so hot, so wet now she could feel the excess dampening her thighs.

“So pretty. ” His thumbs smoothed over her cheeks as she stared up at him imploring, feeling every bulging inch of Daniel’s cock as it slowly filled her. “Let it go, Marey,” he whispered. “Just let the pleasure control. Not you. ”

She tried to shake her head. She couldn’t allow that. If she did, she might not survive never having it again.

“You will,” he crooned, glancing past her as Daniel groaned roughly. “You’re tight, Marey, he’s having to work his dick inside you. Do you know how good that feels, having to move so slow and easy? Can you feel it, Marey? The edge between pleasure and pain. It’s the same for Daniel, working his cock up your ass as you tighten on him, wondering which sensation is stronger and dying for more. ”

She tried to shake her head. She needed him to just shut the hell up. She couldn’t fight him and these sensations.

“Look at me, Marey. ” His voice hardened as her eyes closed. They opened again slowly. “Look at me. He’s almost filling you, just a few more inches, baby. He’s going to work that tight ass open then fuck you slow and easy. And I’m going to watch your face, sweetheart. Watch you fly over the edge while you scream. ”

Scream? She couldn’t breathe, how was she supposed to scream?

All she could do was concentrate on the rising tension in her body, feeling Daniel slide in those inches until he was seated inside her to the hilt, filling her with every inch of cock.

And it wasn’t enough. She whimpered, shaking, staring up at him, terrified to ask for what she needed. If she did, how would she maintain her distance from him?

Behind her, she felt Daniel’s hands grip the curve of her buttocks, pulling them further apart as she watched Sax glance behind her. Daniel pulled back then, causing her to clench her teeth tight, to hold back a scream as he began to work his cock in and out. Long slow, deep thrusts and retreats, shafting her rear with measured thrusts as she felt the pleasure building inside her. Pleasure, pain, fire and ice. The alternating sensations shuddered along her nerve endings as each stroke of Daniel’s erection inside her pushed her past the point of control.

She needed more.

She strained against Sax’s hold on her face, needing to bury her face in the pillowed armrest, to chant her needs in silence so he couldn’t hear.

He smiled down at her tightly, his lips pulling back from his teeth, his teak dark face twisted in pleasure as he watched her, his gaze going from her face to the point where Daniel was fucking her ass with diabolically slow strokes.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic