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He stood in the center of the room, his feet braced apart, his head tilted as he watched her, his eyes dark and brooding.

“If you’re finished being pissed, we can go back to the house now,” he said patiently.

Her teeth snapped together angrily.

“Can you get any more arrogant?” she snapped. “Maybe I don’t want to go back. ”

“And maybe you like to lie to both of us too damned much,” he suggested silkily, moving to her, slow, relaxed, his steps stalking.

She wasn’t going to run from him, she promised herself. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. Or was that, deny herself the satisfaction? She was as sick as Ella and the others.

“You know, Marey,” he whispered, his voice soft, dangerous. “It occurs to me that somewhere, somehow, you’re going to have to trust someone. Trust starts here and now. Bend over on the bed. ”

She gaped back at him.

“Excuse me?”

He shook his head slowly. “Excuses are over. Bend over, baby. Now…”

Running from him wasn’t going to work. She had admitted that while she was arguing with Ella. It was useless. He was her weakness, the one she feared most, and was most helpless against. She moved slowly to the bed, licking her lips nervously at the determined, dominant glint in his eyes. Her pussy was heating, dampening, her breasts swelling in anticipation. Perv, she accused herself. But she moved to the bed, gave him one last nervous glance then bent over slowly.

“There’s a good girl. ” Marey knelt on the bed, her rear in the air as Sax slid the last inches of a butt plug slowly into her ass nearly half an hour later.

She was stretched, burning. Her hands were clenched in the comforter as she fought to breathe through the sensations, to think past the dazed sexuality that filled her.

“You’re going to wear that until we get home,” he whispered as his hand smoothed along the curves of her butt. “Then I’m going to fuck you. While your ass is filled with that plug, and you’ll be ready for me, Marey. So wet and so ready that when I slide inside your tight cunt you won’t be able to stop screaming. ”

She believed it. She was going to scream now.

“Come on, stand up for me. ”

He helped her from the bed, drawing her up until she faced him, swaying, the muscles of her ass clenching around the fiery width of the dildo penetrating her.

She stared up at him, trembling, increasingly aware of the stuffed depths of her rear, and the aching emptiness of her pussy.

“Ready?” He held out his hand for her, a small smile quirking his lips.

“I don’t know if I can walk. ” She swallowed tightly, attempting to still the tremors racking her body.

“Yeah, you can. ” His hand smoothed over her rear. “Slow and easy. And let it feel good. ”

She snorted sarcastically. “I’m going to get off just walking, Sax. This is cruel and unusual treatment. ”

“No, you won’t. You’ll just wish you could. ” He chuckled as he drew her to the door. “And just think how good it’s going to feel when we get home. ”

“Have you ever been raped, Sax?” she asked conversationally then, almost missing the surprise that crossed his face as she picked up her purse and headed for the door, a hard breath exhaling from her chest as pleasure tore through her.

“No,” he chuckled. “I can’t say as I have. ”

“Expect it,” she warned him with a snap as he opened the door for her and she swept from the room. “Soon. ”

Raping Sax was going to be delayed.

“What the hell is he doing here?” Marey snapped out with a groan as they pulled into the tree-shaded driveway of Sax’s home late that evening beside a black Mercedes and the brooding, dark-haired man standing beside it.

He straightened as Sax stopped the rental car, his arms unfolding from across his chest as he shoved them in his pants pockets instead. Daniel Conover was as well known to Marey as Tally’s lovers, Lucian and Devril. He was a top-notch private investigator, and a pricey one as well. He was also part of the exclusive little club Sax belonged to if the woman was to be believed. And Marey knew her well enough to know she wouldn’t lie about it.

And he wasn’t too hard on the eyes. Thick black hair, intense gray eyes and a brooding expression that made more than one woman sigh in longing. He was a bad boy, wild and dangerous, and you could see it in his face.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic