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When I look at him, he's giving me an odd look. I don't know whether or not to feel uncomfortable. “Have you ever nannied before?” he asks in a no-nonsense tone.

“No, but I have babysat before,” I admit a little shyly, thinking that was an odd question to ask.

He gives me that piercing stare again, and I notice how dark his eyes are. Still frowning, he says, “I'll pay you double what you are making here if you quit your job right now to be my little girl's nanny for a few weeks. I have an important meeting I can't miss.”

I'm beyond shocked. This has to be a dream. Stuff like that doesn't just happen. So many thoughts run through my head at once. My goal has always been to go to college, but I can't afford it. That was why I started working here. I had this foolish idea that maybe one day I would be able to afford the tuition with this job. I was dumb to believe that. Now, this opportunity falls in my lap. I would definitely be able to cover all my school fees with double my salary.

I need to move fast before he changes his mind, but I still can't believe this is happening.

“Okay. I'll do it,” I say. I have to. A job like this is just too good to pass up.

He nods and puts his phone away. “Great. Katie, this lady is going to watch you,” he says, talking to his daughter. He turns to me and hands me a business card. “My number. I'll call after work so I can pick her up.” The man grabs his briefcase off the table and hurries out of the coffee shop.

I can't believe the unexpected turn this day has taken. My head spins at the thought of it. I wonder if my luck is finally turning around. It must be for me to be offered a job like this. I try not to get too excited at the thought of the money. Let's be realistic. This incredible job was just what I needed.

I look at Katie and smile down at her. She holds my hand tightly, gazing up at me like I'm an angel or something. I try to think about what we can do today.

“It’s a beautiful day. Would you like to go to the park for a little while?” I ask.

She nods her head quickly, and I smile at her. After a brief talk to my boss, we walk outside together. The park is just a few blocks over from where we are. Katie looks around with childlike curiosity at everything. I hold her hand firmly as people pass us on the sidewalk. We arrive at the park, and she immediately pulls me to the swings. She climbs up, and I give her a gentle push.

“Higher!” she yells with a laugh and kicks her legs. I smile and oblige her. I love listening to her laughter as she swings.

Done with the swings, we spy other children running around playing tag on the jungle gym. I keep a watchful eye on her as she joins in. Maybe this job won't be so bad. Katie seems like a happy child, very easy to watch. If her father is true to his word and pays me what he said, then this could work out great. I could start school much sooner than I anticipated.

My thoughts are interrupted as Katie runs up to me. “Push me in the swings again,” she demands.

“Okay!” I reply with a smile.

After that, we walk in the grass together. She holds my hand as we start to skip down the sidewalk, singing. Everything seems perfect.

Chapter 3 - Ben

I started Wednesday morning in my home office, trying to work as Katie plays with dolls on the floor. For once, she is calm, and I am able to concentrate. I'm preparing all the documents I need to hire Cece as my nanny for the next few weeks. The young woman will be here shortly to discuss everything. I'll admit I was a little surprised at how quickly she accepted my offer, but I'm also glad that she did. Yesterday I actually made it to my meeting on time because of her.

When I picked Katie up at the coffee shop later that day, she couldn't stop talking about all the fun she had at the park with Cece. That's why I arranged to have our hiring discussion this morning. I need her to start as soon as possible. This meeting will also allow me to get to know her better. Yesterday, she seemed very reliable and helpful, but I couldn't say for sure when I was in such a rush.

I pull out a pen and paper so I can make notes as we talk. Anxious to get started, I tap the pen on the desk and think about money. I did offer her double the coffee shop's salary, but I am curious to see what else she will ask for. Not that the expense matters. I have enough money; I can offer her whatever is necessary.

Tags: Jamie Knight Billionaire Romance