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As I'm fixing my coffee, my phone rings. I answer it. “Hello….” I say, still distracted by my thoughts.

“Hey, buddy. I just wanted to check in and see if you had a chance to consider that investment proposal I emailed you?” Rick asks.

I stir my coffee, and my mind draws a complete blank. I can't concentrate on anything, and I have no idea what he is talking about. I decide to be completely honest with Rick because he is the only one I can talk to about this.

“Honestly, I haven't given it a thought. I'm busy looking for a new nanny,” I reply while taking a sip of my coffee.

“Why, what happened? I thought we already discussed this, and you had it all figured out?” Rick says, sounding both confused and concerned.

Since I have decided to be honest, I might as well tell him everything. I sigh, “Well, I thought I had, but things have happened. I think I might be developing feelings for Cece, and it bothers me, to be honest.”

Rick is silent a second before answering. “I kind of expected this was going to happen. When we talked about it that day at the coffee shop, you just didn't seem yourself,” he says.

“Yeah, well, the only thing I can do now is end this quickly before it evolves into something I don't need,” I reply decisively.

“I wouldn't do that if I were you,” he advises.

“Why not?” I ask, even though I'm not really interested in hearing his opinion.

“This could be good for you. I think you should give this a chance. She seems like a kind, sweet girl—nothing at all like your ex. I highly doubt she would hurt you. In fact, she seems like the type of girl you need,” Rick urges, trying to convince me.

I sip my coffee quietly, thinking about everything. I just can't get over what my ex did to me. She hurt me so bad with her betrayal. I just know that will happen again if I get involved with Cece. I can feel it with every fiber of my being, and it terrifies me.

Rick is still waiting on the line. “Listen. I have to go. I have some things I need to do. I'll talk to you later.” I hang up before he can respond.

I refill my coffee mug and take another sip. My mind is made up that this is the right decision. I know what I have to do. Checking the time out of habit, I see that Cece and Katie will be awake soon. I need to distance myself from her.

Taking my coffee, I go into my office, close the doors, and sit at my desk. I set my coffee down and pull my computer to me. Now that my mind is made up on what to do, I should concentrate on work.

I check through my emails and find the one that Rick was talking about. I read through it and am finally able to give it my full attention. I jot down a few quick questions that I need to ask him the next time I talk to him.

Afterward, I close my emails and open the nanny agency website. I look through all of the new nannies that are available, trying to keep my options open. There could be a few possibilities here, but I might have to lower my standards slightly. That is not something I really want to do, but I have to. It's the only way I can fix this whole situation and be done with Cece for good.

Chapter 8 - Cece

A few days later, I'm in bed at my own apartment. It's early morning, but I can't sleep, so I'm sort of lounging around. Insomnia has been constant ever since my night with Ben. I can't get my boss or the taking of my virginity out of my head. That was absolutely incredible. I have never felt or experienced anything like that before.

The day afterward was odd and maybe a little heartbreaking. He avoided me like the plague. I was actually kind of afraid that he was going to fire me because of what happened, but so far, so good.

The only downside is Ben avoiding me more than usual. If I'm in a room, he will just turn around and walk out. It is a really depressing thought. I know he is avoiding me because of what happened and that it is somehow my fault. It's all because I made that meatloaf and got him to relax. But that night was so much fun, as I remember it. Relaxed Ben is so different. So calm and enjoyable. So much fun to be around. I wish so much that he was still that same person.

I'm not admitting that I am attracted to him… Well, maybe, I am. But only when he opens up and stops being so cold and distant. That's when you actually get a glimpse of the charming person he really is.

Tags: Jamie Knight Billionaire Romance