Page 18 of Gym Bunny

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“True, but there’s a reason for that. Livia has been going through some issues with a dom who mistreated her. She wasn’t sure if she wanted anything to do with this lifestyle anymore, so it’s been complicated between us. Everything’s been sorted out now, though.”

Instantly, Dom’s tone changes. “Ah, shit, I’m sorry to hear that. Is Livia there?”

Trey looks at me and then nods at the phone, smiling.

“Hey, Dom,” I say uncertainly. If he starts yelling at me, I don’t think I’ll be able to keep it together like Trey has.

“Livia, I’m sorry for what you’ve been through. Is there anything I can do to help?”

I stare at phone in amazement, and then scramble to say, “Oh—thank you. No, it’s fine. I’m fine.”

There’s silence on the line, and then Dom says, “When I started the gym, I didn’t consider how those who’d had a bad BDSM experience would approach it. Trey’s obviously got an instinctive approach to this. Do you think some guidance for the trainers would be helpful?”

I feel my eyebrows rise. “If there are other subs who’ve been through what I’ve been through, then I can only imagine they’d be grateful for trainers who are sensitive to that.”

“Was there anything about the induction process that made you wary about the place?”

Trey clears his throat. “Dom, you’re putting Livia on the spot.”

I give him a quick smile to let him know I’m all right, and I think for a moment. “I was so scared of all the rules at first, but Trey’s emphasis on them being for my safety and happiness made them seem less daunting.”

Dom makes a noise of assent, deep and understanding, so different from his usually bossy tone. I have the feeling he’s scribbling notes. Dom’s in a position of power and authority and he’s still willing to listen to me. I can’t get my head around it.

“Trey’s been the best part of my experience at the gym,” I add, because Dom should know what a wonderful employee he has in Trey.

“All right. I’m going to add this to my staff training. Thank you, Livia. And I’m happy for the two of you.”

He hangs up, and I shake my head, smiling, still unable to believe how well that went. “I see now why you weren’t afraid to confide in him. He’s kind of lovely under that gruff attitude.”

Trey grins and puts his phone away. “Dom’s great. He actually listens, and that makes all the difference.” He reaches across the table and twines his fingers through mine. “How does it feel, knowing that you’re officially my sub and that the news is out in the world?”

I give Trey what I can only imagine is a blissed-out smile. “It feels wonderful. Every single part of me feels wonderful.”

He leans across the table and kisses me. “I can’t tell you how happy that makes me feel, bunny-girl. Let’s keep making each other happy, shall we?”

Mentally, I add it to my chart. Make each other happy. Check.

A warm feeling flows through me as I look at Trey. “That sounds like the perfect plan to me.”

Chapter Eight


Three weeks later

I hear Livia singing in the kitchen before I open my eyes, and smile. I can hear notes of happiness in her pure, sweet voice, and they make my heart ring with pleasure. These have been the most blissful three weeks of my life.

She comes through to the bedroom looking radiant, with a tray in her hands which she sets down on the nightstand. There are bowls, and big mugs of coffee as well.

I roll onto my side and smile up at her. “Mm, looks good.”

I don’t mean the food. I mean her. She’s wearing one of my T-shirts with bare legs and feet, and her blonde hair is rumpled around her face.

“Morning, daddy,” she says in a sing-song voice.

“You look so adorable I want to eat you up.” I reach for her, but she puts a bowl into my hands.

“Breakfast first, daddy. It’s on the checklist.”

I laugh, but I can’t fault her there, and I peer down into my bowl. “What have you made?”

“Apple, cinnamon and almond milk bircher.” She gets into bed next to me with her own breakfast and cuddles up against me.

While we eat, she tells me about her week at work. I keep getting distracted by the cute way her tongue curls around her spoon as she licks it. When she finishes, she notices the way I’m looking at her, and blushes a little.

“What are you thinking about?”

“Daddy’s thinking about something he wants to lick.” I put our bowls aside and ease her back on the bed. As I hoped, she’s naked under my T-shirt and I only need to push it up to take a mouthful of one of her breasts, and then kiss my way down her belly to her pussy. I slide my tongue against her in a long, loving lick, and she lets out a moan.

Tags: Brianna Hale Erotic