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“Oh God, I love your mouth,” North panted, his hand traveling down to tangle in Warin’s long hair.

Warin tried not to smile, smug that he’d elicited this response. He also rather liked having his hair pulled and wanted to encourage it. He let the ball slide free before turning his attention to that erect cock, holding it still with one hand as he licked a hot line from base to tip. North shivered in pleasure—Warin felt it under his hand—and heard his lover’s breath stuttering.

“I’ll write sonnets to your mouth later,” North promised on a gasp.

Hmm, North still could speak. Warin clearly wasn’t doing his job correctly. He shifted positions a little, getting an elbow under him, so he could get his mouth properly around the tip and then slowly take the full length into his mouth. It had been a while, but he remembered the way of it.

North stopped speaking entirely on the second bob of his head, both hands locking into Warin’s hair. He kept his movements slow and easy, teasing North—teasing them both, really. North made the most delicious noises, and Warin couldn’t help himself. He started planning other things, other ways he could tease North into gasping and shuddering pleasure.

A sharp tug at his scalp pulled him out of his mental scheming and he pulled free, but unhappily.

“Don’t make me come,” North panted, looking wild-eyed in the best sense. “I want you to top me.”

Warin blinked at him, considering. That sounded perfectly lovely, and he’d absolutely love to, but— “I did not think to bring lube with me.”

“Nightstand.” North pointed to the piece of furniture in question.

Not expecting he would have something on hand, Warin cocked a brow at him. “Why do you have some?”

North flushed and couldn’t quite seem to meet his eyes. “Cassie might have given me some?”

Chortling a laugh, Warin shook his head. “Of course she did. Fetch it.”

North rolled, scooting up on his knees to open the top drawer. It was a completely enticing view from this angle, that perfect ass on display. He was moving before he fully thought it through, his hands gripping both cheeks and spreading them.


The cute little hole that greeted his eyes needed some attention. Warin smiled a little evilly before he bent and gave it a good swipe of the tongue.

Something glass clattered on wood. North had obviously dropped the jar of lube. Warin gave him no time to recover, just put his mouth directly over it, tracing the ring with his tongue in a slow, sensual glide.

“Fuuuck, that feels good,” North panted. He dropped his head, bracing himself.

Rimming was one of Warin’s favorite things to do, so he was gratified North obviously loved it. He slid his tongue in and out—a gentle fuck—felt the tightness and the give in that ring of muscle.

“Fucking shit, yes. Yes!” North moaned the last word, his hands clenched in the comforter.

He’d definitely do this more often. Warin loved North’s reactions, felt empowered by them. He knew North wanted to be topped, and he’d do that, but maybe he should make his lover come like this.

“Warin.” There was a plea in North’s voice, the words shaking and breathy. “Please. I love it, but I need—I need something. More.”

Warin lifted his head, sensing what North was truly asking. And he couldn’t deny him, as Warin selfishly wanted the same. He just wanted to please North too, and his instincts kept demanding different ways of doing so. But if North wanted full penetration, then he’d happily give it. North’s hole was slick enough from his saliva to slide a finger in, crooked so that it grazed his inner channel in just the right way, stroking along the prostate.

North threw his head back on a scream, toes digging into the comforter on reflex. Warin was a little startled at the reaction, as he’d never bedded anyone quite this sensitive. Come to think of it, had North ever bottomed before? “North?”

“Please don’t stop,” North begged, tilting his head to look over his shoulder. His expression was wide-eyed with wonder and desperate. “That was—that was too amazing.”

“I’ll do it again, I promise, but answer a question for me. Have you been taken before?”

“Not—not by a person? I’ve used dildos before.”

So technically a virgin, but his body should be somewhat accustomed to penetration. That relaxed Warin’s own nerves, as the first time could be a little painful even with the most dedicated prep. He bent back to fingering North, seeing if he could get him to make that cute scream again.

North’s head dropped between folded arms, making strangled noises of delight every time Warin grazed that magic spot. So incredibly sensitive. Warin reached past him, grabbing the dropped bottle of lube and managed to get the lid off one-handed. He transferred some lube to his right hand, then used two fingers, coaxing North’s body to give way.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake Scales 'n' Spells Paranormal