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“Hoheit,” Warin said with a small bow of his head. “May I have the honor of introducing you to Fredrick James North Aldridge, III, a mage from the Aldridge clan?”

North gulped, trying to decide if he should kneel or bow or curtsy. No, not curtsy.

Luckily, Cameron solved the problem by grabbing North and folding him into a tight hug. North froze in the man’s arms, his eyes wide as he stared over his shoulder at Alric, who was chuckling.

“Welcome home,” Cameron said, and the words were like an arrow flying straight to North’s heart. Home. Could this be home?

“Liebling, do you intend to hug all the new mages when they arrive at Burkhard?” Alric teased.

Cameron released North and gave him a playful wink before turning back to his mate with a sniff. “It’s my opinion that the mages need hugs. Particularly Tori. That man has suffered from a severe shortage of hugs.”

“Maybe so, but Baldewin is certainly making up for lost time,” Alric murmured.

“Plus, half the new mages come from my own family.”

“That certainly helps.” Alric grabbed Cameron’s hand and pulled him in close again, as if he couldn’t stand to not have his mate close.

“I don’t mind hugs,” North offered and then immediately blushed. Not the first words he’d expected to ever say to the king of the dragons and his consort.

Alric laughed. “I’m glad. You are welcome among our clan, and there are many who will be happy to welcome you with a hug.”

“It doesn’t hurt that the dragons are all snuggly warm,” Cameron said with a wicked grin.

“This is my advisor, Dieter.” Alric motioned to the man beside him with salt-and-pepper hair. “And Lisette. She is head mage and Dieter’s mate.” The woman beside Dieter looked like an elegantly aged starlet with her perfectly coiffed white hair and warm smile.

North bowed his head to them and Dieter said, “It is an honor to have you with us, North. I’m so glad Warin and Gunter were able to reach you before you suffered any harm.”

“Bloody Jaeggi,” Lisette muttered under her breath. “We’re not letting them lay a hand on another mage.”

“Never, my love,” Dieter agreed, pressing a kiss to his mate’s temple.

“It is wonderful to meet you. We’ll be speaking more very soon, I promise,” Lisette continued with a smile.

“I look forward to talking to you too,” North said, trying to take in all the people and names.

“And this is Ravi, a member of the royal guard and one of my retainers,” Alric continued, motioning toward a shorter man of Middle Eastern descent who wore a very wide grin.

“We’re so glad to have you here with us,” Ravi greeted, extending his hand.

North eagerly shook it. This he understood. He’d have to ask Warin later about the bowing and kneeling and other royal etiquette he couldn’t begin to guess at. When he’d set off to find dragons, it had never entered his mind he’d be meeting royalty, let alone standing in the courtyard surrounded by dragons and mages.

As soon as North released his hand, Ravi whooped loudly and thrust his hand into the air, all digits extended. “Five! Count ’em, five new mages! The beach bums can eat sand. We’ve got five new mages!”

“Ravi,” Alric chided in a low, warning voice, causing the smaller dragon to blush.

“Come on, Alric. Let him celebrate,” Cameron teased. He stepped close to Alric and wrapped his arms around the king, snuggling in close. Alric smiled at his mate, touching his cheek lightly with his right hand.

“Are we missing Ravi’s ‘new mage’ dance?” called out a new voice.

The group looked up to see two men briskly walking across the courtyard. There was a wry smirk on one man’s face while the other seemed to be adjusting his coat as if he were still trying to get properly dressed.

“Alric canceled it,” Cameron replied.

Alric sighed and gave a little roll of his eyes, which was not a kingly expression at all, but one that held a wealth of love and amusement. “I did not. He can celebrate the arrival of a new mage, but not at the expense of the Valerii. We all benefit when we find a new mage.”

“You must be North,” said a man with warm amber skin and dark eyes. He was built like a mountain, but a gentle mountain if North was judging by the man who pressed to his side.

“North, this is the head of my guard, Baldewin, and his mate, Nestori Taavi,” Alric introduced.

“An honor,” Baldewin said, bowing his head.

The mage looked older than Cameron and himself with dark hair and laugh lines around his mouth. He extended his hand to North with a grin. “You can just call me Tori.”

“North,” he replied, eagerly shaking the man’s hand. “A pleasure.”

Tori reached into the pockets of his coat and immediately frowned. “Crap. Forgot my gloves in our rooms.”

Tags: Jocelynn Drake Scales 'n' Spells Paranormal