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“I, uh, why? Oh, because I’m a mage, you mean.”

“No. Well, yes, because you’re a mage. But mostly because you’re incredibly attractive.” And even that was understating it. Warin himself felt the pull very strongly, which was why he was doing stupid things like cuddling a cute mage in a single bed that wasn’t even big enough for him alone. Which made the dragon side of him superbly happy, but also frustrated because the dragon was demanding more than cuddles. Warin had to firmly keep himself in check before his hands went wandering places they were not invited to play.

“Thank you,” North murmured, his hand stroking over Warin’s chest in a slow, sensual glide that sent the most delicious chill over his skin. Goose bumps broke out down Warin’s arms, his heart picked up, and he wanted more. “I think you’re very handsome.”

Warin was elated at those words. The attraction was mutual, then? Certainly, North responded to him like a man who wanted him. Had he been uncertain if Warin felt the same? Is that what held him back from outright flirting? Warin didn’t care to examine it just then, not when he could be doing something else instead. “If we had met under more normal circumstances and I asked you out to dinner, what would you have said?”

“On a date? Like an actual date?”

The excited little vibration in North’s words sent a thrill through Warin, and it was addicting. He wanted to bottle it and hide it away in his hoard. “Yes. Of course.”

North hummed softly as if thinking about it, but Warin could feel the little wiggle he performed thanks to them being so tightly pressed together in the tiny bed. “I think I would have said ‘yes.’ What kind of date would it have been? What would we have done?”

Warin was enjoying this game. He very much would prefer to actually do all the things flitting through his mind, but snuggled close in the dark room, with the gentle rock of the train, it was like they’d slipped into their own little world away from deadly rogue mages and clans. He set his mind to creating the perfect date that would sweep North off his feet.

“I would arrive at wherever you were living and present you with a single, perfect rose with all the thorns snipped away so you don’t prick your fingers. I would take you to my favorite restaurant. Do you like Italian?”

“Love it,” North exhaled in a soft moan.

“It’s a little place with white tablecloths and candles in frosted hurricane glasses. The food is delicious, and the restaurant has the most beautiful view of the Mediterranean Sea. We would talk, and you’d tell me everything that interests you, everything you’ve ever dreamed about. Afterward, we would stroll to this little jazz club I know for a nightcap and live music. Then I would take you home.”

North sighed, his breath dancing across Warin’s neck in the most tantalizing caress. He snuggled a little bit closer and rested his head on Warin’s shoulder. “That sounds like a heavenly evening. The most perfect date ever.”

“Do you think it would be a good enough evening to be rewarded with a kiss?” Warin asked playfully.

“Hmmm…” North hummed again, seeming to think over his question. “I think…yes, I think it would be a date worthy of a kiss at the end.”

Warin sighed. “I wish we could have had that date.” He was a little surprised at the sharp slice of pain in his heart that the date might never happen. He wanted that exact night he’d painted for North, to watch all his wonder-filled expressions, hear all the stories he would tell in his excited voice.

“We still could, right?”

“Yes,” Warin replied quickly, a surge of joy shoving aside the last slivers of pain. “Of course. It just might be a while. We need to keep you safe and protected at all times. Right now, mages are not permitted away from the castle without at least two dragons accompanying them.”

“Ahh. Not exactly a private date if we’ve got company.”

“Yes.” And then there was the fact North might meet another dragon who suited him so much better. He might never get his date with North if he was swept off his feet by another.

“I’m happy to wait for a date like that, though. But…” North paused and his fingers flexed on Warin’s side, digging in just a bit, as if he was unconsciously trying to pull him closer. “But even if we can’t have the date now, I could at least show you what the kiss would be like. Do…do you want to know?”

“Yes, please,” Warin breathed. He hadn’t thought anything in this world would make him beg, but in the dark embrace of the train car with North stretched out against him, he was sure he would beg for even the faintest touch of the mage’s lips.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake Scales 'n' Spells Paranormal