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Sasha reached across and placed her hand on Baldewin’s knee, smiling gently at him. “Then you move at his pace. Let him know you are interested, but tell him you’re happy to move at any pace he is comfortable with. You’re a dragon. You’ve got centuries ahead of you.”

“And keep kissing him,” Warin added. “I bet he really likes the kissing part.”

That was probably a safe bet, but then Baldewin also really liked the kissing part. He was happy to try other physical parts as well. The man was like candy, and Baldewin wanted to lick every inch of him. Hmm…would Tori make any fun and interesting noises when he was licked?

And now Baldewin was interested in discovering that fun little tidbit about the man.

He looked over at Warin, who was engrossed in finding something to eat, or really, many things to eat.

“How are you hungry?” Sasha demanded.

“What?” Warin asked, eyes wide and innocent. “We didn’t have dessert. I thought I could order us something sweet from room service.”

After years of traveling with the man, Baldewin had learned that Warin was largely a walking stomach.

“You don’t mind, do you?” Baldewin prodded, trying to pull them back to their original conversation.

Warin’s head snapped over to Baldewin, and his brow furrowed for a moment. “About you and Tori?” His face cracked into a wide grin. “Of course I don’t mind that my good friend has discovered his gefreogen. I, naturally, want one of my own, but I’m not going to begrudge your happiness.” He paused and shrugged. “We are finding mages at a much faster rate now. Mine will likely turn up any day now.”

There was a burst of muffled laughter from the next room, and all three dragons stared at the closed door before Warin spoke again.

“Besides, you should worry that your potential mate appears to be getting along quite famously with Cassie. I bet he’ll even turn out to be great friends with Ravi.”

Baldewin couldn’t stop the little shudder that ran through his frame. Trouble and danger followed Cassie and Ravi around like shadows. Cameron had been much the same way when he’d first arrived, but he appeared to be slowing down a little, now that he’d assumed the official title of consort.

It would be his luck if Tori fell in with those troublemakers. Not that he could be too upset over it. He very much wanted Tori to make friends and be comfortable at the castle. The mage needed to see it as his home.

The bedroom door opened, and the two mages stepped out. They both carried something in their hands. Cassie naturally dropped into Sasha’s lap, wrapping her long, slender arms around her mate’s neck as if they had been separated for days rather than a few minutes.

“Did you miss me?” Cassie purred, nuzzling Sasha’s neck.

“I missed you like the flowers miss the sun at the end of each day,” Sasha murmured.

Tori lifted one eyebrow at Cassie. “So, is that a mate thing or a Sasha thing?”

Cassie hummed for a second. “I want to say it’s a Sasha thing, but Cam claims that Alric can be just as romantic and sweet. I guess it could be a mate thing.” She turned her attention to her mate. “Tori showed me how to make the coolest amulet for you to contain the masking spell.” The mage looped a length of chain over Sasha’s head and laid it against her chest. The ruby-colored stone winked in the lamplight, and Cassie gave a happy sigh.

“We tested the ones we made for ourselves with a seeking spell, and the amulets are effective,” Tori explained as he handed Warin an amulet on a chain that looked similar to the one Sasha was now wearing. He also stepped over to Baldewin and held out one for him. Baldewin was watching his face, and a new tension seemed to creep into his expression. There was a mild smile on his lips, but there was fresh worry in his eyes that hadn’t been there when he’d handed the amulet to Warin.

Baldewin lowered his gaze to the amulet resting on his fingers, and his heart skipped a beat. It was similar to Sasha’s and Warin’s except that the stone was green with hints of greenish grey. The wire that was wrapped around it to hold it in place had been stretched across the top of the stone and formed a swirling B. Tori had made this for him. This was more than just protection for all of them. Tori had made him a gift.

“Thank you,” Baldewin said in a rough voice as his throat threatened to close off. He looked up to see the worry evaporate from Tori’s gaze, and the mage’s smile turned a little wry.

“With any luck, the magic will last until we can get to Sonthofen at least.”

Tags: Jocelynn Drake Scales 'n' Spells Paranormal