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Dieter’s strong hand landed on Alric’s shoulder and squeezed, reminding him of his father’s reassuring touch. “And it is a lot for a man who thought he was human to swallow. In one afternoon, his world became much larger than he ever expected. The life he knew is forever changed. Give him a chance to think about it.”

“But what if he doesn’t? He refused to allow me to return him to his hotel. He doesn’t trust me.” Alric wished he could pull the words back as soon as they left his tongue. They revealed too much.

Dieter squeezed his shoulder again before patting him on the back a couple of times. “Or maybe he’s just upset with an insufferable king who’s trying to change his world. Maybe he feels too vulnerable right now and doesn’t trust himself with a certain king.”

“No, definitely not. He doesn’t trust me.”

Dieter clasped his hands behind his back and shrugged as he stood at the window with Alric. This tactic was way too familiar. It was Dieter’s way of completely disagreeing with Alric, but he was keeping his opinions to himself and allowing Alric to simply stew in his own frustrations until he finally admitted Dieter was right. Well, Dieter wasn’t right this time.

But what Alric felt or even what Cameron felt right now wasn’t important.

“He could change everything for our people. He even has a sister. A twin sister. What this could mean for us…for all our people…” Alric said softly.

“It will be great for everyone,” Dieter replied.

“Assuming I haven’t ruined it.” Dieter was the only person he felt comfortable sharing his fear and doubts with. His advisor was the only person with the experience who could help him be a better, smarter ruler.

“You haven’t.”

“If only I’d been more cautious. More patient. Given him more time to adjust to the idea.”

“What’s done is done. Learn from it. You’re wasting energy on something that can’t be changed now. You must turn your gaze forward and plan for the next step.”

Alric nodded. “You’re right. Baldewin will help calm him.”

“A passionate mage makes for an excellent mate,” Dieter declared as if it was already settled that Cameron would just come around and join their clan with no more problems.

“And he’s brilliant,” Alric quickly added. “During our walk yesterday, he was telling me all about his travels and the things he so clearly remembered. His mind is sharp. I know he’s going to take to magic so easily. He will just soak everything in and possibly even expand upon what we already know. Cameron will bring incredible strength to our clan and the mages. He would make an excellent mate for Gunter. Both of them are geniuses in their own right. They’re driven and determined. But then, we believe his line is from the Noh Clan. They are typically mated with the Wind Clan.”

Dieter cringed. “Possibly, but I’d hoped for someone with a firmer hand and calmer temperament when it came to Ravi’s mate. Pairing Ravi with Cameron’s clearly passionate nature seems dangerous.”

“Then Baldewin. He’s a calm and steady force. Not prone to emotional outbursts. He could be a rock for Cameron to lean on. Or maybe someone else from our clan. Most of our people are unmated.”

“Or maybe our king,” Dieter said, but Alric was already shaking his head. “You deserve a mate just as much as the rest of our people. It makes you stronger in ways that cannot be easily explained.”

He had to be careful wanting Cameron in any way. A mage wanting someone he couldn’t have was what led to the destruction of dragons and mages. Alric would not make the same mistake.

“It is as you’ve told me in the past—if it’s meant to be, then it will be. I need to direct my energies toward what is best for my people. I just pray that Baldewin can help calm Cameron.”

Because no matter what happened, he was not letting Cameron out of his sight again.

Cameron sat in the passenger seat of the car fuming. He wasn’t sure who he was angrier with—Alric or himself. Alric was being stubborn and pushy, insistent on a topic Cameron couldn’t wrap his head around.

He’d been pushed so much in his life by loving, well-meaning people that it grated now when anyone did it. Take his engineering degree, for example. Here he was with a master’s in it, a decision that wasn’t really of his making, and it rankled. The moment they’d handed him the diploma, Cameron knew it had been a mistake. It wasn’t truly what he wanted.

And now here was Alric, pushing him to be something else. And for selfish reasons, too, as the man was only interested in trying to save his clan. Save from what, was the question he should have asked, but that was neither here nor there right now. He was too upset to care. Cameron hated him for that a little because the man had been personable and charming yesterday. But it was all with that agenda in mind. Cameron felt a little used.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake Scales 'n' Spells Paranormal