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Bel was almost exactly where he left him, but he was standing over the dead body of the vampire who controlled the wolves. Blood covered him, but there were only a few healing cuts. His arms were held out as if he were trying to hold some invisible foe at bay. In front of him were the wolves that had attacked Rafe. And on either side of the wolves were the bobcats.

“Go check on Winter and Jullien,” Rafe said as he slowly approached his twin. He was afraid to distract him, but he wanted to help in some way.

“They don’t want to leave.” Bel’s soft voice wavered with an unexpected mix of sorrow and confusion.

“He was their master. They’re attached,” Rafe replied. It wasn’t easy keeping his voice even. It wasn’t the wolves’ fault they attacked him. They were only doing what they were trained for. Of course, that didn’t mean he was going to relax around them.

“No, they don’t want to leave me.”

Rafe blinked at his brother in shock. “Can you get in their heads?”

“No. I just get flashes of emotion. Fear mostly. Sadness. Hopelessness. But I can’t send the bobcats away until the wolves leave. I’m getting tired.”

Rafe stared at the wolves, unnerved by the intelligence he could clearly see staring back at him. These were not your average wolves, but he hadn’t a clue as to how they were different. They looked like big, fluffy wolves to him, except that they’d clearly imprinted on Bel. Not good.

“Go! Shoo! Go away!” Rafe shouted, waving his hands at them.

“Seriously, Rafe?”

But the larger of the two wolves snuffed at Rafe and turned. The smaller one followed, and they disappeared into the woods at a fast trot.

Bel spun on Rafe and held up a finger. “Not a word!”

“But—” Rafe started, nearly choking on his laughter.

“Not. One.”

“Go check on your bear. I think Nolan broke one of his legs, and he needs you.”

“Motherfucker!” Bel started to leave, but then he turned back and pulled Rafe into a brutal hug. “So proud of you, my sweet brother,” he whispered.

Rafe closed his eyes and hugged his sweaty, filthy brother. “And I love you, my sweet Bel.”

With his twin off to look over his giant black bear, Rafe wandered to where Philippe was kneeling next to Jullien. His wrist was pressed to Jullien’s mouth as the other vampire fed from him. Rafe’s blood boiled in a flash and he clenched his teeth, but he shoved the feeling down when Philippe looked up at him, relief and joy clearly written on his face. After everything Philippe had lost, after being betrayed so horribly, Rafe could push his petty jealousy aside. Philippe needed to be there for his old friend. It didn’t change the fact that Philippe belonged to him and him alone.

“Bel?” Winter asked as he stepped over to Rafe.

“Taking care of his bear.”

Winter shook his head. “Jesus fuck,” he muttered. “He got a damn bear.”

“And bobcats,” Rafe added. “The wolves were trying to adopt him.”

“I guess we’re lucky he spends all his time in the lab.”

Rafe grunted and then remembered Nolan’s final threat. “You should grab Marcus and the others. Head to his house. Nolan mentioned sending vampires to kill Ethan.”

“We’ll make sure everything is cleaned up there.”

“I’ll bring Bel and Jullien with us when they’re ready.”

Winter jogged off toward the parking lot to round up the rest of the clan. Rafe wasn’t too worried about Aiden, because…well, he was Aiden.

Jullien lowered Philippe’s wrist from his mouth and sighed heavily. He tilted his head up at Rafe and frowned. “Philippe said he’s a Varik now.”

Rafe flashed his lover a grin. “He was born to be a Varik.” He turned his gaze to Jullien. “But there is still a little more room in our clan if you wish to join us. I know it would make Philippe happy.” Rafe paused and sighed extravagantly. “And I would find some way to tolerate you.”

“I’m not moving into that damn deathtrap you call a penthouse.”

“Certainly not!”

No, but maybe he could live with Lola.

That was an excellent idea. Lola could teach Jullien to have a little fun, and Jullien could possibly keep Lola out of trouble.

A brilliant idea since he was planning to spend a great deal of time with Philippe Varik in and out of their bed.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Rafe stood in front of the mirror, straightening the collar of his shirt, then adjusting the cuffs. His smile grew when Philippe appeared behind him, one eyebrow raised in mocking question.

“You wouldn’t be hiding from your brothers in here, would you?” Philippe teased.

“I can’t imagine why, considering we just got rid of Marcus and Ethan two nights ago,” Rafe replied with a little roll of his eyes.

A week had passed since the great battle of Cockaponset. Or as Rafe preferred to think of it: The Great Cock Battle. There had been an attack on Marcus’s home as well. And while Aiden had no problems putting down the troublemakers, Marcus’s home had gotten trashed in the process.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake Lords of Discord Paranormal