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Rektar bends over and sticks his head inside, giving me a concerned look. His feet are firmly planted on the step outside, and he reminds me of when I was a kid and we played “The Floor is Lava.” My house apparently is lava. "Are you certain you don't mind?"

"Get in here," I say, smiling. "You think I can eat all this by myself?"

He takes a cautious step inside, watching me with a wary expression. After a moment, he loosens up and his eyes go to the food. "You…made all this for me?"

"No, baby, I made all this for me. You just get to eat with me," I tease, spooning a bit of the thick gravy atop the roast. "I hope you brought an appetite."

He's silent.

I look up, and he's got a stunned look on his face. "What? What's wrong?" A horrible thought occurs to me. "Did you find evidence of more trespassers?"

Rektar shakes himself, the stunned expression fading. "Sorry. I wasn't trying to scare you. No other trespassers. I just…did you refer to me in a human form of affection?"

A human what? I think for a moment, trying to remember what I said, and then I chuckle. "I was being casual. Sorry if it threw you off." I am absolutely not going to get hurt feelings over his reaction. I'm not. I'm not.

"I see." Rektar watches me with that unreadable expression and then moves over to the far side of the table. He pulls out my chair and gestures that I should sit.

Damn this man for not being interested, because that small, thoughtful gesture makes my heart ache with want. I pull off my oven mitts and set them down on the counter, then sit in the chair he's got for me. He scoots me in and then takes the other chair next to my own, watching me. Always watching me.

"Don't wait on me." I gesture at the food. "You help yourself."

He hesitates for a moment longer and then gives me a sheepish smile and takes the spoon from the stewed tahaari. I help myself to the closest plate, and for the next few moments, we're quiet, loading up our dishes. I'm not entirely surprised when the plate he sets in front of himself is absolutely heaped with food. One of the things I like about Rektar is that the man loves good food. I love baking, so to me, that's an important quality in a guy. I can't eat all of my own baking, but if I had someone else to bake for, it's not so bad.

Rektar tastes the first dish and then moves on to the next. He eats a mouthful of each one before turning to me. "This food is incredible, Lucy. I'm honored."

I preen at his praise, wiggling in my seat. I knew he liked my baked goods that I brought into town for him, but to hear that he enjoys all my cooking gives me a special sort of pleasure. I watch as he tucks into the food as if he hasn't eaten in months. Having company is just so…nice. Even having someone at the table while you both eat feels less lonely. I know many of the human women on Risda and we all keep in touch via comms and the monthly book club gathering but the rest of the time, it's an utterly lonely situation. It's one I thought I've handled pretty well up until this point, but having Rektar at my table makes me realize how much I need company.

I really do need a husband. It's annoying to realize that, because I don't need help around the house. I just want company. Someone to talk to. Heck, I'd settle for a roommate. It doesn't have to be sexual…although I really do like sex, so that'd be a bonus. I take a few more bites, my thoughts focused on the problem at hand.

Rektar clears his throat, and when I look up, I realize his plate is empty. "Is it all right with you if I have more?"

Smiling, I gesture at the food. "Help yourself. I made extra." Looks like there won't be leftovers after all, and I don't mind in the slightest. Already, I'm thinking about what I can make for breakfast since he has such a big appetite. I have eggs I get from a neighboring farm and I could make a nice, fluffy quiche with some greens and veggies tossed in…

"Truly, this is the best meal I have had in years," Rektar tells me as he sets another heaping plate in front of himself. He gives me a closed-mouth smile that seems warm. "You are very kind to invite me to eat with you."

I sip my water, watching him eat. He acts like I've done a massive favor for him, just being polite and feeding the man. "Do you and Khex not cook, then?"

Tags: Ruby Dixon Romance