I slept in that man’s arms last night. I want him.

He had his hands in his pockets and he was frowning. Lost in his thoughts, he certainly did not hear her.

She padded across to him and slipped both hands round his arm. He jumped, stiffening. Zoe was too happy to worry about it.

‘Listen to them,’ she said, rubbing her face companionably against his shoulder. ‘Triumph in a few notes.’

He did not return the caress. But, after the tiniest pause, he said in an amused voice, ‘The bells? They’re supposed to be calling the faithful to prayer, you know.’

‘Nah. It’s Venice showing off. I’m the best, you suckers.’

She waved her arms above her head, taunting the rest of the world.

Released, he moved away from her. ‘You’re very chirpy.’

Zoe was in tearing spirits and saw no reason to hide it. ‘I’m wonderful.’

Some of the constraint fell away from him. ‘Glad to hear it. Do you want coffee?’

She stretched again, beaming. Below, the gilded water gleamed. Sunbeams struck diamond rainbows off the columns and colonnades of the square palace opposite. The morning air felt sharp and warm at the same time.

‘I want everything,’ she said with relish.

He laughed.

‘I want to do everything. I want to see everything. I want to fly.’ She flung her arms wide, embracing Venice, life and the universe.

‘Start with coffee,’ Jay advised.

She realised that there was a tray on the coffee table. He poured her a cup and brought it over to her.

‘Not as hot as it was, sorry.’

She took it, her exuberance dimming a little. ‘Have you been up long?’

‘A while,’ he said uncommunicatively.

She remembered—he doesn’t stay the night. It was only a tiny pinprick in the fabric of her delight, but it was there all the same.

She said ruefully, ‘Ouch. My fault, I suppose? Did I snore?’

Jay looked startled. Then he shook his head, smiling. ‘No. You were very well behaved.’ He raised his coffee cup to her. ‘A positive pleasure to sleep with.’

Zoe twinkled back at him. ‘That’s a relief.’

He looked at her searchingly. ‘You really are all right this morning?’

The grin broke out again. She could not stop it.

‘I’m bloody marvellous.’

‘You’re not just—saying that?’

‘Oh, come on. Would I?’

‘Yes,’ he said unexpectedly.

Zoe stared. ‘What? Why?’

His eyes were greeny-hazel and oddly remote.

‘Because you’re kind and you’re brave and you tell people what they want to hear,’ he answered literally. ‘I want to hear that I didn’t hurt you last night. So, hey presto, my wish is granted. This morning, for one day only, the Zoe Brown all-singing, all-dancing extravaganza.’

She pulled the robe tighter round her. Suddenly the crisp morning seemed chilly.

‘You’re crazy.’

‘No, I’m not,’ said Jay intensely. ‘I’m a man with a bad conscience trying to get the truth out of a world-class actress.’

Zoe winced. But she said with spirit, ‘And to think you had the gall to call me neurotic! I think you can’t have had enough sleep. I must have snored after all, and you’re just lying about it to be kind.’

Their eyes met in a duel that she did not wholly understand.

She dropped the sarcasm. ‘Look at me, Jay,’ she said quietly. ‘If I were any more pleased with myself I’d burst.’

There was a pause. For a moment his eyes flickered, as if he were confused. Then he shrugged and turned away. ‘That’s all right, then.’

They talked about Venice. And the day’s itinerary. And breakfast. And her crazy family. She even made a joke about Deborah’s midnight pot roast. They laughed and they were friends.

But it dimmed the day a bit.

Zoe had an energising shower, then climbed into slim pale trousers and a crop top. Her mirrored image looked back at her, wide eyed and—excited.


‘The start of the rest of my life,’ she murmured. ‘And his.’

She went back into the bedroom, brushing her curls vigorously. Jay was standing by the bed. He turned—and for a moment she hardly recognised him. His face was a rigid mask but his eyes looked agonised.

Tags: Sophie Weston Billionaire Romance