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She scoffed.

Then, instead of getting out of the tub, she got in, walking across the space and sitting herself across my lap.

I wrapped my arms around her frame and held her close, resting my chin on the top of her head. “I’m so sorry, baby.”

“He knows about you,” she warned. “He called you my Shark.”

“I am your Shark. I’m your anything you want.” I kissed the top of her head and blatantly ignored the way the water had turned her white tank top see-through.

“Yeah, but I didn’t want him to know that.”

“There are pictures of us everywhere, Shea. It was bound to come out eventually. Even as careful as we are, you know that’s true.”

She swallowed. “He found her at the game.”

I nodded. “He’s done research.”

“He’s not going to touch her.” She was fully soft against me, tucked into every hollow I could offer her, but her voice was pure steel.

“Agreed. I know you don’t think this is my fight—”

“Hudson, it’s not. I brought this here.”

I took her face in my hands and waited for her to meet my eyes. “If I’m your Shark, then you’re mine, too. That’s how this works. We’re together in everything, or we’re not.”

“What do you want to do?” she asked, already constructing walls behind those gray eyes.

“I want to hire the best lawyer in Seattle to start. Second, I want bodyguards on you and Elliott.”

“Absolutely not!” She pushed out of my arms and stood.

I kept my eyes on hers, and definitely not her diamond-hard nipples trying to cut through her shirt.


“My turn!” she snapped. “Elliott will not live like that. What would I tell her? Hey, by the way, you’re biological father was an abusive asshole who beat and raped me whenever he felt like it? Oh, and I ran away with you, but now he’s found us because I fell for a celebrity?”

I blinked.

“Done?” I asked.

“I don’t know!”

“Well, while you’re deciding, how about this. Tell her whatever you want. Tell her the truth: that she has a bodyguard because you’re dating a celebrity. You can leave him out of it, but you might want to tell her. Because you’re leaving her just as blind as I was, and you have no guarantee that she won’t get into a car with him.”

“She’s not that reckless!” Shea sputtered.

“He’s already talked to her, Shea. She spoke to him. Yes, she looked for me, that’s how I knew to move, but she did talk to him, and now she thinks he’s the team dad, so he’s got an in with her. You both need protection. I can’t be with you every moment of the day.”

She folded her arms under her breasts, goosebumps rising on her skin from the chill of the night air.

“No. It would make her a freak at school.”

“For fuck’s sake! Better a freak than in his hands.”

Indecision flickered in her eyes, and I knew when she stepped back logically, she’d meet me at the same conclusion: they needed protection. But emotion ruled her in that moment.

“I can afford a lawyer, but not bodyguards.” she shook her head.

“Jesus, Shea! Let me take care of it! Move into my house. Drive my cars. Use my security system. Accept the fucking security! Take whatever you need. What good is all this money if I can’t help you? Protect you? Protect Elliott? Let me protect you!”

“Why?” she yelled right back. She’d flinched a little when I’d raised my voice, but she hadn’t backed away. Hadn’t run.

“Because I fucking love you! Because you and Elliott—you’re my entire heart. My soul. And if anything happened to you… God. I just can’t. You have to let me help you. If it makes me selfish to say that I have to do it to save my own soul, then fine. Because without you, I’m empty. So take the fucking security at least.”

My fingers bit into the frame of the tub, but I didn’t move.

Her mouth dropped open.

“You love me?”

I blinked rapidly. “Yeah. I do. And I know that doesn’t give me any claim on you, but please—”

She moved her hands down her legs, shucking the wet pajama bottoms, and then straddled me, stopping my words with her mouth.

She kissed me like it would be the last time, all hunger and desperation, and when I tried to soften the kiss, tried to take her slower, she pushed it, thrust her tongue harder against mine, pulling my hair, rocking against my already hard dick.

“Shea—” I muttered between kisses.

“Shut up. You love me,” she said breathlessly. Then, without preamble, she freed my cock from my shorts and sank down on me, taking me to the hilt.

“Holy shit,” I groaned, barely thinking enough to hit the buttons that would drop the shades around us.

Once we were blocked from any prying eyes—which at this height had to be helicopters or really dedicated telescope enthusiasts, I kissed her back, angling her head so I could plunge my tongue at the same rhythm I was thrusting up into her.

She squeezed me tight, all slippery and perfect.

Before I lost myself in her body, I reached between us, and brought her with me, thumbing her clit until she cried out, convulsing around me.

I gritted my teeth until my orgasm retreated.

Then I brought her to orgasm another two times before I finally gave myself over to the pleasure only she could give me, that moment where my body didn’t just find peace, but my soul.

It didn’t dawn on me until later—in the middle of the night—that I’d laid my soul bare, and told her I loved her…

And she hadn’t said it back.

Chapter 16


“I don’t know what to say,” Melissa said, her hand on the Uber I’d called for her. We’d just finished packing it up. Liam was already in the car seat, happily checking out the new book I’d brought him. “I don’t know how to thank you. How I’ll ever repay—”

“Take care of yourself,” I cut her off. “And that little one. That’s repayment enough. I promise.”

She flung her arms around me, the motion so youthful it was a reminder of how damn young she was. “I will,” she said, clutching me like a lifeline. “I promise.” I flashed the security detail a small smile over her shoulder, still getting used to his presence. Hudson had put one on Elliott too, but he was told to remain as unseen as possible. I’d tell her everything…soon. Hudson was right, I couldn’t let her be blindsided. But, as different as it was, I was slightly comforted that the detail was here. Just in case.

“And don’t underestimate yourself,” I said as she pulled back to look me in the eye. Hers were glittering with unshed tears. “You are strong and smart and fully capable of carving out a life for yourself and your baby. Don’t let anyone tell you different.”

She nodded, sucking in a sharp breath. “My aunt…” She sighed. “I never thought she’d take us in. Not when my own mother had been so cold.”

Melissa’s aunt had worked really damn hard to get in touch with her—going through me and all the proper professional channels before they were put in touch. It was admirable, and it was beyond clear how much she loved the girl. They’d lost touch when Melissa’s mother had disowned her, but she’d been fighting for her behind the scenes for longer than Melissa had even known.

And now she’d be safe and loved, and Liam would have a warm home to go to bed in every single night. A real home, not a shelter or the help house I’d set her up in.

“And,” she continued. “I can’t believe he’s gone.”

I nodded. “He’ll be in there for at least six to ten years.” Something cold flickered inside my blood, the chilling juxtaposition of this case with my past. The sole reason I was so freaking attached to this girl. Though, she had family where I didn’t, and that was something to treasure. “And you need to prepare yourself every day for the chance he gets out early,” I said, hating that I had to bring down th

e joyful moment. “Not in a way that ruins your life, but in a way that you’re prepared. Strong. Holding plans of action if he ever tries to approach you again.”

A slight flash of fear colored her eyes, and I gripped her shoulder.

“I’m not saying he will,” I said, hating that I had to speak from experience—Todd’s sudden appearance in my life fueling my warnings. “He likely won’t go to the trouble after his time is served. But, it’s good to not ignore the possibility.”

“I understand,” she said, holding her spine straight. “And I will. I won’t waste the chance you’ve given me and my son.”

I hugged her again. “You did it all,” I said. “I just helped a tiny bit.”

She chuckled. “Okay, I’m going to get out of here before I get super weepy.”

I smiled as she slipped into the car. “Good idea,” I said, and shut the door after she’d settled next to Liam. The Uber pulled away from the curb, and I waved to them both, choking back the emotion clogging my throat.

Another case closed.

This one with a happy outcome.

Not all were, and I savored the ones where I felt there was genuine hope and happiness at the end of it.

Tags: Samantha Whiskey Seattle Sharks Romance