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The thought of it being ours still had the warm-tingly effect all over my body. Even though it’d been months, sometimes I still couldn’t

believe this was my life. Married—after a rowdy night in Vegas—to the love of my life, who happened to be sexy and funny as hell. Adoptive mother to the coolest little girl on the planet. Living in a dream house that was currently filled with puppies and love and friends and family. And working for one of the most respected news blogs in the world—thanks to my celebrity friend I’d met at the awards show months ago. His hurricane story, and all the stories he’d given me thereafter, had saved my career. I owed him everything, and yet he asked for nothing in return. Expect that I mentioned and linked a different charity of his choice with each piece.

“It’s because you look so damn good carrying it,” I finally answered Connor, smacking his fine ass as he took one bag onto the patio and dumped it in the awaiting cooler.


I jolted, spinning around to find Hannah arching a brow at me from the corner of the kitchen. “You are eerily quiet.” I chuckled, knowing it wasn’t the last time I’d say the words.

“Lettie’s a warrior,” she said, pointing at Lettie who jumped up and down in the backyard, waving at Hannah through the glass patio door, motioning her to hurry up. Princess Sparkle Snort and Rookie wrestled behind her.

Hannah confidently strolled through the kitchen, grabbing two chilled Gatorades. “I’m a ninja,” she continued. “A sparkly one,” she added as if I could miss the glitter on her swimsuit, flip-flops, and some in her hair.

“Makes perfect sense,” I said, grinning as she nearly bowled Connor over racing out to meet her friend.

“I hope Gage doesn’t move,” Connor said, his voice a whisper as he wrapped an arm around me.

“What do you mean?”

“When he retires,” he said, his voice going even lower like the friends scattered about our backyard and house might here.

“What?” I rolled my eyes. “That’s just a rumor.”

“Is it?” He eyed me.

I gaped at him. “Connor Bridgerton!” I scolded. “You are not asking for insider information from the Coach’s daughter, are you?”

“I do it all the time,” Eric’s voice sounded behind us, and I spun to hug my sister.

Pepper swatted Eric, shaking her head at me. “I never tell him anything.”

He smacked her butt. “That’s not entirely true.”

Her cheeks flushed a brighter shade of pink than her current hair color. “Eric!”

“Pepper,” he mimicked her.

“Ivy,” Connor said, and I burst out laughing.

“My lips are sealed.” I planted them in a line for good measure.

Connor cocked a brow at me, snaking his arms around my waist and hefting me to his level. “Is that a challenge, Mrs. Bridgerton?”

I kept my lips firmly closed despite the heat swarming my core. I didn’t think there would ever be a time where I didn’t ache for this man.

But I couldn’t confirm or deny the rumors because honestly, I didn’t know. Which made me believe it was all hearsay at this point. Dad would tell us if we needed to know, or more fairly, Gage would speak up on the matter when he was ready. We already lost a handful of senior players after last season and had a fresh batch of rookies in for the upcoming one. It would be a transition and adaptation to new blood, but that was hockey.

“We’ll be…elsewhere,” Pepper said, quite possibly blushing brighter because of the way Connor held and stared at me.

“Right,” Eric said, following her toward the opened glass door. “Need to make sure Gage isn’t falling asleep at the grill with how old he is.”

Pepper swatted him again, and I laughed. “Don’t let him, Rory, or Warren here you speaking like that!” I called over Connor’s shoulder.

Eric saluted me before disappearing into the backyard where half the Sharks were drinking, chatting, and munching on the delectable spread we’d prepared for this barbeque.

Alone, at last, I locked my ankles around Connor’s hips and properly kissed him.

Fierce and hard and hungry, a completely surprise attack that had his grip on me tightening and a growl rumbling from his chest.

“What was that for?” He asked, his eyes hooded and hazy with lust.

“Just love you,” I said, wiggling until he set me on my feet. “Now, you need to get to the pool,” I said, eyeing his jeans. “Hannah has been dying for you to swim with her all day.”

He laughed, quickly kissing my forehead before bounding upstairs to change.

I checked on the drink stock and food tables set up outside, chatting sporadically with Paige, Chloe, Jeannine, and Bailey. Faith and Pepper were in the pool house, along with Lettie, Gage, Hannah, and a handful of other players.

Lukas and Hudson—both shirtless, tatted, and downright drool-worthy—spoke with a few girls near the waterfall. I almost felt sorry for the girls who couldn’t keep their eyes off the chiseled abs and swirls of ink, but that pity quickly died when Crosby sauntered up behind them with another girl tailing him.

Some things never changed, but we’d made our peace with Crosby—Connor and I both agreeing that we wouldn’t change a thing about our lives because the events led us here.

Which was pretty much perfection.

I settled into a wrought iron chair next to my sister, Faith never missing a beat to immediately draw me into the conversation.

“And he had to give me a ride home,” she said.

Pepper nearly spit out her drink. “You’re kidding!”

Faith took a swig of her own drink, her lips popping after she swallowed. “Nope.”

“I would’ve paid money to hear that conversation,” Pepper said.

“Who are we talking about?” I asked.

Pepper motioned to Faith. “This one here got into some car trouble an hour outside of town.”

“What were you doing out there?”

“Research for a school project,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“And who did you call for a ride?” I asked, desperate to catch up.

Pepper giggled. “She didn’t have to call anyone.”

I raised my brows, noting the slight tension to Faith’s jawline.

“She ran into Lukas.”

My eyes darted to the Nordic god who was still by the waterfall.

“Our Lukas?”


I now got the joke. “Ohmygod, did he have like three other women in his car, too?”

Faith chuckled, shaking her head. “Surprisingly, no.”

“What did you two talk about for an hour?”

Faith shrugged. “I don’t know,” she said. “I could barely understand him half the time.”

That set us all laughing.

Pepper and I shared a look like we knew better, but we wouldn’t push it. Lukas may be foreign, but you could carry on a conversation with him just fine. Whatever it was, Faith either didn’t find important, or there was more to the story she wasn’t ready to share. Either way, we weren’t about to push her on it.

“Did he play any music?” Pepper asked, fascinated with an innocent encounter from Lukas the lothario.

“Yes,” Faith said, perking up. “And in that, the man has taste—”

“Taste?” Lukas’ voice cut over Faith’s, and we all turned to see him standing behind my chair, eyes on Faith. “When terms of flavor are concerned, I’m the best judge. What are we discussing?”

“Nothing.” All three of us said at the same time.

“Oh, that’s fucked,” Hudson said, stopping to stand next to Lukas. “Nothing good comes from a trio of sisters trying to hide something.”

“Whose trying?” I countered, eyes darting between the two men towering over us, shirtless and hair still wet from a quick dip in the pool.

God help whoever ended up with Hudson—a bruiser to the teeth, the newest addition to the Sharks was almost as tight-lipped as Warren, but something darker lurked behind his eyes, a pain that no one had yet been brave enough to ask about. But, he turned into a complete teddy bear whenever Hannah or Lett

ie were around. Shocking, too, that Hannah had taken to the newcomer so quickly. The girl was a good judge of character though, and if she accepted him into our family, then we did too.

Lukas, on the other hand, I didn’t have to worry about when it came to women. He loved widely and often enough to ensure we’d never be holding up a crying girl with a broken heart, talking her through her tears. He wasn’t the relationship type, and fair enough, because dating Sharks was like a damn battlefield.

Worth it, but a small relief when players like Lukas openly shared who exactly they were upfront with women. Saved the rest of the family grief and guilt by association. And since I’d caused a fair amount of grief for the team on my own...I was ready for a peaceful break from Shark drama.

“Crosby wanted to know if he’s allowed inside,” Hudson said, drawing me back to the present.

I arched a brow at Hudson. “Never pegged you for a messenger.”

He grunted at that. “I also wanted an excuse to get away from…”

“You’re crazy,” Lukas said even when Hudson hadn’t finished. “They’re beautiful.”

“Anyway,” Hudson said, ignoring Lukas. “I don’t care what your answer is,” he said. “I’m not saying he can go in.”

I chuckled. “It’s really okay,” I said, despite the small sting that still radiated in my blood whenever Crosby was mentioned. “I doubt he’s out to break anything.” Not when he knew Connor, Eric, Lukas, and now Hudson would break him in return.

“Let him stew,” Hudson said, folding his arms over his massive chest. “Prick needs to learn humility.”

Faith, Pepper, and myself all shared a surprised look. So many layers to this normally silent giant.

Lukas rolled his eyes. “I came to ask for more of this boo bubbly stuff.” He held up an empty colorful can.

I laughed. “It’s Bai,” I said. “Not boo.”

Lukas shrugged. “Boo. Bai. It’s good.”

“The red cooler,” I said, pointing toward the opened pool house door and beyond, where an extra pair of coolers sat. “Help yourself, as always, Lukas.”

He leaned down to kiss my cheek, something I’d almost gotten used to. “Thank you, lovely,” he said, but his eyes were on Faith as he righted himself and headed toward the coolers.

Tags: Samantha Whiskey Seattle Sharks Romance