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“God, baby. You’re so fucking tight. You grip me just right. I love fucking you. I’ll never get enough, Ivy. Ever.”

She turned to steel in my arms, and I kissed her as I thrust harder, rubbing against her until she shattered, melting into bliss with my name on her lips and my heart in her hands.

Her orgasm brought mine, her walls squeezing me like a velvet vise as I emptied into her, mind-blowing pleasure exploding through me until my vision blacked for an exquisite second.

Then I collapsed, quickly rolling to my side so I didn’t crush her—she was so small compared to me, and brought her along so she was resting on my chest.

It was more than a few minutes before either of us could talk or breathe at a normal rate. I’d known sex with Ivy would be great, but never in my life had I imagined it would blow every other sexual experience I’d ever had out of the water.

“Three orgasms?” she asked, resting her chin on her hands to look up at me.

“Are you complaining?” I ran my hand down the damp length of her spine.

“No, just thinking you tackle sex like everything else in your life.”

I pried an eye open to see her sleepy, sated grin. “And how is that?”

“You’re an overachiever,” she answered with a shrug.

How could the woman make me want to laugh when she’d nearly killed me a few minutes ago? Scratch that, how could I already be hardening inside her again?

“Yeah, well, give me ten minutes and I’ll overachieve you in bed upstairs.”

“It’s okay if it takes you fifteen,” she said with a sparkle in her eyes.

“Make it five.”

Chapter 12


Connor’s lips against mine.

His body pinning me against the chaise by the pool.

The way he devoured me until I was limp with pleasure only to slide inside me and send me into orbit.

The memories deliciously haunted me, replaying the events over and over in my mind.

Heat crept along my skin underneath my jersey of choice today—Warren Kinley’s. I’d almost reached for Connor’s but wearing his name on my back would actually mean something. And I wasn’t ready to find out exactly what yet.

Still, I hadn’t blinked twice when Hannah had asked me to coordinate outfits—jerseys complete with back leggings, sparkly pink Ugg boots, and Shark green bows in our hair.

“Yeah!!” Hannah clapped and screamed louder than any fan in the stadium, which was packed. Game seven of the second round of playoffs, we were tied at three games for the series, the scoreboard showed us tied at four, and Connor had just gained possession of the puck. This could make or break the game—and the season.

One mistake, and the Sharks were done.

His toned body wasn’t evident under the pads and gear, but I knew his hard abs clenched, and his strong, thick thighs screamed as he skated across the ice. I shifted in my seat, holding my breath as I watched him soar with such power I swore the entire arena gasped.

Conner drew back his stick, those arms perfect for sweeping me off my feet and shooting goals. A loud crack! And the puck flew with lightning speed toward the goal…and right past the goalie’s attempt to block it.

We darted to our feet, hollering and cheering along with a thousand other Shark fans. The arena became a loud, chaotic entity as speakers blared music and fans blew horns.

“Yay!” Hannah squealed as she high fived me before we proceeded to jump up and down as if Connor had won the game for us. There were still three minutes left in the third period, but there was no stopping the mini-celebration. Hannah’s love for Connor was downright infectious.

As we settled back into our seats, I couldn’t a remember a time I’d been so stoked to be at a game.

Sure, I loved the Sharks and enjoyed watching them play, but there was something different about this game that I couldn’t put my finger on.

Connor’s tongue darting out to draw a moan from my mouth.

His smile that was equal parts grin and smirk.

The sound of his laugh.

The way he could be touchingly gentle with me as much as he could be downright deliciously animalistic.

The way he loved Hannah.

The way he made me feel like a goddess, worthy, and even…loved.

I jolted in my seat, my eyes trailing Connor’s moves like he was the center of my world.

How long had I been doing that?

Longer than we’d been…whatever it is that we were.

Longer than I’d ever admit to myself.

Warmth snaked its way up my limbs, filling the center of my chest with a solid heat I’d never felt before. Visions flashed behind my eyes, too fast and intense to stop them.

Connor’s arms around me, a wall at my back, his teeth grazing my skin.

Connor across the table from me, a breakfast spread between us as we laughed at something Hannah said.

Connor and Hannah wishing me luck as I rush out the door for a celebrity event I was covering.

A beautiful life—one with playful days and even wilder nights.

“Ohmygod!” I was so wrapped up in my own realization that I’d spoken the word aloud.

“I know, right?” Hannah asked, beaming up at me as she clapped and pointed toward the ice. “Uncle Eric blocked another one!”

“Right. Yes!” I fist-bumped the air and whooped for good measure.

I’d totally missed Eric’s not-at-all-surprising block.

Because I’d been too busy realizing I was completely and totally in love with Connor Bridgerton.

“Can’t you just write about how we won the second round?” Connor asked, his hands on my hips as he stood behind me.

I finished touching up my lipstick, a bright shade of pink that matched my dress. I spun slowly, wrapping my arms around his neck. “You know,” I said, a smirk on my lips. “I should use you as a story,” I teased. “Connor Bridgerton, powerful on the ice but even hotter in the sack.”

“Ha. Ha.” He trailed the tip of his nose along my bare neck, and heat shot straight to my core. “You wouldn’t dare advertise that,” he whispered, raising chills along my skin. “Then every woman in the city would be after me.”

I chuckled arching against him as he tucked me closer, his arms snaking around me to hold me tight. “I think we both know how many women are after you, Connor. You don’t need an article in the Seattle Chronicle to prove that.”

“Too bad for them there is only one woman I’m interested in fu—”

“Ivy!” Hannah squealed from the bedroom’s opened doorway, and Connor reluctantly put some distance between us. It had been a little less than two weeks since we’d enjoyed the pool house, and we weren’t hiding from Hannah, but I wanted to respect that this was her house and she was the woman running it. “You look so pretty!” She came barreling into the room, stopping to look up at me. “Pink is definitely the best color ever.”

“I have to agree,” Connor said as Hannah came to hug his leg.

A blush crept over my cheeks as I smiled at them both.

Is this what Pepper felt like all the time? Is this why she glowed? Because she was in love with an incredible man that made her feel like a queen?

Tell him.

I swallowed around the rock forming in my throat. I’d never once told a man I’d loved him before—sure I fell hard and fast, but I never dared utter the words, and I certainly hadn’t felt this with anyone before, either.

Connor and I hadn’t defined anything. It was too early. Hell, we’d been at each other’s throats weeks ago. Though, I now knew most of the hostility came from the two of us trying to deny the connection we couldn’t ignore and were terrified to explore.

Some of that cold fear threatened to steal my warm moment—the doubt creeping behind all the shine…the fact that I didn’t deserve this. That I always ended up messing up every relationship I’d ever had. That if I stayed with Connor—in any capacity—I would find a way to r

uin him.

I clenched my eyes shut, forcing the negativity away.

This was different.

Connor wasn’t Crosby or any other man I’d been with.

He was kind and smart and wild and sexy and…

Too good for you.


“Will you talk to Tristan Barber?” Hannah asked, grounding me in the present.

Tags: Samantha Whiskey Seattle Sharks Romance