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“Fuck, Red,” Rory hissed, gripping my hips as he looked up at me. “I missed you.”

A tiny moan escaped my lips, the only intelligible response I had for him when he was teasing me.

“Me too.” I drug the words out, shamelessly rocking forward and back against him, teasing him as much as he did me.

His fingers clutched my hips, picking up my pace and then slowing it down. I ached, but with each attempt to get him inside me, he prevented it.

“Rory, please don’t do this to me.” I dug my nails into his shoulder and pressed my breasts into his chest.

He sucked my lip into his mouth before grinning at me deviously. “You might want to keep it down, Red. Never know who could walk in at any moment.”

I gasped as he hefted me against him, his hard cock pressing against my clit before he moved me away again. I clamped my mouth shut; the concentration took an effort I’d never experienced before.

Rory went silent, too, but pinned me with his gaze and the motions of his hands. He knew just how to move me, just where to angle me to wind me up, and then when I was sure I’d come from the pressure he had on my clit alone, he’d release it, and I’d come down—wetter and more frustrated than I knew possible.

His eyes darkened at another failed attempt by me to get him inside, and I tilted my head back, sucking in slow breaths that if we were not in a public bathroom would be begging screams.

His strong hand at the back of my neck had me face to face with him, and he licked his lips, the blue in his eyes sparking. He kissed me instead of giving in to my silent demands, and while it was hot as hell, I wanted more.

Finally, I fought the guidance of his teasing hands. I forced myself to freeze, unable to take the torture for one more second. Still, the feel of his hard cock simply being under me was enough to make me pulse.

Rory tightened his grip on my hips and tried to move me, but I shook my head. “Please, I can’t take anymore.”

He kissed my neck, my collarbone, and trailed his tongue along the shell of my ear before trying to move me again. “God, you smell like bottled sunshine. I’ll never get enough of this—of you,” he said as I resisted, my thighs trembling from the strain. He gave me a light smack on my butt, just enough to sting, and I bucked against him. His cock plunged inside me, the friction so sweet I almost instantly came. I rocked against him, hard and fast, meeting each one of his pumps as they came. I took him in. Took as much as he’d give me.

The throbbing knots within me tightened to an all-time high before Rory gave one final thrust and sent me over the edge again, forcing me to fly apart in his arms. He held me close as I came so hard I shook against him, and he swallowed my moans with his mouth claiming mine.

After a few moments of collecting our breath, he smoothed my hair over my face. The look in his eyes was so open and genuine—or maybe it was just the high from the cosmic orgasm he’d just delivered me—but I couldn’t hold my tongue back a second longer, not with what he’d just said to me. Sure, maybe it was the heat of passion, but he’d said never get enough.

“I want this to be real, Rory.” I blurted the words out as if I was a champagne bottle and he had just popped my verbal cork.

His eyes widened, the crease I knew all too well forming between his eyes

“I know I shouldn’t,” I whispered, my eyes dropping to his chest.

He tilted my chin up, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips before he kissed me gently. “This is as real as it gets, Red.”

The breath stalled in my lungs as his eyes searched mine. “Truly?”

He nodded. “You don’t need a fucking contract to tell you I’m yours. I have been since the night I took you to my loft. Maybe before that.”

Tears bit the backs of my eyes, but I locked it up and kissed him frantically. After a few blissful moments where my heart soared with all the things I never thought I’d get to have, the fear of the stakes that came with a relationship like ours battled the happiness filling my heart.

I rose off of him as gently as I could, and the second my heels clicked on the tiled floor, reality crashed on top of me. The luncheon. My contractors! Good Lord, Rory was capable of making me forget everything.

I straightened myself, pulling my panties up only to have Rory’s hand dart out before I got them all the way up. He stroked me for a few seconds, just enough to properly rile me up again and to soak his hand in the scent of us. After he pulled it back, he inhaled long and deep.

Oh God, if I didn’t go right this minute, I’d have him on this bathroom counter.

“I’m sorry to rush out...”

“Don’t be. Go.” He grinned, motioning toward the door.

I turned and opened it, checking the mirror to make sure I didn’t look too just-been-fucked and was satisfied only my flushed skin gave me away. I glanced back in the mirror, noticing a playful smirk shaped Rory’s lips.

I washed my hands quickly and darted out the door and back to my table.

Mr. Langwater and his partners had set the iPads down and were selecting samples off of dessert trays that Jeannine had prepared for the lunch. Thank God for chocolate and Jeannine.

“I apologize, gentlemen. I’m close with the owner and got caught up in a chat.” The lie was rough coming out, and I prayed Jeannine hadn’t personally delivered the tray of sweets or I’d look like an asshole.

“I wish I had friends like you do.” Mr. Langwater popped a chocolate truffle in his mouth and pushed the still-opened iPads toward me and my two lawyers that had joined in on the dessert fest. “We’ve signed. Everything is in perfect working order, as we expected no less. You truly are a remarkable business woman, Ms. Turner.”

I smiled as I scooped up the iPads, signing the portions left blank for my signature with the stylus. “Thank you, Mr. Langwater. I’m thrilled to be working with a firm as prestigious as your own. I know you’ll make this dream of mine a reality.” I instantly emailed a copy of the contracts and forms to his office as soon as I’d signed, slightly mystified I could close a big-business deal right after Rory had made me come in the bathroom minutes ago. My cheeks flushed at the thought, and I shifted in my seat.

“Now that they’re signed, do we have to rush off? I’d really love to try as many of these marvelous desserts until I’m incapable of eating more.” Mr. Langwater smiled and reached for another truffle.

Tags: Samantha Whiskey Seattle Sharks Romance