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Why I even care now, I don’t know.

But I do.

I squirm uncomfortably then groan as a little aftershock flows through me, causing my pussy to flutter around him.

His head jerks up.

The look on his face…

Grabbing my hair, he pulls my head up and kisses me with so much need, so much passion, my toes curl and my pulse starts to race.

Just as I start to melt beneath him again, my stomach growls loudly.

Nipping at my lips, James chuckles before asking, “Hungry?”

“No,” I tell him and shove my tongue in his mouth.

But it’s a lie. I’m fucking starving now…

For him.

My stomach growls again, louder this time, and James laughs into my mouth. “It sounds like two aliens are having sex in your stomach.”

Peeling himself away from me, he grins down at me, his eyes alight with humor and…


A happiness that makes him look younger, softer, and sweeter.

And freaks me the fuck out.

Shoving him off me, I hear him grunt in surprise as I jump off the bed. Running to the bathroom in the hall, I slam the door behind me and lock it.

“Sophia?” he calls out, a touch of worry in his voice.

Leaning against the door, I close my eyes and try to get my panic under control.

I did not…

With James…



A minute later, the doorknob rattles as he tries to open it.

“Sophia?” he calls out again.

I ignore him, until I remember he has a way with locks.

When he calls my name again, I tell him, “I’m cleaning up, go away.”

The door makes a slight creak, as if he’s leaning against it. “You know… I could help you with that…”

Truly flustered and afraid he’s going to try to burst in and do just that, I say, “No, that’s okay. I’m a big girl, I can take care of this myself.”

When he rattles the doorknob again, I blurt out, “I’m really hungry. Why don’t you warm up something to eat?”

There’s a long pause and I find myself holding my breath, hoping he takes my suggestion.

Then the door makes another slight creak. “Alright. I’ll be in the kitchen.”

When I hear him finally walking away, I let out the breath I was holding and close my eyes, trying to relax.

But no matter how hard I try, I can’t get my heart or breathing to slow.

Because I have no clue how I’m going to get him out of my house now. Not after having sex with him like a total dumbass.



Sophia carefully opens her mouth to take a bite of the warmed casserole I tried to feed her earlier, and as her lips close over the fork, her eyes widen just enough to show she’s surprised by the taste.

Damn, I want those pink lips wrapped around my cock. I want her fucking cramming that soft pink tongue back down my throat.

My damn cock hasn’t been soft since we fucked and it’s killing me.

She’s back to the baggy t-shirt and leggings, but I can still remember each and every curve of her body. I can remember the way her pale skin flushed when she was close to reaching her peak. The way her firm breasts seemed to swell as she tipped over the ledge.


It’s taking everything in me not to jump over the counter and fuck her senseless.

She pushed me though and that has me holding back. She pushed me as hard as I pushed her.

I’m not entirely sure I’ve ever been pushed to fuck like we just did, or if I’ve ever taken a virginity unwittingly like that.

In the back of my mind, I knew she was a virgin, but… It honestly didn’t come to the forefront until I had already thrusted past her hymen.

Before that, all my animal brain was thinking was me, her, and sex.

Taking a chick’s virginity isn’t something I’ve made a habit of. In fact, I prefer not to be the first. In my experience, there’s always too much baggage attached to the act. Affection, feelings, trust, and the eventual betrayal when they realize you’re not going to stick around.

I learned that the hard way back in high school when a chick keyed my car and dropped a steaming pile of dog shit through my moonroof. That BMW never smelled the same. Especially because it was a swelteringly hot day in the middle of Louisiana.

I should have thought about it with Sophia, though. Dammit. All I’ve thought about is protecting her… and I do this.

But she drives me fucking crazy. So fucking crazy I can’t think straight.

And she was pushing all of my buttons. Pushing them as if she knew exactly where each one is. And she tasted and smelled so damn good.

She smelled sweet, with the promise of something… darker. I can’t place her scent, honestly. It’s fucking heady and fills me completely whenever I’m near her.

After the months and months of isolation, of self-denial… I feel like this breath of fresh air I’m finally experiencing is as dangerous as can be.

Tags: Izzy Sweet Disciples Billionaire Romance