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“Whatever happens in the war between father and son,” Bjorn said, “we can’t allow Lucifer to win. Our oracles have spoken. If Hades emerges as victor, the world will survive.”

“If Lucifer is victor,” Xerxes said, “the world as we know it will end.”

Apocalypse, Destruction whispered in warning.

“You have other questions, I’m sure,” Bjorn added and Baden nodded.

“But we have no other answers to offer you,” Xerxes finished.

Oh, they had answers. Just no others they would share. But Baden wasn’t going to push. He owed these men, and he wouldn’t repay them with violence.

“Thank you for the chat,” he said as he stood.

The Sent Ones stood, as well.

The red in Xerxes’s eyes deepened. “Word of your association with Hades is going to spread. There’ll be no stopping it, so be prepared. One day soon, Lucifer will send someone to kill you.”

He already had. The prostitutes William had killed.

“I will prevail.” With that, he strode off to hunt the Harpy. Not that he had to hunt for long.

She was straddling a mechanical bull in the middle of the club, her short skirt revealing every inch of her legs and a hint of the panties he needed. Pale hair danced over her shoulders as the bull bucked back and forth. She had both hands free, double-fisting shots while maintaining her position with the strength of her thighs.

The bull took an abrupt turn, presenting Baden with her back, revealing the small iridescent wings that fluttered from the slits in her pink tank top.

A beautiful woman, no question...but she didn’t compare with Katarina.

The cheers died down as Taliyah leaped off the bull and landed directly in front of him.

“I hear you’ve got something to ask me,” she said. “I’m going to let you buy me a drink. Or twelve. Yeah, definitely twelve. Our business needs to be concluded by the time the last shot is down the hatch. Clear?” She marched to the bar, her hips swaying. A mating dance. One that caused no reaction in his body.

His hands fisted as he followed behind her.

She ordered fifteen shots, and he tossed a gold coin at the bartender. Torin had made him a lot of money over the years.

“So? Start talking.” She emptied one glass, then another.

“Give me your panties.”

She’d just thrown back the fifth shot and choked on the liquid. After catching her breath, she laughed and said, “Wow. Ask nicely much? Dude. You planning on wearing them or something?”

“No.” He offered no explanation.

Her amusement subsided, her eyelids slitting.

When someone bumped into her from behind, she turned so quickly Baden almost couldn’t track her motions, slamming her fist into the offender’s stomach. “No?” she said to Baden, not missing a beat. “That’s all I get?”

Get in on the action! The leash on Destruction frayed a bit, and Baden found himself grabbing the gasping man by the throat and lifting him off his feet.

“Continue with him or with me,” Taliyah said, “but not both. I’m almost done—”

The time limit on his conversation. Right. He released the male without killing him. “Hades is—”

“Hades! That’s right.” She licked the rim of a glass to catch a stray droplet of liquid. “You’re his bitch now, forced to do his bidding.”

He balked, but again he offered no explanation. The fewer details outsiders knew about him, the better.

Two more shots were emptied. “Hades and I have a wee bit of history.” Another emptied glass, and this time, she trembled, but not with fear. “I’m going to guess he sent you just to mess with me. Well. I’m happy to mess with him right back.” She downed yet another shot then reached under her miniskirt to pull a bright blue thong down her legs. She dangled it in front of Baden’s face. “I’ll give this to you—for a price.”

He almost rolled his eyes. Everyone always had a price. Except the Sent Ones, he realized. And Katarina. She wanted to give.

Must return to her.

“Of course,” he said. “Name it.”

“What do I want, what do I want?” With her free hand, she tapped nails that looked as sharp as daggers against her chin. “Oh, I know! You’ll deliver a message for me. Word for word.”

That wouldn’t end well for him, would it? “We have a deal.”

Grinning, she rose on her tiptoes and whispered her message in his ear. He stiffened, sighed. No, this wouldn’t end well.

Tags: Gena Showalter Lords of the Underworld Fantasy