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“That’s right.”

He moved to an antique sideboard that displayed a collection of crystal decanters filled with all shades of liquor. He filled a glass and held it up to Jake in offering. When Jake refused, Marlowe replaced the crystal stopper in the decanter and took a long drink. “So is that why you came here, to ask me about my visit to Amber?”

“Yes. I’ve heard a few rumors about you two.”

Absently, he rubbed his finger over the finely cut crystal as he studied Jake. “People gossip. Doesn’t mean it’s true.”

“Were you having an affair with her?”

His face paled and his mouth hardened as if he’d bit into something foul. “Who told you that?”

“Was it true?”

He pressed the glass to his temple, and for a second, closed his eyes. “My wife was sick for a long time. Caring for someone who’s dying is a lonely place. It’s draining.”

“Is that a yes or a no?”

“Yes, I slept with her. Three or four times.”

“Did it have anything to do with the scholarship she received from the business community so that she could attend St. Vincent?”

“Yes. I funded the scholarship so she could attend. I didn’t need anyone knowing that I slept with an underage girl. If that information leaked, it would have put added strain on my wife.”

“And then she hooked up with Mike.”

“Yes. But it had nothing to do with my son. She’s smart. She’s damn smart, and she always has an agenda. Cunning would sum her up.”

“You know anything about the texts she’s received?”

He shook his head as he drank. “I’d bet you she sent them to herself.”

“Why did you visit her in the hospital?”

“Figured it would be hard for her to dodge, plus her guard would be down. I’ve always said she knew more than she was saying.” He sipped his whiskey. “But as always, she was on her game. She killed my son and Bethany. I don’t know how she did it, but she did.”


“To punish me. She hates me.”


He tapped an index finger on the side of the glass. “She had her eye set on this house, this life. She fancied herself as more important than her current status. I didn’t want the drama so I ended it. She became furious and vindictive. She threatened to tell everyone about the affair.”

“And that’s when you came up with the money.”

“It’s one of the oldest stories in the world. Older man falls for younger woman and he pays dearly for his sins.”

“You think it was a sin that you slept with Amber.”

He hesitated. “I know it.”

Jake reached in his pocket and pulled out the telex picture of the Texas man. “I’d like you to have a look at this picture and see if you recognize him.”

“Who is this guy?”

He held the picture close to his chest, sensing he had the man’s attention. “Someone that hit our radar. The image is not very good but it should be enough to give you an idea.”

Marlowe took the picture and glanced at it. For a moment he stared before he set down his glass and moved to a drawer and pulled out reading glasses. He studied the picture closely. “I don’t know this man. Why should I care?”

“Two years ago, in Austin, he was involved in a case similar to Bethany’s and Elisa’s and Mike’s.”

Marlowe flicked the edges of the photo. “Amber lives in Texas.”

“It’s a big state and Austin and Dallas aren’t close. It’s a big leap without more evidence.”

“If this case has any connection to the Nashville cases, I’ll bet my fortune she’s involved.”

* * *

Amber knocked on the apartment door, smiling as she fingered a large gold hoop earring. It had been a long day for Mrs. Reed so she had gone to bed early. Amber however, was juiced with energy and unable to sit still, let alone sleep.

She tightened her hand on her purse strap as she waited. Seconds passed and her annoyance grew. He better be home, she mused. Restless, she took a step when the light clicked on and the front door snapped open.

Tim Taylor stood there in the light, wearing only a sleeveless T-shirt and sweatpants. A gold chain dangled around his neck and his hand was behind his back. She guessed it was curled around a gun. Tim always liked his guns.

“Amber.” Surprise frayed the edge of her name. “Where the hell have you been?”

She moistened her lips and pouted. “Ah, did I wake you up?”

“Yeah, you did.”

“Sorry. I know it’s late.” She pressed her hand at the base of her neck and then slowly trailed it down to her breast. “Are you up for a little fun?”

Tim cleared his throat. “What are you doing here?”

She met his assessing gaze. “I missed you. Seeing you today got me to thinking about the things I’d rather be doing. Is that a sin to want you while I’m at my two friends’ funeral?”

A muscle twitched on the side of his jaw.

She stared at his handsome face and lips. She felt the wanting buzzing around him. “Don’t be mad. Let me make it up to you now.”

“Just like that?”

She caught her bottom lip between her teeth. “Or I could leave and you could keep following me around, lurking in the shadows.”

He grabbed her hand and pulled her through the doorway. Closing the door hard, he put his gun in the entry table drawer. She lowered her purse to the floor, savoring the look of the muscles rippling over his back. He always had a knack for making her forget; if not forever, for a little while.

He turned, caught her sizing him up, and pushed her against the door, pinning her arms above her head. His dark hair was rumpled and beard stubble covered his square jaw.

Should she tease him and make him suffer for hesitating moments ago, or go down on him right here in the hallway?

He watched, waiting for the signal from her, and released her arms. He’d always been good at instruction. Following orders. She took his face in her hands, savoring the feel of his warm skin. She pulled him toward hers and slowly kissed him.

He leaned into the kiss, cupping his hand at the base of her neck and pushing his tongue into her mouth as if he were half starved. His other hand glided up under her silk blouse past her narrow waist. He cupped her full breast, teasing the hard nipple with his fingertips as he deepened the kiss.

Her heartbeat skipped and then rattled faster in her chest as she grew moist. Ah, this was what she needed. She reached for the waistband of his sweats and slipped her hand inside, softly stroking his hard erection. He moaned her name as he broke the kiss and pushed up her shirt so he could suck her breast.

Closing her eyes, sensation overtook her. She was aware of his other hand unbuttoning her jeans and pushing them down just as she had once taught him. His hand moved inside her panties, but instead of touching her center, he teased the edges of her curls.

“I do the teasing, not you,” she whispered as she bit his earlobe and tugged.

As instructed, he began to rub her and she arched into him. She kicked off her heels, squirmed out of her pants, and stepped out.

This time when she kissed him, she rubbed her half-naked body against his erection until she knew it throbbed. Swearing, he jerked down his sweats and hiking up one of her legs, pushed hard into her. She cupped his buttocks as he thrust inside her with a frenzy that excited her. She could feel him climaxing. He wanted release and soon would beg for it.

“Not yet, lover,” she said. “Me first.”

“I hate it when you do this.”

“You love it.”

She held off on her own orgasm, knowing as he drove into her with growing need, he was suffering. Finally, she found her release and closed her eyes.

His body remained taut like corded steel, but he waited for her command.

“Now,” she said. “Now, you may come.”

Tim drove into her with a frantic energy and quickly exploded. He dropped his face to the hollow of her neck, his breathing hard and ragged. His fisted fingers relaxed and rested on her shoulders. She raised her hand to rub his back the way she used to. But she stopped. That kind of touch was too intimate, too personal, and he had not yet earned it. Instead, she lowered to her knees and took him in her mouth for another round.

When he finally regained his breath, he braced both of his hands beside her head and looked into her eyes. Now that her itch was gone, she felt bored and ready to leave.

“Stay the night,” he said. “We’ll talk at breakfast.”

The air around them cooled and, half dressed, she realized how vulnerable she was now. “I can’t. I have to go. I need to be there when Mrs. Reed wakes up.”

“What’s the deal with you two?”

“She needs a friend.” She traced a circle around the center of his chest over his heart. “And you know, I can be a very good friend.”

He traced his finger along her chin. “Sleep here.”

“Better I go now.”

He arched a dark brow. “You mean while it’s dark and no one can see you leave.”

“It’s not that.”

“It’s always that way with us.” Frustration coated the words. “We’ve been at this since high school, and you still won’t tell anyone about us.” He captured a strand of her hair, wrapping it softly around his hand. “I want more.”

Tags: Mary Burton Morgans of Nashville Suspense