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“Most? When did he start stalking girls?” Macy asked.

Rafe closed his eyes. “He didn’t stalk girls.” He shook his head. “And I didn’t have anything to do with those murders,” he rushed to say.

“There’s another woman missing. You’ll go down for her murder if I can’t save her.”

Rafe looked up at Nevada. “I saw a notebook once in the locker room. It was in Bruce’s gym bag.”

“What kind of notebook?” Nevada asked.

“Like a diary. I picked it up because I was curious. I thought I’d tease him about writing poetry or about his feelings. Then I realized he was keeping notes on girls.”

“Did you see a name?” Nevada asked.


Nevada reached for his cuffs.

“Ellis. And Brooke.”

“Brooke Bennett?”

“Yeah. She was smoking hot before she became a cop and forgot how to smile.”

“What else did you see?” Nevada asked.

“Nothing. Bruce came up and he saw me reading it. I gave it back, but when he looked at it, he got real quiet. He swore it wasn’t his, and he told me to keep my mouth shut.”

“Did anyone else see it?” Macy asked.

“Kevin Wyatt saw it. He was standing right there. He didn’t look shocked. It was like he knew what it was.”

“Was there anyone else there?” Nevada asked.

“Sully also heard us talking.”

“Sully?” Macy asked. “Deputy Sullivan?”


“He wasn’t on the team,” Nevada said.

“But he helped out a lot. He loved it all.”

Sullivan had never mentioned the diary. “Are Kevin, Bruce, and Sully close friends?”

“Kevin and Bruce were always tight. Sully came along for the ride sometimes.”

Sully was in the system because he was a cop. Kevin still hadn’t given a DNA sample. And Bruce was in the wind.

Nevada pulled up the image of the black-and-white photo in Bruce’s office. “Have you ever seen this place?”

Rafe studied the picture. “I’m not sure.”

“Focus, damn it!” Nevada ordered.

Rafe leaned in. “I think we all went there once when we were playing ball.”

“Who’s we?” Macy asked.

“You know, the guys on the football team.” Rafe shook his head. “We did so much partying then. It’s hard to remember.”

“Let’s go,” Nevada said.

Macy heard the frustration in Nevada’s voice. But the life of Bennett was at stake, and saving her was the only option they could entertain right now.

“Where?” Rafe stammered.

“To the station,” Nevada said. “You and I are going to be looking at aerial maps until you figure it out.”


Thursday, November 21, 8:00 p.m.

When Macy and Nevada arrived at the sheriff’s office with Rafe in tow, Sullivan greeted them. Macy had questions for the deputy, but before she could ask one, he reported that Ms. Rhonda Burns was waiting for them in the conference room.

Nevada escorted Rafe to a holding cell. “Stay put.”

“Am I under arrest?”

“Do you want to be? I’ll be right back.” He closed the cell door.

“Sure seems like an arrest.”

Nevada strode back to his deputy. “Sullivan, we need to talk.”

“Sure, boss. What’s up?” Nevada pulled Sullivan and Macy into his office.

“What did you do with the football team during the 2004 season?”

“Not much. I was in school and needed a part-time job. The coach hired me to take care of the equipment.”

“Rafe said you were around when he spotted a notebook in Bruce’s gym bag. Kevin was also there.”

“They might have seen it, but I didn’t. I wasn’t in their club. I was staff as far as they were concerned.”

“What was the deal with Kevin and Bruce?” Macy asked.

“Tight. They covered for each other.”

“Did you go to any of the bonfires?” Macy asked.

“Hell no. I stayed away from that.”


“I wasn’t welcome.” The phone started ringing. “Do you want me to take a DNA test?”

“Yes,” Macy said.

“Fine. Get one right now.” The phone continued to ring. “You want me to get that, or am I relieved of my duties?”

“Get back to your station, Sullivan,” Nevada said. “I’ll have one of the other deputies swab your cheek right now so this is settled.”

“Sure thing, Sheriff.”

After he left, Nevada looked at her. “What do you think?”

“Sullivan seems legit. He’s not afraid to take the test. But I’m annoyed he didn’t mention he knew these guys.”

“The Dream Team was tight. And it makes sense they’d not have trusted a staff member with their secrets.”

Macy ran her hand through her hair. Her frustration was growing as an invisible clock ticked away the remaining time on Bennett’s life.

“Let’s talk to Ms. Burns,” Nevada offered. “She might have something to add.”

“After all this time, the chances feel slim she has good information, but a small chance is better than none.”

They entered the interview room and found a platinum blonde sitting at the table. They made the usual introductions. “What can we do for you?”

She shifted, tucking a curl behind her ear. “I heard your press conference and wanted to share a story.”

Macy laid her yellow pad on the table and flipped over a dozen or so pages before she reached a fresh one. “What can you tell us?”

“I used to live in a one-story rancher ten miles west of here. I was out there a couple of years and never had any trouble until a night in June of 2006.”

“2006?” Macy noted this was a new date in their timeline.

“That’s right.”

“What happened?” Nevada asked.

“I never had any trouble sleeping out in the country. That’s where I grew up. But I can still remember being awakened in the middle of the night. I could have sworn I heard someone in or just outside the house. But when I racked a round, whoever it was took off running.”

“And?” Nevada asked.

“Not much. But two days later when I was cleaning, I found a strand of red rope under my bed. I’m a bit of a clean freak, and I know for sure that rope wasn’t there when I’d vacuumed three days earlier. It freaked me out, but eventually I talked myself out of it. When you announced Tobi had been found, it just got me to thinking about it.”

“And you’re sure the rope was under the bed?” Macy’s mind turned with possibilities.


“Did you save the rope?” Macy asked.

“No, it gave me the creeps, so I threw it out. Do you think this guy was stalking me?”

Nevada shook his head. “I don’t know. But if it is our guy, it tells us he was still in the area a year after the crimes we’re investigating.”

“I found something else outside my bedroom. I didn’t save it either and had forgotten about it until now,” Rhonda said.

“What was it?” Nevada asked.

“It was a key chain with the Spice Girls on it.”

“Spice Girls?” Tobi Turner had loved the pop band. “You’re sure about that?”

Tags: Mary Burton Criminal Profiler Mystery