“Too true, too true,” Jagger said, nodding and lifting the glass to his lips, but Killian’s arm shot out just in time to block it.

“I’m not done, fucker,” he said, before straightening. “In this life, you’re lucky if you can count your successes on one hand. Hell, one fucking finger. But here we are, all these albums under our belt and we’ve never been better. There’s a reason for that, and he’s standing beside that asshole Viper.”

I laughed, joining in with the others as Viper flipped them off.

“Halo,” Killian said, “thank you, man. For joining us. For sharing your talent. There was a review I read after we did the Carly Wilde show that said you ‘breathed new life’ into the group, and honest to God, that’s the fuckin’ truth. We wouldn’t be standing here right now if it weren’t for you, so before we all get so trashed we can’t walk straight, I’d just like to take the opportunity to let you know how stoked we are to have you as the voice and face of Fallen Angel. We’ve got a hell of an album, and we’ve got you to thank for that.”

I blushed under his praise as Viper’s head turned toward me, and he lifted his shot glass. “To Angel.”

“To Angel,” the others chorused, and as they threw back their shots, I could only stare at my fellow band members. I was really a part of this thing, huh? Not just lurking on the outside, but a real part of it all. I wished I could say the thought didn’t bring tears to my eyes, but the sting hit behind my lids and I quickly took my shot to avoid anyone’s gaze.

“By the way, we’re never letting you leave, so don’t even think about it,” Jagger added, and then looked at Killian. “That was in his contract, right?”

“In the fine print.” Killian winked.

“Good.” Jagger pushed his shot glass forward and waved his hand. “Another round.”

As the bartender poured more tequila, the music changed, our song “Hard” blaring through the speakers.

“Oh shiiit,” Slade called out, taking his shot glass to the center of the boat, where he began to dance, moving his hips back and forth like he had a partner, the alcohol obviously well in his system.

Jagger grabbed his shot too and joined Slade, singing along at the top of his lungs, and I had to laugh. Jagger was definitely not a singer, tequila or no tequila.

As the two of them began to do their dance moves, Killian laughed and took out his cell phone. I wasn’t sure if he was snapping photos or taking a video to blackmail them with later, but before I could ask, Viper moved in behind me, his arm circling my waist so his hand covered my lower stomach to hold me right where he wanted me. And right where he wanted me was with my ass flush against his hips, his cock straining behind his shorts as he nestled it in between my cheeks.

He began to grind his hips against me, moving us to the music slowly, sensually. Viper’s voice was low in my ear as he sang along to the song he’d written for me—about me. “I want to get inside you, and show you exactly what you do. Whenever your eyes invite me to fuck you like I want to…”

Shit. Did he have any idea the effect he had on me? The way my pulse sped up and my heart raced when he touched me? The way my cock throbbed at his words? We were polar opposites, but somehow we attracted each other the way magnets would, and once we fell together, it was hard to pry us apart.

Wanting my eyes on him, I circled Viper’s wrist and pulled his arm away enough that I could turn to face him, and what I saw nearly had my knees giving out. Fire swirled in those obsidian eyes, drawing me closer, and as our mouths crashed together, he moved his leg in between mine so I straddled his thigh. Tongues tangling, he rocked our hips along to the beat again, a slow grind, my erection pressing hard against his leg.

He dove in, taking more of my mouth as the words he’d written and I sang filled my ears. I barely noticed the guys laughing and joking in the background, too zeroed in on the way he kissed me like it was the first time he’d ever gotten a taste. I moaned into his mouth and could feel the way his thick length grew harder against my hip.

“All right, all right, break that shit up,” Jagger called out. “If I couldn’t bring a date, then you two can’t suck face all night.”

Viper pulled his mouth away long enough to tell him to fuck off before he moved back in, but I laughed and put my hands on his chest, keeping those deadly lips away from mine. If I didn’t, I knew where it would lead.

Tags: Ella Frank, Brooke Blaine Fallen Angel Romance