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I took her hand and placed it on my thigh. I needed to feel her even if it was just her hand. She didn’t resist when I pulled her hand away and held it. It seemed to calm her I think, she stopped fidgeting. Her hand was soft and warm. I love everything about this woman even her fickle heart.

I asked my assistant, Luke to join us to travel with us to Marbella. I think he could be good for Chad. Luke openly swings in the other side of the court and possibly could help Chad sort his thoughts out.

The only thing that I’m afraid of is if Chad tries to pull another stunt and succeeds the next time. He requires a good amount of help and I’m going to make sure he gets it and then some. He needs a resilient support system around him. We mean for him to see and feel that all of us are with him through this difficult time. We cannot fail him, not this time around.

My schedule is hectic and I will be travelling a lot but I will make sure that he has Luce, Toby and Sienna with him as much as possible.

Parking the car swiftly on the side of the road, I got out and opened the door for Sienna.

We immediately crossed the road and went inside the hospital. Upon opening the door to Chad’s room he exclaimed with annoyance, “Glad for you people to show up, especially you Brazilian.”

Sienna jumped on the bed and gave him a peck on the lips and squeezed both of his cheeks. “I’ve missed you too booger.”

“I was here yesterday. Your annoyance applies to her not me,” I said, beaming at them both.

Chad pouted. “I’m so ready to get out of this white-walled hiding place. I want the sun and fresh breeze on my face—and the hot Spanish inquisition in bright colored nut-hugging Speedos.” He beamed vibrantly. “So, what’s up chica? What’s the latest four-one-one, babylove?”

Sienna’s smile wavered, “I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow. We’re here to speak to Dr. Hill and arrange your discharge tomorrow morning. Let’s focus on that.” She looked off. So, I interjected before Chad raised more questions.

“I will have Robert pick up Sienna and drive her here to pick you up. Then you two will go back to your studio in Camden so you can pack. When that’s done, Robert will drive both of you lovely creatures to the airport where I’ll be waiting.”

Sienna looked at me, “I thought you’d be here tomorrow when I pick up Chad?”

I shook my head, “Sorry, I will be detained. I have a video conference at eight in the morning and another one around nine-thirty. I promise I’ll be there to meet you two in the airport along with Toby and Luke, my assistant.”

“Blake, did I tell you you’re my hero?” the almost vibrant looking Chad said. He still looks a little pale and a tad fragile but he’s regaining his strength. “You can thank me by getting better Chad. That’s all I ask.”

“I will—I’m really sorry to put everyone out on a limb.” Chad returned to his somber state.

“Rubbish! Since we’re discussing you getting better, a therapist will make a house visit once or twice a week, depending on how you’re handling things. This is part of the bargain mate—so not a chance in Hades for you to back out.”

“That’s wonderful, Blake,” my beautiful beloved exclaimed.

If only….I’m simply being fanciful but right now is not the time nor place to be doing so.

“Indeed,” I murmured to both of them. They were both distracted catching up with one another.

We’re back on the road driving her back to her apartment. Her spirits have been replenished by seeing Chad. Apart from his apparent weight loss and weakened state, his personality is back to being happy and vivacious.

“Do you want to eat somewhere? It’s almost five thirty, I’m sure you’re famished.”

“Thanks but I have other plans for tonight.” She was staring at the window.

Plans with whom…Kyle? I wanted to inquire but held my tongue in check. She wouldn’t appreciate being interrogated like that.

I gripped the steering wheel harder. Bloody hell, compose yourself Knightly.

“I see, as you wish.” I can’t see. All I hear and see is my darkened jealousy and my blood pulsating like a manic boor.

I took hold of my phone and dialed Toby before I combust in wrath and ire. “Are you available for a few lagers?”

He laughed, “Sure mate. Lucy’s driving my head in and I’m going bonkers.”

“See you in thirty minutes then at the usual spot.” I ended the call and was about to put it away when it rang again.

“Knightly,” I bit out.

“Have I caught you in a terrible moment?” William Knightly II graciously spoke. Give it to granddad to mock me at the most uncertain times. If I didn’t love the stubborn man, I would’ve retaliated.

I scoffed, “Apologies grandfather, it’s been quite frantic for the past few days.”

“That comes with the territory lad. I must say that frantic is rather endearing, you will stumble upon greater quandaries much later on in the business. Hence the nature of my call, I want to congratulate you with the rather smooth acquisition of the Australian mining company. I’ve tried countless of times to close the gargantuan deal for the past two years but miserably failed. But you—my dear child—did it in two weeks. That’s quite astonishing. I suppose the old man trained you superbly well, eh?” he chuckled.

“You did and quite excellently sire, I am eternally in your gratitude.”

He chuckled throatily at my response, “Don’t be silly child, you are my blood and my heir. Your brilliance runs profoundly through our veins as did your departed father’s. Do see me when you get back from Dubai, we have much to discuss.” William sounded rather tired. I do hope he’s been taking care of himself. I need to see his assistant and make sure things are running smoothly in his household. I’m sure they are but I want to ease my mind and conscience. I will not forgive myself if he’s been neglecting himself and I didn’t do much to abate it.

“I certainly will, Grandfather. I’ll come straight to England after Dubai. I will see you Saturday.”

William cleared his throat—it was evident that he’s smoking his favorite Cuban cigars from his labored breathing. “Splendid! I will buoyantly await your arrival.” After another minute of bidding safe travels, we ended the call. My granddad is a brilliant wise man and I pay heed to his knowledgeable opinions and guidance.

Tags: Pamela Ann Chasing Young Adult