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“This room’s for me. The guys can take the rest of the rooms. Feel free to leave your belongings anywhere. This room is secured.” He strolled over to me and handed me a card key. “Here, just in case it gets crazy tonight and you can’t find me and you want to rest, puke or if you feel tired. I want you to be safe.”

“That’s very thoughtful but we have a problem. As you saw earlier, I’m not wearing a bra. Where do you suppose I put that? Tuck it in my underwear?”His eyes darkened and he cleared his throat.

“Gotcha—good point. Just hunt me down then in any case?”

“Suuure. You make it sound like there’s going to be an uproar. Dude, it’s just a party, calm down.”

He grinned, “You haven’t partied rock and roll style haven’t you? You’ll see.” He took off his leather jacket and flung it on the nearest chair.

My stomach growled loudly. I laughed my embarrassment off. I seriously forgot to eat dinner.

“Did you have dinner?” I shook my head. “What the hell! I bet you’d skip it too if I didn’t come over and drag you out. Let’s go outside. The hotel staff has prepared food in the kitchen.” His angered tone helped sink my party mood.

Oh, boo!

I stuck a tongue at him and simmered some more. “Sienna—you shouldn’t skip meals. It doesn’t matter if you’re depressed because he’s out with another girl. You should always put your needs first.” It’s easier said than done, buster.

Upon entering the kitchen, the staff accommodated my famished state. Kyle ordered for them to place the food on the kitchen counter because the entire penthouse was starting to get packed. He didn’t want me to be distracted while eating and people floated around. They served different types of sandwiches, cheeses, fruits, selection of antipasti, mouth-watering cakes, and lastly cute embellished mini burgers.. Yum, those posh burgers looked divine, I thought fervently as a friendly waitress named Molly placed a bottle of magnum Rosé Cristal, two champagne flutes and a pot of coffee beside me. I quirked my eyebrow and whispered to Kyle “You serve two thousand dollar champagne to all these people?”

He smiled. “Nah—I have a stack reserved for you and me. We’re serving them hard liquor and beer from what the band requested.”

The man can be uber sweet. “Geez a stack of champagne, do I look like an alcoholic?”

He kissed the tip of my nose. “No—you look deliciously perfect.” He picked up a sandwich, and held it to my mouth and I took a good bite. He literally fed me the entire time.

Sipping the glorious bubbles of the decadent champagne, I looked at him through my lashes. “Trying to score points tonight, aren’t we?”

“Hey, don’t judge—whatever helps.” I was about to reply when we heard loud booming noises coming outside the kitchen door. Loud music from The Cure played through the speakers. “They’re here. Let me go say hi really quick and I’ll be back.” Kyle gave me a quick kiss on the lips and left the kitchen.

“Your boyfriend loves you very much and he’s drop-dead handsome to boot,” Molly sighed dreamily.

“Yeah….Kyle does love me very much….” My voice trailed off. And I can’t help but stare at his arms. Damn him for walking around with a tight wife-beater on making him look like a smoking hot pistol. Thank goodness he left for a bit!

I don’t mind being left alone. I needed to savor these exquisite looking cakes. I took a forkful of the rich chocolate cake and moaned “Delish.” Another mouthful and I died from the heavenly taste of the hazelnut mousse cake. I took a refreshing long sip of the bubbly and continued on my cake banquet.

“God, Sienna—do you have to make eating….so sexual?”

I darted him a dirty look. “Don’t get me wrong, you sounded hot as hell but I don’t think the waiters appreciated that,” I retorted to his biting comment.

“We don’t mind her making sexy sounds.” An entertained chap butted in and a few “yeahs” came behind me. In normal circumstances, I would’ve been mortified, but the happy bubbles worked their magic and I simply giggled. I’m feeling great and I want to revel in it for the time being. I took the champagne bottle and got up.

“Let’s go rock the party lover boy!” I strutted and called out over my shoulder to an amused Kyle.



“Hi. Don’t bother leaving a message. I won’t check them. Bye.” Sienna’s phone went directly to her voicemail. Where the hell is she?

I went over to their apartment at nine in the morning and found out she wasn’t home or never came home last night. Neither Toby nor Lucy can confirm anything since they both were so out of it when they got back last night. I demanded they call me as soon as she walks through the door.

I’m in the office on a Sunday afternoon and I’m supposed to go over the counter proposal for the Australian mining company I wanted to buyout but my brain isn’t functioning. Instead, I opted to nurse a snifter of cognac and stared at the view of the River Thames below me.

The night with Camilla was rather out of the ordinary. She surprised me by taking me to her mother’s fundraiser in their country estate in Surrey. I’m almost sure that I saw the invitation somewhere in the office but I didn’t bother opening it. I never minded going to these types of functions but The Clayworths are a different matter. Cam looked radiantly statuesque and regal in a shimmering gold strapless gown that accentuated her slender figure. I can just imagine the tittle-tattle of the scandalmonger’s tonight when they see me and Cam together. Those bored airless bimbos never disappoint. The minute we entered the foyer, the chitchat died and the deafening sound of whispers took over.

When Albert came over to greet us, his beaming smile made it a tad awkward for me. Surely, he doesn’t see this as a reconciliation of some sort? I’m merely obliging his daughter.

The entire time Cam only left my side to freshen up in the powder room. After the long eventful dinner, we danced. I can only envisage what the onlookers were thinking. Cam and I did look like we belonged together and at one time, I thought we were well-matched. She was quite discreet with her intentions with me the entire night. But they were cautiously brushed off. I’m not going to lead her on when I still have Sienna even if it was only for a short period of time. A big part of me still longs for her to change her mind and announce that she doesn’t want to let me go after this whole plan I had for her in Marbella.

Tags: Pamela Ann Chasing Young Adult