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“It’s a little early to get started with the drinking, don’t you think? If we start now, we’ll be wasted before nine.”

He raised an eyebrow at me and said, “Precisely.”

It might not be a bad idea to get a little loosened up before Jessie got here to prevent myself from freaking out like I did earlier today, so I took the beer to calm my nerves a little.

Forbes eyes lit up like he had hit the jackpot and said, “Now, that’s what I’m talking about. Check out my girl, Coop. I told you she wasn’t a princess.”

I felt my heart jump into my throat and I said, “Why did you call me that?”

“Uh, I didn’t call you anything. In fact, I said you were not a princess. There’s a big difference in calling you a princess and saying that you aren’t one. What’s the big deal about being called a princess anyway?”

He put his cup to his mouth, taking a large gulp, and I realized it was only a coincidence that he had used Jessie’s nickname for me. “Nothing. Forget I said anything.”

“You’re being a little weird tonight. Does that mean you’re nervous about something?” he asked, clearly hopeful tonight would be the night he got what he wanted from me.

He had no idea how nervous I was, but unfortunately for him, it had nothing to do with having sex with him like he planned. I was no fool. I knew pushing the beer on me was a ploy to hopefully loosen me up, then loosen my panties down.

Jessie coming along didn’t really alter my feelings toward Forbes. I couldn’t remember a time when I ever felt like I was in love with him. He met everyone’s expectations for me, but I was sick of living my life for everyone else and their expectations. Tonight was the first night of the rest of my life. For the first time ever, I was choosing to make myself happy.

13 Friday Night Lights


Damn. Talk about a total let down. For a minute, I almost thought I had Claire ready to jump out of that car to tell me to ditch Gretchen. She looked so close, but then reality set in and her anti-slumming senses returned.

Claire needed a gentle push in the right direction, or maybe a hard shove, and I was prepared to give that to her. It was probably wrong to use Gretchen in the process, but something told me that this wouldn’t be the first time she had been used and cast to the side. I wasn’t so sure she minded it all that much. In fact, I kind of wondered if she could be into the whole masochist thing.

I arrived at eight, but not because I wanted to be on time for Gretchen. I wanted plenty of time to show Claire what she was missing by not being with me.

I winced a little as I became aware that the luxury convertible parked in the middle of the field pumping out music belonged to Claire. Man, it was easier to feel a little bit more confident when I didn’t know she drove a car that cost more than the trailer I lived in.

I put the thoughts of material things aside and I reminded myself of how she reacted when I flirted with Gretchen and remembered how close she looked to giving in to me this afternoon. I got out of my truck and let down the tailgate, then sat as I waited for her to make an appearance.

I felt the shift of my truck as Dane sat next to me on my tailgate. “Glad to see you made it. Where’s your lady friend?”

Assuming he was referring to Gretchen, I answered, “I’m pretty sure you can’t call her a lady, but I haven’t seen her yet. Frankly, I’m not looking forward to finding her because when she figures out that she and I don’t have the same agenda for tonight, it’s probably not going to go well.”

“And what is your agenda for tonight?” he asked, suspiciously.

“Things with Claire have changed a little since we talked. I ran into her after school and we had an interesting…let’s say interaction. I think I almost had her.”

“What do you mean you think you almost had her?”

“I think she was about to tell me to get rid of Gretchen tonight,” I bragged.

“I think you’re wrong about that,” he informed me.

What made him think he knew anything about me and Claire? “How do you know? You weren’t there.”

He hesitantly answered, “Dude…I hate to break it to you but Forbes said that tonight was the night for him and Claire.”

I knew exactly what he was implying, but I needed confirmation. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“He says he’s tapping it tonight.”

“I assume you mean Claire, and not a keg. If he’s bragging about tapping it tonight then that means he’s never tapped it before.”

That was good information to know and I liked knowing she had not given herself to him. In fact, I loved it and it made me wonder if I had Claire Deveraux figured out at all.

“I wish you the best of luck if Claire is into you, but be prepared for Henderson’s wrath because it won’t be pretty if you take his girl. Especially if he thinks he’s finally about to get what he’s worked on for so long,” Dane warned.

I looked across the field, my eyes searching for Claire. I saw her through the golden lights of the bonfire standing with a small group of friends next to Forbes and Payton. “I would be disappointed if his wrath was anything less than ugly.”

Claire’s eyes caught mine and she smiled. When I returned her smile, I watched hers suddenly disappear as I felt a hand on my arm and I turned to see Gretchen standing next to me.

Dane took Gretchen’s arrival as his cue to leave and said, “I’ll catch up with you guys later.”

I had hoped to talk to Claire before I got stuck with Gretchen. Of course, I had no such luck. “Been here long?” she asked.

“Nah, just got here about five minutes ago.”

“I wondered if you might stand me up,” she laughed as though it wasn’t even a remote possibility and totally unaware I would have in a heartbeat if only the right girl had asked me to.

“You want to go for a ride?” she propositioned with a suggestive tone.

Wow, she wasted no time, but I shouldn’t be surprised because the girl had a turbo charged sex drive. “I’m good. Let’s just hang out here for a while. You want a beer?”

“Sure,” she said, her voice drenched with disappointment by my decline of her sultry invitation.

Maybe she would get drunk, then pass out and leave me alone so I could talk to Claire. “I’ll grab us a couple. Be right back.”

I grabbed a cup and began to fill it with beer for my date as I saw Claire walk toward me. When she stopped by my side, I said, “Hey, Princess, need a refill?”

Tags: Georgia Cates Going Under Young Adult