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Nathan’s arms encircled my shoulders, drawing me in. Gabriel and Luke created a path through dancing people. Nathan and I followed.

The further we moved in, the louder the music got, the tighter the crowd of people around us became, and the more dazzling the lights. I found it easier to focus on Luke and Gabriel and not look right or left anymore. I didn’t want to lose them.

There was a corner near the stage that was darker where the flashing lights didn’t shine as often.

As we pushed our way through, Luke’s shirt in front of me started glowing green. It surprised me, and I reached out, touching his shoulder.

He stopped, turning and looking curiously at me. When I motioned to his shirt, he looked down. He grinned, nodding and then pointed to my shirt.

I looked down, and the white heart was glowing too.

Luke did sign language, “Black lights.”

Other people around us were glowing, too. Most were just people wearing white shirts. A few people had shapes in their clothes, or words, and those glowed. My cheeks warmed. Gabriel had marked me with a heart.

Gabriel stopped close to the stage. I stood hip to hip between Gabriel and Luke, with Nathan right behind me.

Gabriel started gyrating his hips with the music. His arms round my waist, and he started pushing and pulling with the beat.

I followed his lead, feeling awkward simply standing when everyone else was moving.

When I started moving my hips on my own, Gabriel’s hands slid up my body. He touched my elbows briefly. Taking his signal, I lifted my arms, and he guided me until I had my hands over my head. He leaned in, kissing my ear. “Perfect,” he said loudly in my ear.

I blushed. He pulled away quickly, shaking his hips and dancing. I watched him, mimicking his movements. He flew through the beats and I was a half-step behind for a while until I got the hang of it. He lifted his arms with mine, until we were dancing together. His arms knocked into mine sometimes, and our hips brushed against each other.

When the song changed and the music became more intense, the crowd around us started jumping to the beat. Gabriel and Luke turned, focusing on the DJ and started, too. I stood between them at first, just bouncing up and down on my toes. With the guys next to me, I thought I was going to get knocked over.

Luke grabbed my hand, squeezing and encouraging. I started bouncing harder like he was. Gabriel grabbed my other hand, holding it in the air and we timed our jumping around to the beat.

My heart was pounding, but it didn’t compare to the thumping rocking through my body along with the music. The dazzling lights and the fact that other than Luke and Gabriel and Nathan, I really couldn’t focus on other faces, made it easier to forget they were there. I could pretend it was just us.

The crowd got louder, whistling and screaming in excitement. The DJ upped the tempo, and we all started bouncing faster.

Nathan stepped in. His hands found my hips. I thought he wanted to show me something new, but he kept his hands on me, gripping me. I understood; he just wanted me close. I moved closer to him, dropping a hand on his chest.

I danced this way with Luke and Gabriel at different times. The music went on for what seemed like forever.

After a while, Gabriel slowed down, grinning but wiping his forehead. He leaned into me, shouting something into my ear but I didn’t understand what he was saying. I pulled back shaking my head.

Gabriel snagged Luke’s arm, drawing him in and yelling at him. Luke turned to me, signing, “Water?”

Water? I hadn’t realized until he said it but my throat was dry. “Yes,” I signed back.

Luke nodded to Gabriel before signing back at me. “We’ll go get some. Stay here with Nathan.”

I stepped back, bumping into Nathan. Luke stopped in front of me, leaning in and dropping a kiss on my cheek. Gabriel followed, dropping another one on my ear. They walked off, disappearing into the dancing crowd.

When I turned to Nathan, he was gazing down at me, his lips tight. His movements had slowed. I wasn’t sure he liked seeing Gabriel and Luke kissing me on my cheeks. Did he think they kept breaking the rules? Is that why he kept telling them not to? Mouth kissing wasn’t allowed, but what about kissing cheeks and other places? He’d kissed my fingers before. I didn’t understand.

The music’s tempo suddenly changed to something slower. The crowd around us started swaying to the music. I kept my eyes on Nathan, wanting to do something to please him. He hadn’t wanted to come out, but he did because I wanted to go.

I drifted a hand up, my finger poking at his lips. His eyes widened but his mouth opened. I slipped a finger in and he bit gently. He took my hand, drawing it back out of his mouth, kissing my fingers.

I smiled. I was really starting to like the kissing. That small touch from his lips sent waves of fluttering right through me.

From behind me, another dancer bumped into me. At first I thought it was an accident, and I dismissed it.

The second time, I got a hip bump. A hand smoothed over my back, while a body moved close, close enough for me to smell an unfamiliar, heady fragrance.

“Fuck off!” Nathan shouted. He leaned over me, shoving at the shoulder of the guy behind me.

The guy released me, moving away to dance with a couple of girls nearby.

Nathan encircled my waist with his hands, picking me up and moving me until we were facing away from the guy who had grabbed me. I hugged his neck, drawing myself in close.

My face was close to his. He was glaring at the guy, his blue eyes intense. With my body pressed close to his, I could feel his hard muscles.

My heart was knocking hard against my rib cage. Nathan was looking out for me. He was always there for me, saving me. Now that I’d met his father, too, I thought I understood him more. I knew he’d never hurt me, but he was even more concerned that no one else ever hurt me, either. He was more cautious, because of how his mother had been treated, and now with me, he was doing his best to make sure I was safe.

I was breathing in the Cypress and leather from his skin. My fingers drifted up to his neck. I wanted to distract him from the guy. He didn’t matter. Nathan was all there was now. His serious blue eyes were fixed, his jawline firm as he stared off. The stubble of his unshaven face matured his features. I couldn’t resist.

I leaned in, planting my lips on Nathan’s cheek, close to his mouth. I kept my lips there for as long as I dared. I could feel the light moisture of sweat against his skin, and the coarse hair scratched at my mouth. My heart fluttered.

When I pulled back, Nathan turned his head, his eyebrows up in surprise, his mouth open. His fingers moved to the spot near his mouth where I’d kissed him.

I held my breath, feeling shy again. Did he not want me to? Was I breaking the rules?

He stared down at me. His lips moved, as if saying something, but I couldn’t hear him over the music.

Slowly, his hands found my face, holding me still. His eyes gazed over me. He lowered his head, his lips meeting my cheek in the same spot as I’d kissed him.

I closed my eyes. His lips moved slowly at first, trailing to my cheekbone. His mouth traced up toward my brow, across my forehead.

The club disappeared around us as Nathan’s lips claimed me. He didn’t stop. It was as if that one kiss unleashed something inside and he wasn’t holding back now. His hands moved up, until his fingers mixed up in my hair, and he tilted my head, kissing along my jawline. We weren’t dancing anymore. The best I could do was hold onto him as he kissed my face.

A warmth spread through me, flickering from his lips. My eyes opened, and I was gazing over his shoulder. There was another couple not too far from us. The guy’s hands groped the girl’s chest, and their lips met. I bit my own lip, feeling a sudden need to feel what that girl was feeling. I loved that Nathan was kissing me, but it wasn’t enough. Something inside of me wanted more, and I didn’t know how to do it.

Without thinking, when he got close to my mouth, I turned my head.

/> Nathan’s lips met the corner of my mouth. He was mostly on the cheek, but I felt it. Just a little along my lips. As close as anyone had come to kissing me at all.

My eyes closed and all I could feel were his lips. My heart fluttered hard, pounding into my rib cage. I didn’t move, unsure of what else to do, too dazed to think.

A panic swept over me. I’d tricked Nathan. Even if it was just the corner of my mouth. It was something even North avoided. My mind shut down as I realized I might have gone too far. I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t know anything about kissing, and then there were Academy rules I hadn’t been told about. All I knew was how I felt about him. Suddenly I was ashamed and sure that Nathan would say something. A kiss on the cheek was one thing, Gabriel had said. Even he knew there were boundaries. Who was I to challenge them?

Nathan pulled his head back, his eyes wide, searching my face. I blushed, feeling nervous now. This was it. He’d tell me off like he did Gabriel. Or maybe he thought he’d hit my cheek instead. Maybe he didn’t even notice.

But his eyes suddenly softened. His hands cupped under my jaw and he tilted my head up and toward his. He gazed down at my face, stopping short of my lips.

My heart broke into another wild fluttering, knocking against my ribs. He was going to break the rule! North’s warning came back to me. You could only push a guy so far before he does something stupid. Was this stupid?

Did I want to be stupid with him?

“Sang.” Nathan’s lips moved, speaking my name. I couldn’t hear him well, but I managed to read his lips enough to understand what he was saying.

“Nathan,” I replied, more than sure he couldn’t hear me.

He ducked his head down, his nose meeting mine. He stopped, hovering his lips over mine. I could feel the warmth from them, his breath, as close as he was.

An arm hooked around my waist, tugging me back. Gabriel tightened his hold on me, drawing me away from Nathan. My heart dropped into my shoes, my eyes wide as Nathan’s as the moment was broken.

“Trouble,” Gabriel called in my ear. “I leave you for five minutes and he’s got his hands all over you.” He dropped me until I was standing, but kept his arms around my waist. He grinned. “Can’t leave you with anyone.”

Luke handed a bottle of water over to me. I shifted it in my hands, feeling the cool condensation and using it to help clear my thoughts. I’d tricked him. I broke the rules.

Tags: C.L. Stone The Ghost Bird Romance