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“We need to get to a phone,” he said. He moved away from me and then groaned and pushed a hand toward his stomach and held it there.

I pulled my knees up to my chest, partially covering my nakedness, but more trying to keep warm. “Are you okay?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he said. “Sure. I just swam a hundred thousand billion miles, with you in tow. I just need a minute.”

“Aren’t you cold?”

“Yes, but this won’t kill you. It’s not freezing temperatures.” He sniffed and then sat up more, looking over at me. “How’d you end up naked again? Not that I’m complaining.”

I released my knees just so I could push him over in the sand. “Jerk,” I said, my throat starting to get sore. I’d swallowed a ton of seawater. My muscles were feeling achy, too.

“Hey,” he said, laughing and then sitting up, just to push me over. He did it gently but I was too weak to resist much and I spilled out onto my side, collecting more sand against my skin. “Can we not fight right now? I don’t really have the energy.”

I didn’t either. I fell against the sand again, not caring that it was getting in my hair. Part of me wanted to go to sleep right there, but the sand was rough on my skin and I was really cold. “Can I have your shirt?”

“And she wants the shirt off my back,” he said, but he unbuttoned it, pulling it off and passing it over. It was heavy, soaked and partially covered in sand, but it was cover.

I straightened it and pushed my hands through the sleeves. Between that and the underwear, it’d be enough whenever we found a public place to call for help.

“Now come here,” he said. He grabbed at my waist before I was done adjusting the shirt.

Part of it fell off of my shoulder, exposing a breast, but before I could fix it, he pulled me against his body, sitting me on top of him in the sand. I had my knee on either side of his hip, and held to his chest to support myself.

He pulled me into him, and his hands moved up, finding my face. “Doyle and Avery kept saying I needed to back off and let you come to me, but I think I deserve this for saving you.”

Before I could ask, his lips found mine and he kissed me. I was on top of him, and I had to bend my head down. He pulled me tight into him, gripping me with a strength I couldn’t resist, and didn’t want to.

Doyle and Avery. I couldn’t imagine them giving him advice on romance. When the kiss broke and I had a chance to breathe, I asked, “You’d listen to Doyle? Has he had a girlfriend ever?”

“Yeah,” he said. His eyes were dark, but I caught his cheeks bunching up in a smile. “A few. No real relationship to speak of. But... to be honest, I thought the advice was good. If chasing you wasn’t working, I needed to try walking away. Different approaches.” He shook his head. “Sorry, I’m not following through with that right now. I’m just glad you’re alive. I almost lost you back there.”

It warmed me that he’d worried about me like that.

I sunk into him more, putting the weight of my butt against his lap. I reached around his neck and held onto him, partially for warmth. Mostly because I wanted to. Almost dying like that, I had a chance to make things right. He’d been right before, that I never gave anyone the opportunity to get close to me. I let them chase me but never pursued what I wanted. I needed to change that.

I wanted to say a lot. Thank you, being one of those things. Thanks for saving me. Thanks for believing in me, that I could be of some help on the ship, even though I mess up so often. When I was down and unsure, he found a way to bring me out of the depression I’d started to fall into. Helping other people. Find a soul to save. He’d given me a purpose again.

So I kissed him.

He kissed me back, chasing me this time, instead of the other way around like before. He was the fox again. His hands moved over my body, over my butt, up my sides until his palms caressed my breasts, but then back down to my butt again, lifting me slightly until he was laying back in the sand, pulling me on top of him.

I pressed my lips against his mouth, kissing and trying to steal warmth from him. I took control, in a way, leading the chase. I’d kiss and he’d try to catch up. I held onto his neck, but let my lower half sink into him, against his groin.

And then, the shirt I’d put on was gone again. An energy flowed between us. Fire and oil in an explosion. I couldn’t stop myself even if I’d wanted to. Later, I’d remember that I’d heard of people being rescued or surviving a horrible ordeal, suddenly having a surge, a spike of sexual energy. In that moment, I couldn’t think of anything else other than I wanted Blake. I was alive. I was breathing. He was alive. I was grateful and needed him to know how much I would have regretted if he’d died. I deepened the kiss, pushing my body against his.

He rolled me over until he was on top. His mouth left mine, only to find my neck, and then he moved down, covering my breasts with his hands. He sought out places not covered in sand, kissing. He wiped the sand away just to cover a spot with his mouth and suckle. He’d spit out the sand occasionally, but then be right back at my skin. I was sure he was leaving marks.

His lips continued down my body, around the underside of my breasts and then down around my stomach, heading toward my belly button. I moaned, and then pulled at his shoulders. I wanted his body against mine.

“No,” he whispered. “Trust me. Relax for once.”

I did as he asked, and he continued his exploration. When my hips lifted involuntarily as his mouth got below my belly button, he pushed them back down.

“Don’t move,” he said. His hands massaged my hips, my stomach. He reached around, massaging deeply at the base of my spine.

I resisted doing anything then. His kisses sparked a thousand tiny explosions against my skin. His lips were warm and wet; all feeling and thought followed his every move. It got my blood pumping. I wanted him to touch everywhere at once and couldn’t get enough. I clutched my hands, tightening into fists, desperate to hang onto something.

His fingers curled into the band of the underwear, sliding them down. He tugged them free of my body.

I resisted reaching for him, trying to relax as he’d instructed. I looked up at the stars, excited, full of desire for him. I wished I could see his face, those gold flecks, the fox-like smile. The wave of his hair. The line in his collarbone, the rest of his body.

He continued his trail of kisses down my stomach. Then he picked up my knees, moving them apart. He held me by the hips as he lowered down.

And then his lips zeroed in between my legs.

His mouth sought out my most delicate flesh. He used his teeth and lips, sucking more than licking. He reached in and spread me open, exposing everything to him.

I arched my back, trying to push myself into his mouth, only for him to reach up and push my hips down. His mouth released his hold. “Don’t move,” he said. “Relax, don’t do anything. Lay down a

nd breathe,” he drawled and dove back in again. The waver in his voice was desperate. He needed me to do this.

Again, I tried to relax, focusing on breathing and staying still even though my whole body wanted to move, to follow his rhythm. I closed my eyes, allowing myself to focus only on what he was doing, and not thinking of anything else.

The swell in my core began to coil, and the more he nibbled with teeth and lips, the harder it was to simply relax as he wanted. I forced myself to lay still, when I wanted to get control.

He lifted his mouth away, catching his breath, and I cried out until he put a smooth fingertip right at the most delicate part of me, the very center of pleasure.

He stroked, steadily, massaging with his finger, short and determined strokes, driving all my blood rushing through my body right to his touch.

Once all my blood was there, my body reacted. I couldn’t lie still anymore, the orgasm taking over. Everything in me throbbed. Every nerve was alive. Even the grains of sand along my back seemed different, the light scratches adding to the electrifying feeling. “Blake,” I gasped sitting up and reaching for him. I wanted him to know I needed him. I needed more than what he’d done.

Blake responded at once, and in a moment, he unzipped his pants and pushed them down, hovering over me, not bothering to kick them away. I had a brief moment thinking about protection, but then I considered getting a morning after pill. We were on land and could grab one later. I was too excited to worry too much now.

He lowered down and pressed against me into the sand until the tip of his cock was at my groin, and he pushed his way in.

This time, I arched my hips, and he grabbed my butt and pulled me into him. He made quick thrusts, and with every movement he was harder, faster.

I wanted this, craved him. Something inside of me woke up, and I wanted it harder, for him to dive as deeply inside of me as he could. After my orgasm, I was sensitive, ready for him and wanting him all the way. He knew the right angles and filled me perfectly, hitting areas inside of me that continued the pleasure.

Tags: C.L. Stone The Scarab Beetle Romance