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Marc stayed by the wall, still hanging his hands into the women’s side. “Hey,” he said after Mr. Cline and Blake left and I had to assume they weren’t coming back. “You okay?”

I pressed my palms to my cheeks, shaking my head. I relaxed a bit more now that Blake and Mr. Cline was gone. My breasts floated in the water but I was still covered by the wall and the colored water. “Was this really necessary?”

“You wanted to start a rumor about you. We’re just doing what you said you wanted.”

“We’re nowhere closer to finding out the truth about Nightingale than we were this morning,” I said. “We’ve only got five days onboard.”

“And we’re just getting started.” He reached for me, for my wrist, pulling me until he and I were face to face. Our chests were pressed against the wall as he held onto my shoulders. I held on to him. “Are you okay?” he asked. “You look...angry.”

I wondered if Marc had heard what happened with Axel and me. Maybe he’d been involved with Blake and hadn’t had a chance to check in with what had been going on. “A lot of things are just happening all at once,” I said, shaking my head and looking down at the smooth black wall between us. It was odd having that separation, but still felt really intimate. Probably because we were naked and outside, which was strange in the first place.

If he didn’t know yet about what had happened, either they didn’t feel the need to tell him, or he just hadn’t spoken to them yet.

“Aw, Bambi,” he said. He tugged at my shoulders, trying to draw me in for a hug, but the wall cut into my breasts.

I pulled from him, holding an arm over my chest. “Ugh,” I said. “Squished.”

He grinned. “Whoops. Hang on.” He pushed me back a little and then put his palms on the top of the wall. He pulled himself up.

Oh no. “Don’t...”

Too late. I caught only a glimpse of his naked body before he splashed down into the women’s side of the pool. I turned my head and covered my eyes at the splash.

“Marc!” I sputtered, wiping at my face. My glasses had more droplets on them. I was going to be blind wearing these things at this rate. “You’re on the wrong side.”

“I’m supposed to stick next to you anyway,” he said. He wadded up to me, standing uncomfortably close, considering we were both naked.

I groaned and pushed at his arm, covering my chest with my other arm. I couldn’t help but look down, seeing how much I could actually see. Just shoulders and part of his chest through the color.

He reached for my elbows, drawing me into him. “Come on,” he said. “This place is really cool. We should find one of these around Charleston.”

“I don’t think they have stuff like this,” I said, and kept myself at a distance. My body, though, floating in the water, kept wanting to collide into him. Stupid water. Made it feel like I was flirting with him by bumping into him. His toe nudged mine, and since the bottom was slick and felt weird with the soft sand, and I was creeped out, I edged forward, stepping on his feet.

“What’s the matter?” he asked, looking down and reaching for my waist to hold on to me. It made it easier to stand on the tops of his feet, but that much more difficult to keep myself at a distance.

I ended up just letting go of my boobs, sinking lower into the water so that it was up to my neck, holding onto his shoulders. “I don’t like the floor of this thing,” I said. “It’s slimy. And this place looks too much like a pond. I keep thinking there’s going to be a fish swimming by, and then I think there is one and that sand at the bottom...ugh.” I tiptoed higher onto the top of his feet, grossed out.

He laughed, hanging onto my waist and drawing me into him. My boobs and stomach met with his body, chest to chest. “It’s okay. Just hang onto me.” He started to turn, floating with the water, taking me with him. “That slick feeling at the bottom is probably just the color settling down. Once it gets kicked back up again by more people coming in, it’ll be fine. Just relax.”

I couldn’t. Once I was stuck against him, I clung to him. I’d been okay before, but now that I had the opportunity to step on his feet and let him touch the ground, I didn’t want to touch it again. I hung onto his shoulders, putting my cheek next to his. “Do we have to be here? Can we just go?”

“Just a little while longer,” he said. “I don’t want to go in there with Blake and Mr. Cline. I need to give Blake time to talk. I wasn’t doing much good; I don’t know what I’m talking about with investments. He knows the details. He wants to be Mr. Cline’s pal and maybe see if he’s willing to invest in one of Blake’s properties later.”

“Good because I don’t know what I’m doing, either,” I said, folding my arms around his neck, covering myself, even if I was pressing into his body. He held onto my waist, feet moving a little, mine on top, almost like we were slow-dancing. “I know I shouldn’t be in a hurry. I just...I’m not very good at this.”

“You’re doing fine,” he said. “No rush, right? We’re just gathering information.”

“I’ve screwed up already. Made myself a target.”

“Well, it’s not the end of the world,” he said. He pulled back. I still clung to him, my chest up against his. He looked at my face, his mismatched eyes sparkling with amusement, and something sweeter. “I think this right here made it worth it.”

I shook my head, looking away, but couldn’t help but smile. Then I blinked and looked back at him. I felt like a dork in the glasses, though. They were too big for my face and I kept noticing them.

And then I remembered the ear piece and thought it might be better to not let people listen in on this. “Do you still have your ear thing?” I whispered.

He nodded, seeming to catch on that I wanted to say something between us. “Doyle,” he said.

Doyle might not have bothered to let him know what was going on. Still, I didn’t need Doyle in the middle of everything. “Can you get rid of it?”

He grinned and then dug the ear bud out of his ear. He moved us along until he could stick it on a rock out of the water.

“Whoops,” he said. “How did that happen?”

I slipped when he let go of me, stepping on the slick bottom again. I shivered and then gripped tighter to him, picking my feet up. I was practically on his ankles now, sliding down to his feet, missing his feet and touching the bottom again. I squealed. I was a five year old, now. My maturity level gone. The floor was lava. I was trying not to touch it. I picked my feet up higher, legs going around his thighs, just trying to keep my feet up.

It wasn’t totally the slick floor, either. Part of it was Marc. He was light-hearted about things right now. It changed my mood. I was feeling playful. Marc’s handsome face was beaming, happy, and I craved that feeling for myself.

Marc laughed, catching me around the waist and then his hands smoothed down to my butt, lifting me. “Just wrap your legs around. You’re fine.”

I started to, and then considered what I was doing. Was that too close? It’d been a while since we’d done anything more than held a hand or hugged. This was pretty far, although I remembered being in the back of a car with him, and he had kissed me, and we had hinted around sex, but never got that far. I slowly, put one leg around his waist, testing my feelings and him to see if he got uncomfortable. “I feel like an idiot.”

“Your hair looks weird being up like that,” he said. His strong body pressed to mine, and he kept his hold on my butt, letting me cling to him like a monkey to a branch. He carried me as he walked, slowly, back toward the woman’s side and the stairs. “And I don’t know if I like the glasses. You don’t look like you anymore.”

“Not usually my thing,” I said.

“Not that I’d care if you needed glasses,” he said. His hands massaged my butt as he held me. It encouraged me to pick up my legs more to wrap fully around him and let him carry me. He stopped walking, still a good distance from the steps. He pulled back enough to look at my face. “You’d just look

better with a different pair. Or maybe contacts if you needed them. I like your face as it is.”

I grimaced, embarrassed at my weirdness. I sort of wanted to talk to him about Axel, and then I didn’t, because I didn’t want him to know and be mad like everyone else. I didn’t even know where to start, or how to bring it up.

He smiled at me. “Hi, Bambi,” he said.

I grinned. “Hi?” Maybe it was good to let this continue. Everyone else might be mad at me right now. Maybe once Marc learned about it, he would be, too. Was it wrong to enjoy this while it lasted?

“I just feel like I haven’t seen you in a while. You know, outside of sleeping and fighting.”

“You saw me...last night?”

“Not the same,” he said. “We haven’t been alone for a while.”

That was true. Not outside of sleeping, which I had been doing a lot lately.

“I missed you,” he said. “I didn’t know you were such a big baby, either.”

I snorted, and then tried to pull away. “Jerk.”

He laughed and then pulled me back, which was good, because I really didn’t want him to let go. This felt good to me. “Not that I mind right now. I wasn’t really expecting you to be naked. I figured you’d wear a bikini or something.”

“I don’t have a bikini.”

“There was one in the locker room,” he said.

Tags: C.L. Stone The Scarab Beetle Romance