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“But again,” Eddie said, putting the cell phone in his pocket, “you should stay. Don’t arouse suspicion.”

“You know, Eddie,” Alice said, rising slowly. “I’m getting tired of you believing you’re smarter than I am.”

Eddie backed up a step, scowling. “Don’t get stupid,” he said. “We’re almost out of here.”

“I’ve got what I came for,” she said. “Mr. Murdock and I can leave now.”

“I’ve got what you want,” Eddie said. “This is my protection. You weaseled your way in far enough. If you want a piece of this, you’ll have to leave my men alone and we’ll split this evenly. I don’t trust you to simply walk away—”

Alice snapped her fingers. Mack Truck and the other goon moved instantly, pointing guns at Corey, and at Eddie.

Eddie started to reach for his gun, but Mack Truck stepped up, loaded a bullet into the chamber by cocking his gun, and aimed square at Eddie’s chest. He said something in German I couldn’t understand, but the threat was obvious.

Eddie slowly put his hands in the air, and then barked something back at Mack Truck, also in German. Mack took out Eddie’s gun from his back holster, and tossed it onto another couch nearby.

Well, that was one guy down. I checked with Raven. He showed me a fist, and hand down. Wait.

I groaned internally. I was so tired of waiting. Waves of dizziness was washing over me now. I wasn’t going to survive much more of this. I pinched myself to keep awake and to focus.

“What do you expect me to do?” Eddie said to Alice. “You expect me to sit here and let you walk out?”

“Yes,” Alice said. “Although not without motivation. Your friend is going to sit here with you for a while.” She winked at Mack Truck.

Eddie glared at Mack Truck. I wasn’t sure if Mack Truck was a traitor, or if he’d always been on Alice’s team and worked with Eddie to see through their plans.

“Where are you going to go?” Eddie asked.

“I’m going to go for a drive with my friend, Brandon,” she said and gestured to Brandon lying on the floor at her feet.

Corey stood then, but a goon pointed a gun at his face. He ignored it and glared at her. “You said you wouldn’t hurt him.”

“I don’t plan on it,” she said. She nodded to a second goon, who lifted Brandon up by the arm, and draped him over his shoulder.

Corey flexed his hands and then made fists. “Stop,” Corey said. “Don’t take him.”

“Be a good boy,” Alice said, stepping back toward Eddie. She went into his pocket, pulling out the phone. She put it in her own pocket and then moved toward the door. “But I didn’t trust you to let the information continue while I was away. So I’m taking a little…insurance.”

“I’ll find you,” Corey said.

“Don’t,” Alice said. She smirked. “I’ll have your brother. If the data stream stops, or if someone comes looking for your brother, he’ll die. When I am satisfied, I’ll let him go. And you’ll have no other choice but to believe me. After today, you won’t see me again.’

Corey moved toward her, but the guard put his gun at his chest, threatening. Corey stopped, baring his teeth.

My heart was going wild. Another wave of dizziness. The room spun.

Raven was above Mack Truck, and was signaling to me. My eyes crossed. I wasn’t able to see exactly what he wanted. I was fighting the dizziness and nausea. A hot flush broke out over my body and I felt a bead of sweat slide down my back.

The poison must have been working faster. And with me being so tired, I wasn’t going to last long at all.

Alice headed for the door. “Everyone stays here for a whole day,” she told Mack Truck. “Let them enjoy the view, then at sunset, walk out and lock them in. I’ll keep Ethan busy for a while so he won’t come up.”

Mack nodded.

Alice opened the door, holding it for the gunman that had Brandon as he walked through. Alice kept her eyes on everyone, taking the second goon’s gun to aim. Mack backed away from Eddie, and guided Corey and Eddie into the same corner to keep them together.

Last chance. I checked on Raven, who was following Mack.

Avery appeared then, close to where the door was on my side, covered by the wall.

Avery pointed to me, pointed to Alice. He pointed to himself, and the gunman. He started to count down from five on his hand. Four. Three.

I started to sneak out from behind the couch. Take out Alice. No problem.

Before Avery could count to one, there was a shout from the first guard, followed by a quick thumping and crash on the stairs.


I had no time to think about it. I launched myself at Alice, aiming my feet at her knees and then grabbed for the bun on her head.

She screamed, and bent backward, reaching around, trying to grab for me.

I caught Avery sailing past me, using his arm and ramming the door into the second guard.

Mack tried to turn, but suddenly Raven flew down on top of him, and as soon as he landed, he was tossing Mack’s gun away and punching. Eddie joined in. Corey was after Avery, trying to help him.

It was all I caught before Alice reached back, using a flat palm against the side of my head. A wave of dizziness took over me. I wasn’t going to last.

Then I remembered Brandon and being the dead weight on Mack Truck. Drop dead fainting was something I could do right now.

I grabbed Alice by her shoulders. I hung on tight and then dropped to the floor

Alice fell on top of me, knocking my head hard into the hardwood floor.

Colors flooded over my eyes.

And then went black.


I woke up with a headache from hell, my throat parched.

Wherever I was, it smelled like bleach and medicine.

I turned on my side, and the bed creaked. The thin blanket wasn’t enough for the cool air sweeping over me. The light was too bright. I pulled my pillow, a flat one, over my face.

This was the worst motel ever. I quietly reminded myself to ask for another pillow and a blanket from the maids.

“Kayli,” said a deep voice. “You awake?”

That wasn’t Wil. I opened my eyes, and peeked out from the shadow of the pillow.

Brandon sat in a bed next to me.

My eyes widened and I stat up, feeling a tug at my hand. I looked down and saw the IV needle poked into my vein and taped down to my skin. A fluid bag hung nearby.

I’d been dreaming I was back in the motel. I looked around the hospital room now. The wide windows were filled with sunshine for an early morning.

Brandon was in a green hospital gown. His muscular legs and arms were bare. His left eye was swollen shut and he had more cuts and bruises along his body. “You okay?” he asked.

I swallowed, nodding. “

I passed out?” I asked.

He nodded. “Corey carried you out. Raven got me.”

“Alice…” I said, everything coming back to me in a rush.

Brandon frowned. “Axel was outside just as Kevin and some Academy members arrived, she managed to get out of the chaos and run off. They’re looking for her now.”

My mouth dropped open. “How? And what about Eddie and Mr. Murdock.”

“Mr. Murdock slipped Ethan something to make him sleep. But then he spotted Marc coming in, and he bolted as his guard held back and tried to ward us off. The only ones we managed to keep contained were Eddie and the others. We don’t even have a right to hold them, only give them up to the police to deal with, and Ethan woke up eventually to press charges against them. Mr. Murdock and Alice are long gone by now.”

I groaned. I supposed I should be happy that Brandon was okay. “Everyone’s good?”

“So far it seems like it,” Brandon said.

I fell back in the bed, overwhelmed and suddenly feeling sick. “Did we get cured yet?”

Brandon smirked. “We’re stuck here until we’re cleared.” He lifted his hand, showing me the needle in his hand. “We’re getting the antidote now. And possibly for a couple of weeks.”

I closed my eyes. It felt like hours before I opened them. “How long was I out?” I asked.

“Four days,” Brandon said.

My eyes widened, and I looked at him, thinking he had to be joking. His face was stern.

“So the bad guys got away,” I said.

“Sometimes it happens like that,” Brandon said. “But now the police are looking for them. We’re out.”

“And her phone she got was fake?”

Brandon nodded and smiled, showing me the cut on his lip near the corner that was starting to heal. “My brother’s a genius. Who would have thought of that? He didn’t just give them what they asked for. He changed the game to motivate them to fight over who got the phone, and then how to proceed. If you ever have to go up into a den of thieves, throw in one gold coin and stand back.”

Tags: C.L. Stone The Scarab Beetle Romance