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I searched the darkness.

"I'm over here."

I spun to see Rafe on the edge of the clearing. He stepped back, hands raised.

"That was a warning, so I wouldn't spook you." A wry smile. "Not much chance of that, I suppose, finding me outside your house at two in the morning."

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm not stalking you, as bad as it looks. I wasn't going near your house. I just ... I couldn't sleep, and I thought maybe you couldn't either, so I walked over, in case you came out."

"That's quite a hike."

He shrugged and stepped toward me, then stopped short. "Your lip."


He swore. "What happened?"

"Daniel and I bumped into her, and ..." I shrugged. "It's not important. I--"

"It's Daniel," he said.


"She likes Daniel. Along with every girl in this town except you. He's the local equivalent of the high school quarterback." He stepped closer. "But if she's got you in her sights, watch out, Maya. She's got problems. And she has a crush on Daniel."

"I don't think it's like that."

"Then why'd she flip out when Nicole went to your party with him?"


"Hayley said she heard them fighting next door before the party. Sam found out Nicole was going with Daniel and lit into her. That's what Hayley was talking to me about after the climb. Saying how surprised she was that Sam showed up, and that Nicole better watch her back."

He met my gaze. "I'd say the same to you. I know you and Daniel are just friends, but Sam ..."

"She's unstable." A memory flashed, something Serena said about Sam. While I tried to recall it, Rafe took another step forward.

"How are you doing?" he said. "Other than that?"

What do you think? You told me I'm a shape-shifter. That I'm going to change into a cougar. That someday I might not change back.

"Just ... not sleeping well these days."

Another step closer, but still keeping his distance. "Is it the dreams?"

I looked up at him.

"Dreams of the forest," he said. "Of running. You wake up with a fever. You need to get outside."

I nodded.

"Me, too. It started a little while ago. Annie went through it just before ..."

"She started to Shift."

"It's the Calling. The start of the transformation."

Tags: Kelley Armstrong Darkness Rising Fantasy