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"Better?" I said.


He gave me a real kiss then, deep and hungry, and I think the branch could have snapped and I wouldn't have noticed until I hit the ground. Maybe not even then.

We kissed, barely coming up for air, until a giggle sounded below us. Then a singsong voice.

"Rafe and Maya sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g."

"Annie ..." Rafe peered down at his sister, beaming up at us. "I thought I asked

you to stay inside today."

"I was careful." She grabbed the lowest branch and swung up. "I wanted to see Maya. I wanted to make sure she was coming over for dinner."

"I haven't invited her yet."

Annie grabbed our branch.

"Whoa, no!" Rafe said as it dipped. "She can't come over if she falls and breaks both her legs."

"She won't do that, silly. She'll land on her feet. Just like me."

"Rather not test that theory," he said and leaned over me to unwrap her fingers from the branch.

I slid down onto the one below us.

"That's cheating," Annie said. "This is how you do it."

She crouched and jumped. My heart rammed into my throat, but she hit the ground as easily as if it had been two feet down instead of ten. I flashed back to the night of my party, when I'd leaped off the roof, Rafe following.

Rafe swung onto the branch beside me. "Ignore her. She's showing off ten years of gymnastics."

We climbed the rest of the way down as Annie bounced on the ground, impatient.

"So, are you coming over, Maya? Rafe has something he wants to tell you." She grinned. "A secret."

"Does he?"

Rafe shot Annie a look, then glanced at me. He waved Annie aside.

"We just need to talk," he said in a low voice, once she'd stepped away.

"Are you in trouble?" I said.

"No, nothing like that."

"Well, I'm not sure about tonight." Daniel and I had to check the Braun place before it was cleared out. "I have that English essay that I've barely started ..."

"Can you get an extension? After finding that body, I'm sure they'd understand. I really need to talk to you."

"How about now?"

He shook his head. "It's ... not that kind of talk."

I looked into his eyes. They were clouded with worry and something almost like fear.

"You're freaking me out here," I said. "What's up?"

Tags: Kelley Armstrong Darkness Rising Fantasy