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"Did he just say ...?" Rafe began.

"Yes. And don't ask. How's Annie?"

"She's fine," he said as we walked along the forest's edge, skirting school property. "I tried to convince her to stay indoors for a few days. She doesn't get it. A couple of years ago, she was the one always telling me ... Well, you know."

I didn't have any experience with brothers or sisters, but I suppose it would be as if Daniel got into an accident and stopped watching out for me. It'd be like losing the Daniel I knew.

"If you can't get her to stay out of the woods, I've got something that should help. A present from my dad." I swung my backpack off my shoulder and rummaged. "One for you and one for Annie. He makes me carry it all the time. You guys should, too."

He took the cans of pepper spray. "Good idea. Thank him for me."

"I will. If you need to use it, aim for the face--not just the eyes but the nose. Oh, here--and my dad threw in a pamphlet on animal encounters, even though I told him you seem to know how to handle yourself in the woods."

"Make lots of noise so you don't surprise them. Make more noise if you meet one. Try to be as big and intimidating as possible. Don't drop eye contact. Don't turn away."

"You got it."

As we walked, he'd been looking around. I asked what he was looking for.

"Someplace private," he said.

"So we can talk more? That's so sweet."

He laughed. "Talking's good, but the bell's going to ring. Not much time for deep conversation."

"Not much time for anything else, either."

A wicked grin. "There's enough."

He scanned the building and the forest. I knew he'd never officially dated any of the girls at school, but I'd figured that didn't mean he hadn't slipped off to a quiet spot with one. Obviously not.

"There's a nook around back," I said. "It's an emergency exit, so no one ever uses it."

"I thought you didn't date guys from school?"

"Doesn't mean I don't know the make-out spots."

"Make-out? I thought we were talking. But if you insist ..."

I tugged him into the nook, wrapped my hand around the front of his shirt, pulled him to me, and kissed him. He chuckled, the vibration buzzing through our kiss. I'm bold, but I'd never been this bold. With Rafe, I could be. He liked bold. If his return kiss was any indication, he liked it a whole lot.

We kissed until the bell rang, then he pulled back but only to glower in the direction of the bell.

I laughed.

He stayed put, hands resting on my hips.

"You're okay, then?" he said. "After last night?"

"Better than I should be."

"What do you mean?"

I shrugged. "I feel like ... like I'm holding up too well. I mean, I feel awful about it, but I'm not having any trouble coping."

"Because you're tough."

"It feels insensitive."

Tags: Kelley Armstrong Darkness Rising Fantasy