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Chief Carling laughed, then said I was right--Marv had to be taught that humans and cougars couldn't be friends. "And the best way to do that would be to take Maya along. Make sure he gets the connection between her and the tranquilizer dart. With luck, that'll solve the problem. I agree that he doesn't seem to be a danger, but I don't like this sudden interest."

"Neither do I," Dad said.

"All right, then. We won't keep you any longer, Maya." Mayor Tillson rose. "I hear you have gym next. Wouldn't want to miss that." He paused, voice lowering a notch. "I hope we're going to see you on the track team again this spring."

"You will."

"That's our girl. We need ou

r champ."

He waved at the wall of trophies. Not all mine, obviously. But there were a lot of trophies, considering the size of our school. As in academics, in sports we get the best of everything. Top equipment. Great coaches, plus expert trainers flown in a few times a year.

We can't field a team for football or hockey, so the school concentrates on track, swimming, wrestling, and boxing. In kindergarten we're encouraged to join at least one. I dislike the water, and hate hitting anyone, but when it comes to running, jumping, and climbing, I'm in my element. I'd taken last year off the track team, though. I just didn't have the heart for it after Serena died.

I left the meeting. As I walked back through the principal's office, I nearly tripped over a guy with his chair pulled over to the door, eavesdropping.

Rafael--Rafe--Martinez. Salmon Creek's newest student. Actually, our only new student in three years. Rich parents in surrounding towns tried to get their kids into our school, but they were always turned down. Rafe wasn't a rich kid. He lived with his older sister in a nearby cabin they'd inherited from a distant relative. I guess the board figured it was the right thing to do, letting him attend our school free of charge rather than spend hours on a bus every day.

Rafe told everyone he was from Texas. That was bull. I'd dated a summer guy from Texas, and Rafe's drawl was all wrong. His last name suggested he was Latino, and he kind of looked it, but his high cheekbones and amber eyes said Native to me. He was a little taller than Daniel, lean, with black hair that hung just past the collar of his leather jacket. Worn blue jeans and low motorcycle boots completed the image: American Teen Rebel.

It was a look we didn't see a lot at our school, and the other girls loved it. Not that Rafe needed the added cachet. Considering we'd had the same guys in our class since kindergarten, Rafe's novelty factor alone would have had the girls tripping over themselves. He was the hottest ticket in town. And he knew it.

When I bumped into him, I said a polite, "Hey," and tried to get past.

"Hey, yourself."

He grinned and, in spite of myself, I felt a little flip in my stomach. Rafe wasn't gorgeous, but he had a sexy, crooked smile and eyes that looked at a girl like she was the first one he'd ever seen. When he stood close, I swore I could feel heat radiating off him. And Rafe always stood close.

As I backed up, he hooked a thumb toward the conference room. "Barnes in there?" he asked, meaning the principal.

I shook my head. "Haven't seen him. Ms. Morales was around, though."

"Yeah, I talked to her. She says I need to talk to Barnes. Late once too often this week."

That grin sparked again, like being late for school earned him a place in the bad boy hall of fame.

"No worries," I said. "You didn't miss much."

He fell into step beside me, so close his knuckles brushed mine. "I hear you had yourself a close encounter of the wild kind."


"Morales said you've seen more mountain lions than anyone around here. Says they practically hang out on your doorstep hoping for a saucer of milk and a scratch behind the ears."

He meant cougar--mountain lion is an American term.

"I live in the park," I said. "I'm going to see a lot of wild animals."

"Still, mountain lions ... Never seen one myself." He slid a sidelong look my way. "Think you could fix that?"

Like hell, I thought, but just kept walking.

"Never been in your park either," he said. "What do you say I come over tonight? We can take a walk, look for big cats, watch the stars come out...."

I laughed. "Do lines like that ever work?"

He only smiled. "Can't blame a guy for trying."

Tags: Kelley Armstrong Darkness Rising Fantasy