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“Thinking of leaving, pup? That would be rude. You bolt, we’ll have to grab your girl, hold on to her until you decide to come back and hear me out. ”

Derek went still, but I could feel his heart thumping against my back, hear his shallow breaths as he struggled to stay calm. My hand slid into my pocket, grasping my knife. Derek squeezed my shoulder, rubbing it again.

“It’s okay,” he whispered. “It’s okay. ” But his heart kept pounding, telling me it wasn’t.

“Sure,” Liam said. “It’ll be just fine. The Pack aren’t complete monsters. This poor orphaned kid just screwed up. He’ll never do it again. They’ll understand. He’s probably got a—” He glanced at Ramon. “Fifty-fifty?”

Ramon considered it, then nodded.

Liam turned back to us. “Fifty-fifty chance of surviving. And even if he doesn’t, they’ll make it quick. No chain saws for you. ”

“Why are you telling us this?” I asked. It was like the classic James Bond scene, where the villain explains what he’ll do to Bond, giving him time to think up an escape plan. Which I really hoped Derek was doing. I might not be much help—not when it came to plotting against werewolves—but I was really good at stalling.

“Good question, cutie. Why not just grab him, tie him up, toss him in our truck, and deliver him to the wolves up in Syracuse? Because the Alpha isn’t stupid. If we throw him a kid who’s screaming he didn’t do it, he might listen. See, there’s only one way this can work. If your boyfriend comes along voluntarily and confesses. ”

Derek snorted. “Yeah. ”

“You don’t like that plan?”

Derek shot him a look.


m sighed. “All right then. Option two it is. We kill you and have some fun with your girl. ”

“I’ll do the killing,” Ramon said. “You can take the girl. She’s a little young for me. ”

Liam grinned. “I like them young. ”

His gaze traveled up and down me, his look making every hair on my body rise. Derek’s hands vise gripped my shoulders.

“Leave her out of this,” Derek rumbled.

“Never. ” Liam bared his teeth. “I was almost hoping you’d say no. Sure, I’d love a scapegoat to feed the Pack. But a little cutie like that, who already knows what I am? That’s…” He smiled. “Sweet. ”

He gave me a look that made me shrink back into Derek, my hand gripping the knife so hard it hurt. When Liam stepped forward again, Derek’s arm shot around me, a growl vibrating up from his stomach.

Liam put his hand out toward me. When Derek tensed, he pulled back, then did it again, testing his reaction, laughing when he got one, until even Ramon started to laugh.

“Check this out,” Liam said. “I think the pup’s got himself a mate. Isn’t that the cutest thing?” He leaned toward Derek, voice lowering. “It won’t work out. It never does. Why don’t you just give her to me now, let me help you get over it. Painful, but quick. It’s the best way. ”

Derek moved me behind him. The werewolves let out a howl of laughter.

“I think he’s saying no,” Ramon said.

“Leave her out of this,” Derek said.

Liam shook his head. “How can I do that? Look at her. So tiny and cute, big blue eyes all wide and scared. ” He leaned around Derek to look at me. “That hair doesn’t do anything for her. I can still smell the dye. What color is it really? Blond, I bet. She looks like a blond. ”

His look made my insides twist.

“If I go with you, she walks away,” Derek said. “Right?”

“No,” I whispered.

“Course she does,” Liam said.

“Derek,” I whispered.

He put his hand behind him, gesturing for me to be quiet. It was a trick. He had a plan. He must have a plan.

“Here’s the deal,” Derek said.

“Deal?” Liam laughed. “This isn’t up for negotiation, pup. ”

“It is if you want my cooperation. I’ll go with you, but the first thing we do is get her on a bus. After I’ve seen her leave safely, I’m all yours. ”

“Uh-huh. ” Liam rolled back on his heels. “Is your intelligence feeling a mite insulted, Ramon?”

“Sure is. ” Ramon strolled up beside his friend.

“You said you’d release her—”

“And we will. Once you’ve done your part. Until then, she’s our collateral to make sure you do. And don’t worry; we’ll take good care—”

Derek shot forward so fast it caught them both off guard. He grabbed Liam by the front of his shirt and whipped him into Ramon. The men went down.

“Run,” Derek said.

I pulled out my knife.


He gave me a shove that sent me flying. I started running, but slowly, my hand on the knife as I watched over my shoulder, getting far enough so Derek would think I was safe without abandoning him.

Derek caught Ramon and whipped him against the steel fireman’s pole, his head hitting with a twang.

Liam lunged for Derek. He feinted out of the way. As Ramon lay motionless on the ground, Derek and Liam faced off, circling. Liam lunged again, and Derek twisted, but Liam caught the back of his sweatshirt, yanked him off his feet, and threw him.

Derek hit the ground in a slide. Liam bore down on him, taking his time as Derek struggled to get up, wheezing and coughing, crawling along the ground. I veered to race back. Then Derek shot to his feet and broke into a run.


WE ZIGZAGGED THROUGH A dark commercial district, with Liam at our heels the whole way. When we reached a town house complex, he fell back, like he didn’t want to be seen chasing a couple of kids. He kept about fifty feet behind us, clearly planning to close the gap when we got to a more secluded place.

On the far side of the complex was a strip mall. When we reached it, we looked back, and he was gone. We kept going, though, until we were another two blocks away, behind a closed bakery.

I leaned against the cool brick wall, gasping for air.

“You wanted tips on self-defense?” Derek said, breathing hard.

I nodded.

“The first lesson our dad taught us? If you’re up against a better fighter, the first chance you get, surprise him with your secret move…” He leaned down to my ear. “Run like hell. ”

A laugh bubbled up and my teeth stopped chattering. I took a deep breath and let myself relax against the wall.

“So he was as strong as you are?” I asked.

“Whatever those scientists tweaked, it wasn’t my strength. He might have been smaller than me, but he was just as strong, and he’s got a lot more fighting experience. I was seriously outclassed. ” He wiped off gravel embedded in his chin. “You aren’t the only one who’s going to need training. My dad taught me to use my strength to my advantage. Only that doesn’t work fighting other werewolves. ”

He rolled his shoulders, then pushed sweat-sodden hair out of his eyes. “We’ll catch our breath, but then we need to move. Once he figures out he lost us, he’ll go back and pick up our trail. ”

Tags: Kelley Armstrong Darkest Powers Fantasy