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“Forever,” he promised.

“Forever,” I parroted, glancing behind—to where Lucien stood in the gravel drive.

His gaze on me. Face hard. As if he’d seen through every lie.

As if he knew of the second tattoo beneath my glove, and the glamour I now kept on it.

As if he knew that they had let a fox into a chicken coop—and he could do nothing.

Not unless he never wanted to see his mate—Elain—again.

I gave Lucien a sweet, sleepy smile. So our game began.

We hit the sweeping marble stairs to the front doors of the manor.

And so Tamlin unwittingly led the High Lady of the Night Court into the heart of his territory.


Thank you to the following people who make my life blessed beyond all measure:

To my husband, Josh: You got me through this year. (Through many years before it, but this one in particular.) I don’t have the words to describe how much I love you, and how grateful I am for all that you do. For the countless meals you cooked so I didn’t have to stop writing; for the hundreds of dishes you washed afterward so I could run back into my office and keep working; for the hours of dog-walking, especially those early mornings, just so I could get some sleep … This book is now a real book because of you. Thank you for carrying me when I was too weary, for wiping away my tears when my heart was heavy, and for coming with me on so many adventures around the world.

To Annie, who can’t read this, but who deserves credit, anyway: Every second with you is a gift. Thank you for making a fairly solitary job not the slightest bit lonely—and for the laughter and joy and love you’ve brought into my life. Love you, baby pup.

To Susan Dennard, my Threadsister and anam cara: Pretty sure I’m a broken record at this point, but thank you for being a friend worth waiting for, and for the fun, truly epic times we’ve had together. To Alex Bracken, Erin Bowman, Lauren Billings, Christina Hobbs, Victoria Aveyard, Jennifer L. Armentrout, Gena Showalter, and Claire Legrand: I’m so lucky to call you guys my friends. I adore you all.

To my agent, Tamar Rydzinski: What would I do without you? You’ve been my rock, my guiding star, and my fairy godmother from the very beginning. Seven books later, I still don’t have the words to express my gratitude. To my editor, Cat Onder: Working with you on these books has been a highlight of my career. Thank you for your wisdom, your kindness, and your editorial brilliance.

To my phenomenal teams at Bloomsbury worldwide and CAA—Cindy Loh, Cristina Gilbert, Jon Cassir, Kathleen Farrar, Nigel Newton, Rebecca McNally, Natalie Hamilton, Sonia Palmisano, Emma Hopkin, Ian Lamb, Emma Bradshaw, Lizzy Mason, Courtney Griffin, Erica Barmash, Emily Ritter, Grace Whooley, Eshani Agrawal, Nick Thomas, Alice Grigg, Elise Burns, Jenny Collins, Linette Kim, Beth Eller, Diane Aronson, Emily Klopfer, Melissa Kavonic, Donna Mark, John Candell, Nicholas Church, Adiba Oemar, Hermione Lawton, Kelly de Groot, and the entire foreign rights team—it’s an honor to know and work with you. Thank you for making my dreams come true. To Cassie Homer: Thank you for everything. You are an absolute delight.

To my family (especially my parents): I love you to the moon and back.

To Louisse Ang, Nicola Wilksinson, Elena Yip, Sasha Alsberg, Vilma Gonzalez, Damaris Cardinali, Alexa Santiago, Rachel Domingo, Jamie Miller, Alice Fanchiang, and the Maas Thirteen: your generosity, friendship, and support mean the world to me.

And, lastly, to my readers: You guys are the greatest. The actual greatest. None of this would have been possible without you. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart for all that you do for me and my books.

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Tags: Sarah J. Maas A Court of Thorns and Roses Young Adult